The Twist of Romeo & Juliet

Marvelous Twist

The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet: ACT V

SCENE III, A churchyard; in it a tomb belonging to the Capulet’s

Enter Romeo and Balthasar, with a torch, mattock and wrenching iron.


Balthasar, I shall take that mattock and wrenching iron while you take this letter. Later on thou will deliver it to my lord and father. Hand me the torch. Thou shall not disrupt me as I descend into this chamber of death. Do not dare see inside the chamber or this thirsty hollow ground shall be wet with your blood and drink its warm delight. I must see Juliet’s beautiful face one more time. Now go Balthasar, deliver this letter onto my father.


I will not disturb you, sir, or dare peer into the darkness of the tomb.


Thank you Balthasar, thou shall be greatly rewarded by God, for thy good deed.


And God be with you Romeo Montague, goodbye.

Exit Balthasar


Death, I stare into thou dark eyes and wish you may let me enter your world. I must say goodbye to my lady one last time before I join you in death.

Opens the tomb

Passing bodies, searches for Juliet

Dear Tybalt, I pay thee respects to you. I am truly sorry for what I have done to make you lay here.

Sees Juliet
Oh sweet lady, I have found you.

Hears someone enter

Another has entered thy chamber, I shall hide and if it is Balthasar he shall be struck down here.

Enter Paris


Oh sweet Juliet, I had to see you one last time. O woe, my sweet wife.


Your wife? Her love is mine, thy ring shows it.


Romeo Montague, thou have been banished. And this fair Lady’s love belongs to me. It would have been shown with marriage but she passed away with grief from dear Tybalt. Whom you slain, you caused the death of my wife. I shall slay and banish you to hell myself.

They fight

Juliet starts to stir


What has happened, where am I? County Paris and my Romeo, what are thou fighting over in the tomb of my family. Have you no shame.


O, my sweet Juliet. You are alive and we are together.


This cannot be. I saw thee cold and pale, dead as night in thy room. You are not real, and surly not in with a Montague. You are dead but alive. No, thou are dead and not of this world or God. You are from below and shall be sent back.


Paris you shall not touch her.


She is of the Devil and she must be destroyed.


Of the Devil or not you loved her and you wanted her. She is no different than what she was two days ago. Drop your sword and be thankful she is here.


No, she must die and if you will not kill thee creature from hell, I will.

Paris lunges with his sword into Juliet’s chest.
Blood starts pouring from her mouth.


An ungrateful thing thou are Paris. Juliet was alive again, look what thou has done. My wife and my future are gone, taken from me. Paris, thou shall be killed like thee killed her.

They fight.
Paris falls, a dagger is his chest.

Romeo moves to hold Juliet.

Her breath is weak but breath she does. Dear Juliet, do not die, but if thy does die, know that Paris has been slain too. You will rest peacefully knowing this, and knowing I will follow you in death. I will be with you.


I’m not dead yet, and neither is she. Yet soon she will be and God will notice I have ridden the world of her presence. I will die with honor.



Romeo, kiss thy lips for I fear it will be the last thing I will feel. I love you, but I have to go. My love for you, Romeo Montague, is like fire. It burns inside me. I love you.

She dies in Romeo’s arms.


If it is fire that burns within her, then it will be fire that will burn her. Our ashes will be together. We will burn together.

He takes the torch he brought with him and starts to burn anything that will catch fire.
He takes the poison he was originally going to use and drinks it. He lays Juliet in his arms and dies. The fire burns the Capulet’s tomb.

The fire alerts the Prince, the Capulet’s, and the Friar with his lantern and crow.


The tomb, the tomb of thy family, it’s burning. O woe, my family smoldering to ashes. The foul smell is almost too much to bear.

Lady Capulet

Oh my sweet Juliet, my only child. She’s burning; her body is turning to ash.

Friar Laurence

What has happened to this tomb? What is this smoke that rises out of it?


What does thou have I thy hand Friar? Were you going to break into this tomb?

A pause

Friar Laurence

I was simply going to bless the recently deceased Juliet. I was very fond of this little girl. She was a good child.

Enter Lady Montague

O, what has happened? I have come to see what has happened and found who I needed to find. Friar, Prince, Lord Montague has received a letter from Romeo. It was so much on him. He has fallen. Cold, Pale, and dead as night, O woe, thou has lost my husband and thy son.

Friar Laurence

Lost thy son, he is in Mantua. He is alive. No, my Romeo was here, he was married, we didn’t even know.

Friar Laurence

Married? Married to who my dear?

Lady Montague

Juliet, Juliet Capulet. When he heard she had died he came back, daring death, to pay her his respects. Married to thy enemy, can thou believe it?


No, my Juliet was arranged to marry Paris. She was not married.

Paused to think

If Romeo came back to pay respects then he is in there, he has done this. He burned the tomb of my family and the body of thy child. The battle of the Montague’s and Capulet’s is not over yet. It shall never be over until they are all slain.


If you draw thy sword I shall kill you. We will not know exactly what happened tonight. We never will know. But enough blood has been shed. No more will be. Not between these two families. The Story of Romeo Montague and Juliet Capulet will never be known.
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