I Promise


“This wasn’t supposed to happen! We were supposed to be together forever! How can you do this to me?” I cried as I held on to him. He was lying in a hospital bed. He shouldn’t have been there! He didn’t deserve to be like this! He could have waited. He didn’t need to come and see me! If he had waited and came later then everything would be fine, we would be together right now celebrating our happiness. But no, god just has to make as happy as I could be then rip it out from under me just like that. God, I can still remember the first day we meant! I thought you were such a weirdo that whole day.

I was sitting in a sandbox just filling the bucket with sand and dumping it out again. I was so bored. I would much rather be at home reading. I know what you’re thinking, ‘why would a five year old want read?’, because you get to go in an imaginary world. A nice imaginary world. But back to the activity at hand. I had just dumped my hundredth bucket of sand, yes I was counting, when he walked up to me.

He just stood there staring at me while I continued to dump fifty more buckets out. “Do you want something?” I finally said. He hadn’t moved yet and it was kind of weird.

“I’m Zacky.”

“Skylar.” I think he was kind of annoyed that I would look at him.

“What are you doing?” I finally looked up at him. He was staring at me strangely. He had beautiful green eyes and black hair. He looked about seven.

“Dumping sand and waiting.”

“What are you waiting for?”

“To leave here.”

“You don’t like parks?”

“Nope, books are better.”

“You’re weird.” He smirked. I stared at him appalled. He doesn’t even know me, how dare he call me that! “But I like it.” He said as he sat down beside me, grabbed a bucket and started doing the same with I was. Then he turned his head towards me. “I’m weird too, so it’s okay. You’re going to be my new best friend.” He smiled. I stared at him strangely.

“Okay.” I said slowly. He was so weird.
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Part one of a three-shot. :) Comment please.