Changing Moments

Chapter 8

David's POV.

God this girl was amazing. She really doesn't understand how perfect she is, her eyes are just.... damn. Have you ever stood on a wharf looking out onto a foggy ocean at night? Well that's how I can describe her eyes, I just wish she would show them to me more often.

I think she is finally starting not to shy around me, I mean the emails were long but I see talking face to face was hard for her. It only seemed to be around me though, with Michael she was fine. I wondered why that was... I mean she couldn't really have the same feelings that I feel for her, can she?

After picking her up we drove back to the apartments, and lucky for me I was roomed with Michael. That means I will see Allie a bunch since she's so tight with him. When we got our room Michael already had the door opened and was running to give her a hug.

" AL! Finally! I missed you."

" What about me?" I joked at Mike.

" You're so right Cook... group hug!" He pulled both Allie and I into a tight hug.

I felt bad for Allie, she was squished in the middle of us. But man was it getting hot in here, I was just so close to her that I could feel her breath quicken. It was almost like Michael pushed Allie closer because both of us seemed to stumble backwards a little bit.

Allie's POV.

What the hell Mike? Why is he pushing me closer to David? I'm not saying I didn't like it though...... no. Actually I hated it, at least I tried to.

Does he know how perfect he is? I mean come on! If only I could be perfect in his eyes, but that's never going to happen. I guess I'll just have to keep on dreaming.


The rest of the day went on pretty normal. The guys sang me their songs they chose and I almost died when I heard David's voice. It was amazing!

" So Allie? Can you sing?" David asked as we were sitting on their couch watching a late night movie.

" Yup, I'm great. I'd kick your ass in this competition."

Mike burst out into laughter.

" Really?"

" Hell no, I'm horrible."

" Oh, I was about to challenge you at a sing off if you were that good."

" Well that is not happening."

We continued to watch the movie until Lauren called me back and I went to her apartment.