Define ***ed-Up



Frank looked up at the girl with the umbrella and blinked. Should he be saying any thing?

“Can I sit here?” The girl pointed at the seat beside Frank and smiled.

“Yeah, sure.” Frank tried to smiled back and scooted over.

“I’m Jane, what’s your name?” The girl asked looking amused by a fully soaked Frank.

“Frank.” Frank answered simply, pushing his black, damped mane of hair back off his face.

“So what are you doing here in the middle of the night, sitting in the rain without an umbrella?” Jane leaned closer to Frank so that Frank’s whole body was under the umbrella.

“Nothing serious, I’m just…kinda…thinking about something.” Frank slipped both of his hands between his legs, trying to keep himself warm but shuddered visibly after a few moments.

“Hey dude, are you really alright? I think you should go home and get yourself dry first.” Jane suggested with concern.

“No! Please, god no.” Frank said between shuddering teeth.

“But…you seem really cold, you’ll get sick and…”

“No!” Frank persisted.

“O…k… then, make sure you drink a cup of Lemsip and shove down a couple of vitamin C pills before you go to bed tonight.” Jane smirked but still made Frank promise he would do what she said when he got back home.

Frank looked at Jane gratefully before sniffing a bit. It’s been so long since he last had a decent conversation with someone except for his sister, Angela, and his sister’s class teacher. He hasn’t talked to his mother for a long time either, since she goes to work early and comes home late at mid-night everyday. But this stranger seemed concerned about him even though they haven’t known each other for more than five minutes. Frank really wanted to lean over and give Jane a big bear hug, but since that would probably look strange and make him look like either a poor kid or a pervert, he chose to keep his emotional feelings to himself. Frank smiled inwardly and thought how lucky was he to chose tonight to come here and meet this great girl.

Frank and Jane talked about everything they could think of, from the most annoying teacher to the best horror movie ever. They found many things that they had in common and also found the comfort in each other. Frank enjoyed talking to Jane so much that he even wanted to lie to himself that Angela was going to wake up by herself when he saw the first morning light shone through the trees.

“You really should go home now.” Jane offered when she saw Frank kept peeking at his watch, looking anxious.

“Yeah, I think I really should.” Frank stood up with a smile.

“Here’s my number,” Jane wrote down her number and handed it to Frank. “I’m pretty much on holiday so you can call me when ever you want.”

“Sure, I will.”

With that, Frank said his final goodbye and waved as he started running back to his house. He slipped back into his house and went to change his fully soaked clothes before turning on the stove and started making breakfast for his sister. The smile plastered across his face never disappeared.


Frank invited Jane to his house for dinner the next day. Making his sister who had been eavesdropping on their whole conversation on the other phone in the kitchen almost fainted. Angela was so anxious that day in school that she almost threw up on Gerard during class. She knew Gerard had to be there tonight, no matter what. She was so not going to give up her brother on some random dumb chick. Never. Ever.

Angela had been extremely pale through out the whole day because of the sake of anxiousness. She felt her stomach twisted when she saw her class teacher walked into their classroom. She couldn’t stand that heart-warming smile on Gerard’s face, which she was normally so fond of. She needed her teacher to know what the hell was going on. Angela needed the attention from her teacher right then and there. That’s probably the main reason why she started gagging terribly in the middle of Gerard’s class.

“Hey Angela, are you alright?” Gerard asked, approaching his pale and now gagging Angela.

Angela was sure half of her classmates (mostly girls) were then staring big holes at her whole body. They must have thought she was doing it for Gerard’s attention. Technically she was, but she needed the attention for another reason.

“No Mr. Way, I feel terrible.” Angela grimaced at the weird feeling inside her stomach. “Terrible…”

“You want to go to the sick room?” Gerard asked, rubbing her back a little. He knelt down when he saw his student nodded.

“Do you want Carla to go with you?” He asked softly as he helped Angela up.

“No! I need you to go with me.” Angela hissed.

If only those daggers her classmates were throwing at her were visible, her back and sides would probably be stabbed by millions of them. Thank god looks can’t kill, Angela though.

After Gerard had told the whole class to do silent reading while he was gone, he pulled Angela out of the classroom and hurried to the sick room.

“Mr. Way…” Angela muffled behind her hand.

“Yes?” Gerard looked down at his terrible looking student.

“You got to come over to my house tonight.” Angela said, trying to force the sick feeling out of her head.

“Angela, this is not the time to talk about these things!” The teacher frowned as they came to the ghost white door Angela hated so much.


“I promise you we’ll talk about this later.” Gerard gave her an assuring smile before turning doorknob.

It was lunch break after the lesson, so Gerard came back to see how was Angela doing as soon as he dismissed his class. Angela was looking a bit sick but much better than she was a few moments ago.

“Hey, how are you feeling?” Gerard said and sat down beside Angela.

“Please come over tonight? Please?” Angela begged as soon as she noticed her teacher’s presence.

“Angela,” Gerard sighed and rested his head on the wall behind him, “Do you not understand that your brother doesn’t like me there?” He stated bitterly.

“No…yes? No, I don’t. But it’s not like that this time. My brother has freaking invited a girl over our house tonight! For dinner!” Angela almost cried with joy when the shocked look slowly appeared on Gerard’s face, knowing that her teacher has finally got what she wanted him to know.

“What…but he…” Gerard was speechless.

“Come. Over. To. My. Effing. House. Tonight.”


If there was a tiny little piece of shocked feeling there in Frank’s mind when he opened the door to reveal Gerard standing at the porch, he wasn’t showing it. He just opened the door and dipped his head a little before heading back into the living room.

Normally, if Gerard was at Frank’s house at night, he would do the cooking. No difference with this time. He was unpacking the things he brought over when Jane arrived. Angela, who was sitting on the kitchen counter, admiring her wonderful class teacher, almost fell off when she heard the clear knock on the front door.

“Mr. Way!” Angela hissed under her breath and Gerard nodded.

The pair tiptoed to the kitchen door and pocked they heads out. Frank and Jane were sitting on the couch, talking. Jane’s back was facing the kitchen, making both Angela and Gerard want to mentally grab her shoulder and force her around. Jane felt holes burning at her back, one big and one small (technically Angela owned the big one because Gerard was just semi-staring, out of politeness). She didn’t dare to turn her back because Frank’s body language was telling her to ignore them, but god did she not feel the daggers stabbing into her back.

“So is that the girl Frank has invited?” Gerard chewed on his lower lip after asking.

“Duh. Do you see other girls in this house, except for the beautiful Angela princess, me?” Angela gave Gerard the ‘duh obviously’ look before turning her head back slightly to continue throwing daggers at Jane, occasionally giving her brother some.

“I was just asking.” The older one pouted innocently.

“Yeah, she’s the slut who has just found her new pet which was sadly named after my brother, Frank, and was constantly eye fucking him to please herself. Alright?” Angela didn’t really said the word ‘fucking’ but she was sure Gerard knew what she meant.

Gerard’s jaw dropped when he heard the comment. “That was…a fairly impressive description.” Gerard nodded for effect.

“Thank you.”

“But I don’t think I’m gonna believe half of it.”

“No harm done.”

Jane was pretty surprised when she saw another man appearing from the kitchen, holding what she believed to be their dinner, and a little girl following him closely behind.

“This is my sister, Angela. I believe I’ve already told you a lot about her. Angela, this is Jane.” Frank introduced.

Angela gave Jane a sweet, angelic smile before sitting herself at the table and start staring at random things, which she believed was what normal kids at her age always do. The smile Angela gave Jane was actually for her brother, because the smile looked so damn sweet and sincere that only her brother could figure out the smile was actually fake. It wasn’t really that hard. Compare the smile Angela normally gave to Gerard and the one she had just gave to Jane, there’s a huge difference but sadly no one has ever noticed but Frank.

Frank sighed and turned his gaze back to the man who was rubbing soothing circles on Angela’s back (to prevent disaster occurring) and sporting the charming smile of his at Jane who almost fainted.

“This is Gerard.” Frank paused to think how should he introduce Gerard to Jane. The guy who would probably stab you in the chest if you lay a finger on me? Frank smiled inwardly and said,

“He’s a good friend of mine. He sometimes comes over to make us dinner and help Angela with her schoolwork. He’s her class teacher. Gerard, Jane.” Gerard nodded and held his hand out politely for her to shake.

The tension Frank had expected earlier was not there at all. Gerard has been nothing but friendly and nice to Jane through out the dinner. This has made Frank rather relieved and grateful to Gerard for his consideration and thoughtfulness.

Jane left shortly after the dinner for some ‘things to do’. So the three of them were then sitting in the living room, looking at each other and being all fidgety before Gerard finally said something.

“She’s nice.” He said with a small smile on his face.

Angela glared at Gerard like he just said the most ridicules thing in the world. “C’mon Angela, don’t be so biased. Jane is a nice girl, pretty and funny.” He chuckled when Angela started protesting.

He was sure no one could sense the bitterness buried in his voice. Jane was no doubt a nice and beautiful girl, and he wouldn’t be surprised if Frank did find her attractive and was attracted to her. It has been quite some time since he told Frank he liked him. Maybe it’s time for him to move on, he was glad to see Frank was happy around Jane. He smiled more and laughed more, really laughing. When Gerard looked up from his fingers and met Frank’s gaze, he thought he felt sick.

Could he really move on after all these things?

“I should probably go now.” Gerard announced after glancing at the clock and noticed it was already half past ten.

“Yeah.” Frank stood up and walked Gerard to the door.

Angela had already fallen asleep on the couch, mumbling things in her sleep when the two was standing at the front door. Frank looked at Gerard nervously and gave him a weak smile.

“Thanks for…the, um...dinner. It was nice.” Frank stuttered.

“No problem.” It was then Gerard realized that he had nothing to say. He couldn’t say I like to be here anyway nor I can always come over and get you guys something good to eat if you want to. Because he knew Frank didn’t even want him there, so he just chocked out a nervous laugh and stared at Frank.

“I really appreciate your…y’know…being nice to Jane.” Frank worked out the sentence uneasily.

Gerard didn’t say something straight away, instead, he just stood there and continued staring. Frank switched foot to foot nervously under Gerard’s gaze, the atmosphere turning more and more intense with each second. Gerard slanted his head down a little, and started slowly leaning forward to Frank. Frank was startled at first but didn’t push Gerard away or lean forward either. Everything slowed down as Gerard’s lips inched closer and closer to Frank’s. Frank remained still.

Gerard almost jumped backwards when he felt Frank’s warm breath against his own skin. His eyes went wide and he was mentally hitting his head on the wall constantly. Gerard broke the eye contact and started taking deep breaths. He can’t believe he just fucked that up.

“Sorry! God, man I’m so fucking sorry. I wasn’t thinking and I…I just…sorry…” Gerard felt like the worst friend ever. He had promised to be just friends with Frank and now…he just…

“Calm down, Gerard.” Frank gave Gerard a light squeeze on the shoulder and smiled, “Hey, Gerard. I said calm down.”

“But I…shit, I…” Gerard was trying to explain but he found his mind had gone totally blank the minute he realized what he was doing.

“Shh…Gerard, you didn’t fuck anything up.” Frank assured.



Frank smiled as Gerard started blushing uncontrollably.



Frank stared at the closed wooden door, sighed, with a warm smile on his face.

School started...along with all the shitty things you can think of. God I HATE the teachers and the kids fucking around me! Sorry for the wait, I didn't have much time to write so...yeah, updates will take longer from now on...but anyways, COMMENT!!!