Define ***ed-Up



It was a week after he and Gerard had almost kissed. Frank woke up with a killer headache and his throat was literally burning in pain. He stumbled out of bed and almost tripped at the kitchen door. Frank attempted to make breakfast but gave up when the second white china bowl hit the ground with a loud clash. His breaths were shaky and uneven when he staggered up to Angela’s bedroom. His sister has already been woken up by the two loud smashing noises when Frank walked in. Angela stared at her invalid and frail looking brother in pure amazement.

Not understanding why was his sister looking at him that way, Frank tried to ask, but nothing came out of his chapped lips but a soft squeak. He coughed a few times and swallowed hard before voicing himself again.

“What?” His voice came out raspy.

“Nothing, I just can’t believe you’ve finally gotten yourself sick! For once!” Angela took no sympathy on her elder, shit looking brother.

“What? So you’re happy?” Frank tried to keep his sentence as short as possible so that his throat wouldn’t hurt so much. If he wasn’t so sick, what he had just said would be ‘What? So you’re happy cause I’m sick and feeling like shit? What kind of sister are you, kid? Y’know? I’m so sick of your behaviour so please quit talking like that or I will not wake your sleepy ass up every morning and just let you be late for school for the rest of you life.’

“Na, I was just thinking, I was always the one who’s sick and had to be taken care of, but now since you’re so sick, I finally have the chance to take care of you back.” Angela smiled.

Frank took back everything single bad thing he has ever said about his sister. He looked at his sister gratefully before started coughing again. “Thanks.” His lips curved into a small smile as his sister leaned over to give him a hug.

“Do you think I can still go…”

“No. No, no, no, no, no. You’ve already been obviously sick for a few days, all those sneezing and coughing, and today, it has finally gotten the best of you and there is no way I’m gonna let you drag your sick arse back to school like that ever again.” Angela said as she went down the stairs to get the phone.

“Now call the school office and get yourself a sick leave, you have to.” Angela added when she saw the hesitation in her brother’s eyes.

Angela had forced a few vitamin C pills and a huge cup of Lemsip straight down her brother’s throat before she left for school on her own. This reminded Frank something. He had obviously forgotten all about what Jane has said about vitamin Cs and Lemsip before bed that day.


Angela packed her bag incredibly slow after the final bell rang. She waited until her last classmate walked out of the classroom then zoomed in front of the teacher’s desk and leaned forward, trying to attract her class teacher’s attention.

“What now, Angela?” Gerard asked, not even bothered looking up to see whom it was.

“My brother’s sick, s-i-c-k, ssssiiiiiiick.” Angela let the last word rolled out of her tongue slowly and beamed like she just saw one of her hideous classmate rolled down the stairs when Gerard looked up from whatever he was working on with his eyes widened. The panic look on her teacher’s face just gave her more reason to live. God, did she like seeing people suffer when she is living her happy life.

“Oh my god. Is he okay? How sick is he? Is there anyone there at home to take care of him? Oh my god, did he even call for a sick leave? Did he go to school this morning?” A bunch of questions started pouring from Gerard’s mouth non-stop. He was more concerned than Angela thought he would be. His student had to practically climb up his desk and cover his mouth to make him stop the questions.

“Calm down. I think it’s just a cold or maybe a fever at worst, he’s at home right now…should, maybe, I don’t know, but I guest he knows how to take care of himself.” Angela answered the questions generally with a smirk, knowing how deep must her class teacher was in love with her brother.

Gerard started fidgeting nervously in his seat and looked up at Angela a moment later. “Do you think I should go…y’know, um…” he paused to think of a good reason to visit Frank when he’s sick.

Of course, duh.” Angela rolled her eyes as she jumped off her teacher’s desk, grabbing Gerard’s hand and pulled him towards to door.

“Do you know how did he get sick?” Gerard asked when there were on the way to Angela and Frank’s house.

“No I don’t. That’s why my first thought of Frankie being sick was amazement. He normally takes really good care of himself.” Angela took Gerard’s hand in hers before continuing. “He’s the kind of student that avoids sick leaves so he wouldn’t miss classes while the other students were trying so hard to make themselves sick or ditch classes (and Angela would be the first one in line).” She grasped Gerard’s arm and start cuddling it like it was her stuff animal.

Her teacher finally gave up and scooped her up into his arms. “He’s such a nerd.” Angela mumbled happily into Gerard’s warm chest. Angela was a huge fan of cuddling when it comes to Gerard or Frank. Maybe cuddling with them would make her feel like being in a family, which she technically never had one so she didn’t even know what it’s like to be in a family. She subconsciously held onto the belief of being in a family was like being between her class teacher and her brother, so she tried so hard to make them get together.

She enjoyed the attention and care her teacher and brother gave her. You can even say she was addicted to it, she couldn’t afford losing them all of a sudden, she needed it to keep her alive, keep her sarcasm, keep her away from the thought of life was worth a suicide. Angela knew it sounded exaggerating, but hey, reality bites, right?

Angela jumped onto the porch and stuck her hand into her pocket to find her key. “Frank let you have the keys?” Gerard asked, helping Angela open the door.

“No. I just thought I might grab the keys to school this morning cause I don’t want Frankie to open the door for me when I get home. He should really get some oh my god. What the hell?”

Angela’s school bag dropped onto the floor as she stared at the girl who had just turned from heading towards the stairs to face them.

“Hey Angela, and Gerard too. I was just…”

“No. No, no, no. You stay here and shut the hell up.” Angela cut the girl off and ran up the stairs to find her brother, leaving the two looking at each other awkwardly.

“Frank?!?!” Angela hissed, pounding onto her brother who was sleeping peacefully on his bed.

“What?!” Frank sat up immediately but slumped back into his bed when he saw it was only his sister freaking out.

“Angela…what do you want…” Frank mumbled sleepily, covering his face with both of his hands.

“What do I want?! I want to know why the F is that girl in our house!” Angela demanded, yanking her brother’s collar as in Angela’s clear gesture of anger.

Frank let out a heavy sigh as if he had already been expecting this to happen. “Jane phone this afternoon and I told her I’m sick. She said she’s free so maybe she could come over to take care of me and keep me company. She’s just being nice, is saying yes a crime?” He placed his hand on the back of his head so he could keep his focus on his sister.

“But you don’t like companies but me.” Angela stated bitterly, knowing what kind of answer she was going to receive.

“I…I don’t…Angela, please…can’t I feel lonely?” The interrogation came out more like a beg.

“Shut up, bro. Just, shut up.” Angela lay down beside her brother and exhaled deeply.

She didn’t want to know. Absolutely not.

It’s short, I know, uneventful, I know! School sucked so my mind's kind of got stuck. I swear the next chapter IS going to be better.
And no worries, Jane wouldn't be here for long *evil grins* you want her here anyway? Tell me in your comment and I'll consider them ;)