Define ***ed-Up



“Hey, Angela.” Frank tapped on his sister’s bedroom door.

“Yes, Frankie?” a little girl’s voice came from the other side of the thick wood.

“Me and Gerard are going out next Friday after school, he’s gonna come and pick me up, you wanna come along?”

Frank could hear sounds of books falling down, chair flipping over and a little girl tripping followed by a few cursing before the door swung open. Frank came face to face with an eyes widened, panting and over excited-looking Angela.

“You two finally got together?!” Frank had to cover his ears as his sister almost screamed out those words.


Angela wilted visibly and turned around as though she didn’t want to talk to her brother for the rest of her life.

“Oh.” She slumped back into her chair after picking it up, pouting as she stared at her brother.

What a loser.

Angela didn’t know if she was referring to her own brother or to her teacher who must have died of happiness knowing her brother gave in to his attempt of ‘dating’.

“So are you gonna come along or not?” Frank asked, crossing his arms.

“When is it again?”

“Friday, after school.”

Angela tilted her head to think, her jaw dropped when something hit her mind.

“What?” Frank asked, confused by the way his sister was looking at him.

“Mr. Way, asked you out on next Friday night?”

“Well, yeah. What’s wrong with that?”

“No, Frankie. There’s nothing wrong with Mr. Way asking you out on next Friday night, in fact that’s what I’ve been expecting, the wrong part is that – you asked me to come along.”

“Then what’s the problem with ‘the wrong part’?” Frank made a finger quote for effect. “You, alone at home ain’t safe, not to mention you’ll bore yourself to death and burn down my house or accidentally slid your throat because you’re not supposed to use a vegetable chopper to spread butter on toast.”

“Piss off. I was like four and it was you who told me to pick that huge knife up and spread butter on those disgusting dried-up bread.”

“Don’t you humiliate the holiness of toast! And DUH! I was being sarcastic! How am I supposed to know that my mother actually gave birth to a retarded?”

“Well, DUH! You should be the one who’s retarded! Who the hell would tell his every own barely four years old sister to pick up an effing vegetable chopper to spread butter on the not-so-holy toast?! I know! You were already trying to kill me when I was barely four! How could you, Frankie!”

After Angela screamed out the last word of her not-so-retarded comment on why her brother told her to pick that knife up when she was still in such a young age and with Frank not knowing how to continue this argument, the room finally fell silence. Angela shot her brother an accusing look and frowned when she realized they just had an completely unnecessary argument over whether or not should her brother tell her to pick up that knife four years ago.

“Fudge, we just spent five minutes of our lives arguing over absolutely nothing productive.” Frank nodded in agreement.

“I forgot, why did we even start arguing?”

“I have no idea.” Frank tilted his head to think, “I think it has something to do with you being at home alone.”

“Ah! Yes, thank you. DUH! Do you even have any idea what date is it next Friday?”

Frank smirked at his sister’s sudden change of expression. “Of course, it’s fourteenth of February.”

“Yes, and what does that mean?”

Frank frowned as he thought what date might make Angela so excited, “I thought your birthday’s in March.”

“Well, yes, and thanks for putting my birthday on the top of the list – but – that’s not it!”

“Then what’s it?”

“NEXT FRIDAY IS FOURTEENTH OF FEBRUARY, AS IN VALENTINES DAY YOU EFFING MORON!” Angela shouted at the top of her lungs, making Frank step backwards a bit.

“Next Friday…Valen…oh my god. Damn!” Frank cursed when he finally realized what his sister was trying to tell him.

No wonder why Gerard tried to ask him out. Fuck. This is not good, this is so not good. Frank had already promised Gerard he would go out with him that day. What should he do? Damn you for not realizing what day is it next Friday, Frank. How could you? You can’t call him and tell him you don’t have time now, cause your big fat mouth already told him you don’t have anything to do next Friday. Fuck, what do I do? What do I do?

Angela stared at her brother and smiled. Seeing people suffer – no matter physically or mentally – always makes her smile (even though it’s more like a smirk). Angela never told anyone that it was she – the ‘one of Gerard’s student’ – who had coloured that particular date on the class calendar in hot pink – which was ‘accidentally’ pinned right next to the teacher’s desk –, just to attract her class teacher’s attention to that particular date. Damn those two un-romantic retarded, who unfortunately, fell in love with each other.

If her class teacher had ever thought that her brother was an un-romantic person, he himself, was anything but romantic, too. If it wasn’t her, would her class teacher know her brother was sick and have a whole week of guilty-free visits? Would he have those chances of holding her brother in his arms and wouldn’t have to explain why did he did that? No. No no no no no no no no n-o no. It was all just because of her. Wonder had Mr. Way ever really appreciated what she did? Probably not, cause all he could think of was Frankie. Frankie, Frankie, Frankie, everything is Frankie. This is so unfair.

Frank stepped out of his evil sister’s room and headed to the living room. There is no way in hell he and Gerard are going out on a Valentines’ day. He plucked the phone from the receiver, and started punching in the numbers. But wait, how was he supposed to tell Gerard that he couldn’t go? Frank flinched and threw the phone across the couch like it had just been lit on fire.

Any reason is going to sound like an excuse now. And not just because it’s gonna sound like an excuse, also, Frank knew he had been rejecting Gerard for way to many times. If he says he can’t go this time, again, and doesn’t have a damn good reason for it, Gerard’s gonna be hurt. Gerard’s being really kind and patient with him and he didn’t think that means he can take that as an advantage and hurt him whenever he feels like it.

“Oh, so here is my brother, silently freaking out and desperately making up excuses to not go out with Mr. Way.” Angela scowled at her brother.

Frank looked up from where the phone had landed and noticed his sister standing in front of him. Her facial expression totally serious, the little girl didn’t seem to be in any mood of joking.

“Frankie,” Angela stepped forward and held both of her brother’s hand in hers. “I know you love my teacher, but I also understand how much you can’t love him.” The brother glanced at their entwined hands and her face softened, “but this one, this…I really can’t let you hurt Mr. Way anymore. You agreed to go out with him…do you know how much hope you must have given him? Even not the hope of having you as his boyfriend, at least…the hope of…maybe you accepting him as a true friend or just being comfortable around him. You know?”

Frank bit his lower lip and glance at his only sister appreciatively. No matter how mean Angela always appeared to be to him in front of everyone, his sister was always the one and only one, who understood him the most. Angela knew what kind of agony her brother was in, she didn’t seem to show any care simply because she couldn’t resist the glorious feeling of being an ass, or to see her two ‘fathers’ suffer. Yes, she had decided to see her elder brother and her class teacher as her ‘fathers’. They both cared so much about her and they were also so in love with each other at the same time. So tell me, what’s the difference between them and a married couple with a lovely, intelligent, cute and graceful daughter? Ha, no! Well, except for the fact that one of her ‘father’ refused to show his love to her other ‘father’.

Frank cocked his brow when he saw his sister suddenly fell deep in thoughts. Must be thinking of something unproductive, he thought. Frank sat back and patted the seat next to him, gesturing his sister to come sit with him. “So,” Frank started, crossing both his legs and arms. “What are your suggestions?”

Angela climbed onto the couch and wiggled slightly. “Hum…what I think, is that you who is obviously being an ass to Mr. Way, just don’t want to go out with my awesome class teacher on a Valentines’ Day, am I right?”

Frank – who ignored his sister’s ridiculous remarks completely – nodded. “And you also can’t tell him to cancel or change the date because you apparently don’t have any damn good reasons.” The elder of the two nodded again. “So…why don’t you invite him over for dinner, say you don’t want to cancel the date but you have to look after me because no doubt that I’m gonna cut my hand off cause I’m not suppose to use a vegetable copper to spread butter on toast.” Angela beamed when she thought her idea was absolutely brilliant after a few seconds.

Frank smirked and stared at the fading white ceiling above him. That might not be a bad idea after all. It wouldn’t get Gerard hurt and can also avoid going out with him on a Valentines’ Day, this can just be a ‘invite over for dinner’ thing. Frank smiled. It still sounds a bit pornographic when you actually think further on the idea but, what the hell, there’s a small kid in the house and he’s a teacher, things probably won’t go down that way.

Frank made up his mind and picked up the phone which was thrown to a few metres away earlier. “So I’m just gonna say cause I need to keep an eye on you?”

“That would probably make Mr. Way hate my guts but, yes, that’s correct.”

Frank smiled thankfully at his sister, knowing that means she’s putting her brother at first this time, but frowned when he realized that he didn’t have Gerard’s number. “But I…” Before Frank could finish his question, a piece of paper with a string of numbers and the words ‘Mr. Way’ written in block letters on it appeared before his eyes.

“Where’d you get that?” Frank asked.

“I checked up on the school website.”

“Oh yeah, like the school website is gonna list all of the teachers personal phone number.”

“Well, then I asked the other teachers.”

“Do you seriously think your brother Frank Iero, is gonna believe that shit?”

“Ok, so I stole it, big deal.” Angela rolled her eyes.

“Well, yes. Duh, you stole your class teacher’s personal phone number.” Frank stated matter-of-factly.

“So what? Just in case some shit like this happens, and well it did, didn’t it?” the little girl retorted.

“Are you sure you’re not stalking Mr. Way cause even you don’t think you are, that’s gotta be something near stalking.”

“Piss off, I helped you. So are you gonna make that stupid phone call or not.”

“Ok, ok.”

Frank punched in the numbers and pressed the talk button hesitantly. Angela pressing her ear near the phone at the same time.

An unfamiliar male voice answered a few moments later, making Angela groan in frustration and disappointment.


“Um, is Gerard there?”

“Nope, just went out. Wanna leave a message?”

“Yeah, uh, tell him this is Frank and…”

“Oh My God! You’re Frank! Never thought I’d talk to you one day! Great voice, man. Gerard’s always rambling on about you and wouldn’t shut the fuck up…”

“Effing stop talking and listen to my brother you moron!!!” Angela yelled at the phone in extreme annoyance.

“Hey, chill dude. You gotta be Angela, Gerard’s student and Frank’s little sister, right?”

“Uh, yeah.” Frank uttered nicely through the phone, covering his hand over his sister’s mouth while she struggled and kicked and screamed under his sudden grabs.

“I’m Gerard’s brother, Mikey.”

“Hi.” Frank placed the phone between his neck and his shoulder, now using both of his hands to teach his sister a lesson about not to interrupt people’s conversation especially when her brother was talking to a total stranger but must had some kind of special relationship with Gerard, like his brother, and now known as Mikey.

“Sorry man, my brother just left for a meeting, with the teachers in school of course” Mikey added hintingly.

Frank couldn’t help but feel a little annoyed that someone other than he, his sister and Gerard knowing the things between him and Gerard. But he supposed Gerard also needed someone to talk to, just like he wouldn’t know what to do if Angela wasn’t there for him all these times. Frank helped Angela up when she finally decided to shut the hell up and just sit on the couch properly.

“But you can leave a message if you want.”

Frank sighed when his sister, who finally agreed to shut the hell up, refused to talk to him. He tried to push her a little and mouthed ‘sorry’ but she simply ignored him.

“Just wanna tell him that his beloved student is acting like a spoiled brat.” Frank stated teasingly.

“What? I’m sorry, can you repeat that?” Mikey, who wasn’t expecting anything like what Frank had just said, was completely at a loss.

Angela’s head shot up immediately and stared at her brother in complete shock, reason similar to Mikey’s. Angela stormed over to Frank and started hitting him on random places which was exposed to her sight. “Damn you!” she hissed when both of her fist was caught by her brother and was unable to move.

“Nah, I was just joking.” Frank smirked when he saw his sister pursed her lips.

“Please tell him that I can’t go out with him next Friday cause I have to take care of my sister, but he can come over for dinner if he wants.”

“Oh, can I come too?”

“Sure.” Frank thought that might be a good idea as he assumed that Gerard wasn’t going to do anything horrible in front of his brother.

“NO!!!!!!!!” Mikey could hear Angela yell hopelessly in the background, but he couldn’t care less. He was so gonna see what’s this Frank kid looks like and tell his brother to give up on him if he thought he was just as bad as that Julian bitch. He was definitely turning insane if his brother kept on telling him how much he loved this Frank kid but how much this kid refused to give in.

“Gotta hang up now…need…to kill some monsters…” Frank ran up the stairs to avoid his sister’s evil grip. Mikey assumed Frank meant his sister so he agreed to hang up.

“You nearly ruined my reputation!” Angela shouted through the door which Frank had just manage to shut a second before Angela reached the end of the corridor.

“Not that you never ruined mine.” Frank shouted back breathlessly.

Frank could hear the sound of his sister storming down the stairs a few minutes later. He opened the door carelessly, assuming that Angela had already went down the stairs, but was greeted with an unfriendly koala bear attack…

What's up!!! An update!!! Someone in school was behaving badly (she had most of the test score higher than me!) so I've decided to update later. Blame her for the long wait!!!