Changing Moments

Chapter 6

When I woke up from my 2 hour nap my computer caught my eye. For some reason I was more then excited to check if David wrote back. Allie do you always feel the need to freak out over this man? I rolled my eyes as I finally gave into myself and turned on the computer. I got to my emails and saw there was one new in box. I felt my heart rate speed up as I clicked on the reply.

Hello ,

Hmm engine issues huh? That must have been pretty stressful, bet you're in need of that massage right about now. So later today we are being split up into those rooms for the final decisions. Kill me now. I could bring my laptop with me..... that is if you don't mind, I will just be dying of boredom. Well I hope to hear from you soon, Bye.


I do wish he was here to give me another massage, that was heaven. No! Wait Allie, you barely know him....

I looked at the time he sent the message and I wondered if he would be in those rooms already. What the heck. I thought as I signed into my MSN. Yep there he was on line.

David: Hey you.
Allie: Hey, how are you holdin' up?
David: Let's just say I am so happy you signed on!
Allie: Are you in the same room as Michael?
David: No... it has got me worried. Any room he's in they're through.
Allie: Aww don't say that, you were amazing yesterday! Both of you guys are gonna make it.
David: Thank-You :) That calmed me down a little bit.

Our conversation went on for hours, I didn't even realize the time that went by. The scary part was...... I hate to even say it, but I think we were on the verge flirting by the end of it.

David: I bet you're looking forward to becoming a rock fan ;)
Allie: I think you're a bit to sure about that.. I will NEVER like that stuff.
David: Ouch, sounding like Simon much?
Allie: If you prefer Randy...... DAG check it out, I ain't ever gonna like that stuff.... yo. :P
David: Hahahahahaha! You really are hilarious.... would it be weird to say that I missed you?

I didn't answer for a minute... I was in shock.

David: Alright scratch that, pretend I never said anything sorry....
Allie: No don't be sorry..... because I uh miss you too..
David: Well then, I'm excited for when you come back down.
Allie: All but the plane ride I'm looking forward to.
David: I'll take care of that
Allie: Can't wait.
David: Oh the judges just came in... just a sec.

I found myself anxious to see if he made it or not. I knew he did, there's no way that talent would be let go of.

David: Guess.....
Allie: Hmm let's see, a handsome guitar player with an amazing voice. I say you made it!
David: YES!! Wait... can we backtrack a second... handsome? ;)
Allie: Handsome?... Nope I didn't type that. :P
David: Sure whatever Allie. Well my laptop is about to die so I better go charge it. Cy ah beautiful.
Allie: Beautiful?
David: Bye! ;)

That was the last thing he said before signing off. I couldn't believe I actually found myself blushing at that last comment he made.Beautiful repeated in my head.

It wasn't to long after our conversation ended that I got that call from Michael.

" ALLIE! I MADE IT!" Michael screamed through the phone.

" Well duhhh, I never thought other wise!"

" Flattery my dear."

" Yeah yeah, you got a wife for that."

" You know I'm kidding with ya Al."

" No.... really? " I said sarcastically

" Haha oh you. So did you know David made it too?"

" Yup, he was talking to me."

" He was TALKING to you? I seee."

" Hey! It's not what you think."

" Getting a bit offensive are we? I never said a thing Hun."

" I'm sure you were thinking something."

" Don't worry I will get you the hook up. Bye now!" I could almost see the huge smirk he was giving me right now.

" Hook up?? Waiiiiit a minute!" But he hung up before I could say anymore.