Sequel: Confusion Girl

Dear Jane Doe


It wasn’t originally my idea. My imagination was still pretty worn from coming up with the inspiring name of our band. It was safe to say that my swift journey into the pages of ‘To Kill a Mockingbird’ was where the notion had stuck me.

I would tempt her, wean her onto my presence, and make her see what I felt.

Okay… it was more appropriate to say that I was bored stiff of simply watching this girl glide by my window and was ready to make some kind of contact. Even if that contact still meant me sitting safely behind the 2 inch glass of my bedroom. I couldn’t risk her recognising me just yet… my well-built ego and reputation were on the line.

So excited to test out my plan, I’d barely taken one closet girl today. As soon as the last bell rang I’d tossed back the girl’s pink thong and did something I never usually did: grin at her. She was so stunned by my act of emotion after the sex that she squealed before running off to educate the entire school about my slip-up.

But I didn’t care. All I cared about was seeing my girl’s face light up when she saw what I had laid on the path.

I bolted to my room without even so much as a hello to my dad who worked in the basement.

After a few breathless minutes she came sauntering along. Her usually tied up hair swung free today, catching the suns rays and shining with a million stars. It made me long for her even more uncontrollably and it was an achievement that I didn’t just run down there and rape her.

As I’d predicted she paused at the gleam coming from one of the trees. My heart beat in my throat. I’d made sure to place the beautiful necklace a mid some foliage which the window still had a perfect view to.

In delight, I watched amazement and wonder wash her beautiful face. A hand gracefully reached out and retrieved the jewellery sparkling turquoise in the sun. A small note fell at the sudden movement and, more slowly as if cautious, she bent over to pick it up. In my mind I imagined her reading the words I’d so painstakingly written.

“You are so beautiful.”

It was sappy and sad, not to mention stalker behaviour, yet they were the only words I had the nerve to jot down. I half expected her to drop the gift and run away shrieking, never to return again, but instead she looked up sharply and surveyed the path as if someone were crouching behind a bush.

I smirked at her naivety. I wasn’t so stupid that I would actually put her virginity at risk by being down there. In the back of my mind I hoped it would put some of the hurt I’d caused her at the party to rest.

A small smile spread across her plump lips in a way that drove me half insane. I saw her quickly retrieve something from her bag and turn away to bend over it. Curiosity was added onto my painful list of emotions that mainly consisted of lust and desire. Then she carried on her journey down the small path, the necklace worth all $15 of my pay-check shining in her hand.

As soon as I was sure she was long gone I shot out and swiftly leaped over my small garden fence which led to the path. Hastily, my hand found the note which now had an extra few lines added to it in red marker and long handwriting.

“I’m sorry I’m stealing your gift to your beautiful sweetheart, tomorrow I promise it will be here at half 3.”

That silly girl. She was my sweetheart. Yet her obviously low self-esteem only made me want to tell her how beautiful she was more and more and more. She should keep the necklace, it was my first try at wooing her and it sure as hell wasn’t going to be my last.
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Sorry guys that I haven't update in ages. Hopefully this sort of makes up for it even though this chapter isn't one of my favourites. I just want you guys to get an idea of them sending notes to each other.

Thank you lovers xox