I Promise


“God, remember our first kiss? That was probably the worst kiss of my life.” I laughed out loud as I remembered.

“Skylar.” Zacky sang as he skipped into my living room and plopped down beside me on the couch by me. “Whicha ya doing?” He sounded like a five year old.

“Reading Zacky.” I laughed.

“But it’s so nice out. Come hang with the guys and me.” He said as he grabbed my book from me. I was 14 now, Zacky 16. We were still best friends.

“Zacky.” I whined. “Give me my book back!” I said as I tried to grab it from him. Him and his stupid long arms!

“Nope.” He laughed. “Come out in the sun with me and the guys.” Then he got this look in his eyes. “Or you can give me a kiss.” He smirked.

“No! Now give me the book.” I said as I tried reaching for it again.

“Kiss first.”

“Zacky I don’t want to kiss you.” I lied. God, I really wanted to kiss him. But it could ruin our friendship if I did that. He looked really hurt.

“Why?” He mumbled sadly.

“Um… I…. um you see” I paused for a second while I got the words figured out in my head. “I’ve never been kissed before.” I mumbled as I looked away from his beautiful green eyes. “And you’ve kissed a lot of girls, and I don’t want you to think I’m a bad kisser.” I said really quickly while I started playing with a loose thread on my shirt. He lifted my chin up so he could see my face. I looked at him, he had this really sweet look in his eyes.

“I won’t think you’re a bad kisser.” He said right before his lips attached to my own. After a few moments he pulled away and looked at me like he wanted me to say something. I smirked at him.

“No wonder you wouldn’t think I was a bad kisser, you’re horrible.” I said jokingly.

“Oh hardy har har Sky. You’re such a riot. You know that will be the best kiss you ever get.” He said as he got up off the couch. “Now let’s go outside.” He said as he grabbed my arm and pulled me towards the door.
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