My Little Girl

Lucy Messer is everything like her parents: good at what she does. Her parents, Danny and Lindsay, are CSI's in New York. They taught Lucy everything they know about crime scenes and analyzing data, and they even consult her from time to time. But the biggest thing they ever taught her to do was how to catch a liar.

But she uses that in a way that they never thought about. Lucy is an ice skater. But never told her parents. She sneaks out for practices and competitions. Now she spends her days lying to everyone about where she is and what she does. She knows how to hide it from them, because of everything that they have taught her.

She was doing fine...that is until she finds out she needs a partner for the biggest competition of her life. A competition that could determine her future. Now she is mad. But when she finds out who her partner is, she is furious.

They now have to work together and overcome their obstacles to achieve this dream. They think that after this is over they can move on and never see each other again. But then something happens that changes their lives
  1. Info
    Characters and a note
  2. Intro
    A morning for the Messer's
  3. Finding out her secret...
    Lucy gets some bad news and Stella and Adam find out what she is hiding.
  4. My dad...
    Lucy gets a partner and more than she bargained for.
  5. Danny's truth and Stella's house
  6. Comforting Words and an Idiot Uncle
  7. Sabotage
  8. Nate's Interrogation
  9. Amazing Sight
  10. Big Surprise