Define ***ed-Up



Gerard banged the door loud enough to let the neighbours eight blocks away to hear him. He didn’t feel like sticking his hand into his pocket and grab his keys.

“It didn’t go on well, uh?” Mikey leaned on the doorframe, folding his arms on his chest.

“Fuck. Off.” Gerard spat and pushed Mikey out of his way, stumbling up the stairs into his room.

“Ok.” Mikey made a face, “I take that as a no.” he said into the air and followed his brother.

“Wanna…talk about it?” Mikey sat beside his brother who was currently lying on his bed.

Gerard groaned and pushed his brother off his bed. Mikey faked a loud bump and cried “How could you” in a feminine voice. He watched as his brother sighed and turned to face the wall. Mikey pouted before pounding on Gerard who immediately started shoving Mikey off his bed again. The two brothers started the rolling and shoving contest on Gerard’s bed. Gerard, because of deficient in exercise, was the first to give up. Mikey pinned his brother onto his own bed and snickered.

“I, Mikey Way, was the mastermind of your little meeting with this Frank kid. So I have the right to know whatever the hell happened.” Mikey declared.

Gerard sighed before giving in. “He walked out on me.” It was as simple as a statement but Mikey could feel the bitterness buried in his brother’s tone.


“After I said I think I like him.”


The two fell silence. Mikey had always considered his brother as a really hot guy that no exist human female in this world was capable of denying anything Gerard said or asked for, he thought it would probably go the same way with boys but seems that he’s wrong. Or maybe not, it’s just that this Frank was some determined freak or something similar. As this wonderful brother of Gerard’s, Mikey felt obligated to help his brother get Frank.

“Have you dumped that bitch yet?”

“Uh? N…o…” It came out more like a question.

“Then dump her to show Frank that you really mean every thing you said.”

“But that would be like, telling the whole world I like guys and in love with a kid…”

“Fuck it! Fuck it! Just Fucking fuck it!” Mikey spat angrily. “How could you say that? Uh? This might be the love of your life, you’re not letting go of this just because he’s a guy or the fact that he’s your student’s brother or because he’s just a few years younger than you.”

“Not just a few years…”



Mikey sighed. How could he phrase it right to make Gerard understand his point? “The thing is, as much as I’ve heard from you about this Frank. I really think he’s a great kid, and he deserves something good. And, and I’m sure you’re willing to give him everything you have too, so, why not be patient with him and wait for the day when he finally realizes what he has?”

Mikey had a point.

Gerard was sure he was willing to dump Julian just for Frank’s sake. Because as days went by, he felt more and more attached to Frank. Frank had this ‘force of gravity’ that pulls Gerard towards him, force him to think about him. And that’s driving Gerard crazy.

“Maybe you’re right.” Gerard sat up and patted Mikey’s knee. “There shouldn’t be anything that blocks love.” Although he knew it sounded super cheesy, he found himself determined.

And although Mikey knew what Gerard just said was very important to him, he still couldn’t help but found it extremely, utterly cheesy and started laughing hysterically.

“I never imagined I would witness this day coming…” Mikey said between laughs.

“Oh, blow me.” Gerard rolled his eyes and shoved his laughing brother out of his room.


“BYE CARLA!” Angela shouted across the street to her friend Carla who was constantly jumping and waving at Angela till her mother tugged her into their car.

Angela sighed and starting thinking about her own mother. No, don’t think. Frankie wouldn’t be happy if he found out you were thinking about her. Think happy thoughts…hum … Think about Frankie! That’s right! Today is grocery day, and it’s chocolate day too! Cause last time I got tricked by Frankie and had to eat a whole week of poisoning skittles. Wonder have I changed colour… Angela looked at her hands and was relieved to see them still in human colour.

She was standing at the school entrance waiting for her brother to pick her up. It was unusual for Frank to be late but that mostly meant Frank was caught late for school because Angela wouldn’t wake up when Frank told her to this morning. Poor Frankie, Angela thought, but it’s not like I made him late, she smiled.

Angela leaned on the school gate and starting rocking herself slightly. She looked around to find something interesting to stare at. Janitor moping the floor – no. Stupid kids waving enthusiastically at their mother – no. Mr. Way talking to his stupid girlfriend – hell yes!

Mr. Way and his girlfriend was standing somewhere near the gate not far from where Angela was standing. She tried to concentrate on her ears but still couldn’t make out what they were saying. Mr. Way seemed to be explaining something, somewhat desperate, his girlfriend was simply shaking her head, crazy, in Angela’s opinion. Her eyes went wide when she saw what Mr. Way’s girlfriend did after her teacher stopped talking, she freaking slapped him.

That bitch slapped Mr. Way!

Angela thought if only she was permitted to use those words and get all blunt and straight with Mr. Way’s stupid girlfriend, what she should be doing now would probably be running over to Mr. Way’s girlfriend and scream ‘Screw off, you bitch. Your standard is nowhere near Mr. Way!’ and make that dumb chick cry in embarrassment in front of all people. But she wasn’t permitted to do such a thing so all she could do was stand there and observe. Her teacher didn’t say anything, just stood there and let his girlfriend bitch around and go all crazy before storming away.

Angela was still imagining herself insulting her teacher’s girlfriend when she felt two strong arms slightly gripping her shoulders. She spun around and beamed.

“Hey honey, I’m sorry I’m late. Some teachers just couldn’t live without a lifelong lecture.” Frank smiled apologetically, kneeling in front of Angela.

“No problem, but I think you just missed something good.” She smiled. “It would be even better if I got the permission to say something you wouldn’t let me say, especially in public…” Angela continued talking to herself.


“Oh no, nothing. Let’s go.”

It was just seconds before Angela’s daily rambling started when someone yelled out for Frank. Both turned around and both made a face when they saw who was it behind them. One face that says ‘Oh for the love of god, not again’ as the other one says ‘Yes, yes, yes, yes! I knew it!

“Mr. Way!” said the younger of the two.

“ -Sighs- What?” said the elder of the two.

“Can I walk with you guys?” Gerard asked nervously.

“No.” Angela was aiming at Frank’s balls when she punched him but sadly, Frank knew his sister too well to just stand there and get beat by her, so she missed and her fist ended up on the left side of his leg, which still hurts like a bitch.

“My brother meant ‘No problem’, now come here and lets walk together.” Angela gladly grabbed Gerard’s wrist and started walking with her brother on the other hand.

Angela never felt more like in a family than she was then. One side, with her wonderful beloved brother that she would die without, and on the other side, the world’s best teacher and best guy in the whole world excluding her brother from ‘the whole world’. She looked between her brother and her class teacher blissfully. Should I be skipping when I feel bliss? Angela tilted her head and thought. Yes I should. Beaming. Skip, skip, skip.

“I broke up with my girlfriend.” Gerard said, trying to make himself sound casual by counting the bricks on the pavement.

Oh my god! Mr. Way finally broke up with that son of a biscuit! What? Frank told me to use biscuit instead of bitch cause it’s rude to call people bitches. But it’s not like I care being rude to people or not. Duh.

Frank didn’t answer so Gerard continued, “I want you to understand that I’m serious about this, I really like you. Please trust me.” Gerard sounded sincere.

It took Frank two minutes to form a complete sentence after his brain recovered from the shocking news of Gerard breaking up with his girlfriend. “I never said I didn’t trust you.”

“Then why did you walk out on me last Sunday?”

“I, I um…” Frank stopped walking to concentrate on his sentence. “Look Gerard, I trust everything you say. It’s just that…we, um…we can never be together.”

The last few words came like a bunch of knifes stabbing straight through Gerard’s heart. He was confused, and hurt. “But…but why?”

“Gerard, I was being so stupid back then. Now, when I look back, I’m so glad you told me you had a girlfriend. If not, I would have made some huge mistakes. Anyways, it’s not your fault that I chose not to be with you. It’s my problem, don’t ever blame yourself.”

Angela knew his brother meant every word he said, but he also didn’t want to mean it, because they hurt him too. The hand she was holding was shaking slightly, ever so slightly that only she who was holding it would have noticed. On the other hand, Angela could also feel her teacher’s grip on her hand becoming tighter and tighter. It’s funny how you can feel others real feelings through their hands, shaking, sweating, gripping.

“Can I ask you one more question?” Gerard squeezed Angela’s hand a little.


“Have you ever gotten mad for what I’ve done?”

“I had, but not anymore.”

Frank continued walking, leaving Gerard and Angela behind. Gerard was staring at Frank’s figure walking further and further away hopelessly. And that obviously made Angela felt sorry for him. She thought for a while then tugged Gerard’s hand. Gerard looked down at her and gave a weak smile.

“You really broke up with your girlfriend just because of my brother?” Angela asked with sparkling eyes.

“Well…yeah, but it doesn’t matter now…” At that point, Angela really wanted to ask Gerard why he was being so good to her brother when her brother was being a total prick. My brother damn well doesn’t deserve you. She walked closer to Gerard and gave him a hug. I deserve you. Smiles. Must help this poor kid.

“Wanna know the trick?” Angela popped up her head from Gerard’s waist, smirking like she held the key to wisdom.

“Yeah, what?” Gerard tilted his head to listen to his last hope.

Plead like a pathetic.

When those words hit Gerard, he really had the urge to peel off Angela's skin to see if there’s a Mikey hiding inside. But since that wouldn’t be possible, all he could do was stand there and arch his brow. Like he did before.

“Ok, if you don’t think you can handle that, use puppy dog eyes and repeat the same sentence for at least a hundred times in front of him.”

“What should I say?”

“I don’t know. Why don’t you suggest and I pick?”

“Uh…please forgive me?”

“He already said he wasn’t mad at you or anything.”

“Uh…be my boyfriend?” Angela arched her brow and smirked.

“That ain’t a sentence you should repeat at least a hundred times.”


The two continued walking while thinking about what to say.

“I don’t think there’s anything left.” Gerard scratched the back of his head.

“Yeah, me too.” Angela agreed. “Then just stare at him with puppy dog eyes.”

“Oh yeah?”

“Yeah, let me see you puppy dog eyes first.”

Gerard thought for a while then threw his best puppy dog eyes at Angela.

Oh my god this guy has the best puppy dog eyes in the world. I bet thousands of women would lost their virginity under those puppy dog eyes.

“How is it?” Gerard asked excitedly.

“Uh? Um…great, great. Just, don’t use it if it’s not for my brother.” Angela said thoughtfully.

“Uh, ok. I won’t.”

“Now, go stare.” Angela pushed Gerard forward to Frank.

She let herself stay behind to observe the two closely. God this is fun. God knows how much Frankie hated puppy dog eyes and how much he couldn’t resist it. Especially Mr. Way’s, I bet no one could.

Frank stared at the pavement and wondered why was Gerard staring at him so intensely. He tilted his head to take a squint at Gerard’s face, but retreated it almost immediately. GOD! Those eyes… Frank looked over his shoulder and caught his sister waving at him and mouthing ‘You suck’.

Frank quickened his pace, hoping to get home as fast as he could. He finally snapped when he got to the porch, with Gerard still following him closely behind.

“What do you want?” Frank asked clearly annoyed.

“No, what do you want from me? I broke up with my girlfriend of three years just for you.” Gerard also snapped.

Frank’s face softened when he heard Gerard said he broke up just for him. He sighed and stared at his feet.

“Nothing, Gerard, nothing. I want nothing from you.”

Gerard wilted immediately. Frank felt sorry, but there’s nothing he could do. He couldn’t lie to himself that it’s alright to be with Gerard, it’s not. Frank stepped forward and gave Gerard a hug. He thought that might make him feel better.

“Come on Gerard, we can still be good friends.” Frank pulled out to look at Gerard’s face.

“Oh yeah?” Gerard asked pouting a little.

“Of course, man. I won’t treat you like an alien just because you said you like me.”

Gerard gave in and let out a small giggle. “Ok, I understand.”

Frank smiled warmly at him then called out to Angela, opening the front door.

“Would you…like to come in?” Frank asked when he made sure his sister was safely inside.

“Nah, I still have things to do.” Gerard shifted foot to foot nervously.

“Ok, then. Bye.”

“Wait, Frank.”


“I just wanna tell you…I really like you. And I’ll always be there when you need me.” Gerard chocked out a nervous laugh, knowing that he sounded cheesy.

“Thanks, really.” Frank smiled, playing with the doorknob.

“Um…bye, I guess.”

“Yeah, bye.”

Gerard stared at the closed door and thought of a famous phrase from a book.

To love is to risk not being loved in return.

To hope is to risk disappointment.

But risk must be taken because the greatest risk in life is to risk nothing.

The person who risk nothing, does nothing, see nothing, has nothing and is nothing.

He cannot learn, feel, change, grow, love and live.’

- Author unknown

Gerard thought for a moment then answered himself:

He will love, will hope and he will risk.

Just for Frank.

Hey! Super duper long update for all my brilliant readers out there. I told you I would give you long updates if you comment. So, comment more ^^ COMMENT...