Define ***ed-Up


Frank had been clung on to by his eight years old sister from the second they stepped out of their house. Angela loved hugging her brother and being hugged by her brother. According to her, hugging Frankie is warm and comforting when Frank once snapped at her and said “Why are you always hanging on me? Seriously, you are HANGING ON me.” Because he couldn’t concentrate on his project while having a little girl hung on him and singing some random stupid Barney songs. Angela stopped instantly and ran into her room, slamming the door shut. It was a nightmare, it took Frank two whole weeks to beg for her forgiveness. Frank didn’t quite mind it after that, after all, it’s just another thing he needed to get used to. Angela felt rejected and unwanted when Frank snapped at her at that time. She thought her Frankie was going to be just like her mother and father, ignoring her coldly. She didn’t know what to do, so she just locked herself in her room, crying. But after Frank assured her for the tenth time that he would never ignore her or leave her alone until she got fed up and tried to kill him because he was too annoying, she let herself to trust Frank again and kill him if he doesn’t do what he had promised.

Angela was hungry after an hour of window shopping. They went to the cafeteria to grab some lunch before continuing the time killing browse.

“What do you wanna eat?” Frank asked while sitting Angela at the table.

“I don’t know…maybe burger and fries?” Angela stretched her little hands then slumped back into the seat.

“Ok. You wait here and I’ll go get the food. Don’t leave the seat, don’t go anywhere and-”

“And don’t talk or even look at strangers because they’ll kidnap me and threaten you for money AND you wouldn’t possibly have such large amount of money so you’ll definitely just sit back and relax and wait for my funeral. I know it, now go!” Angela demanded before pointing at the counter, leaving Frank completely shocked and eyes widened.

“God, you definitely have to work on that attitude you young lady.” Frank said frowning while crossing his arms in front of his chest feeling extremely frustrated.

After ordering, Frank walked back to their seat carefully with two trays in hands. He was looking at the two nearly spilling cups of coke in the separate trays till he was ten feet away from their table. He lifted his head and saw a young man sitting beside his sister AND placing his left hand on his sister’s right knee. They’re chatting casually, smiling sweetly. Just like the smile Angela was so fond of giving him. Frank’s eyes widened in shock and started walking quickly towards the stranger who was sitting dangerously close to his sister. He slammed both food trays on to the table loudly and stared sternly at the stranger.

“What the fuck do you think you’re doing, mister? Now you get your fucking hand off my sister or I’ll call security right away.” Frank managed to finish the sentence without a fastened heartbeat or a blink.

Both his sister and the stranger stared at Frank in total shock, jaws hung low and eyes gone wide. After two awkward seconds, Angela was the first to speak.

“Why are you talking to Mr. Way in such an impolite way Frankie?” It was the first time Angela had asked a question because she really didn’t know the answer in days. She frowned at her brother.

“Mr…Mr. Way? What…?” Frank wasn’t sure if he had heard the right thing and his head was running to fast to notice that under what circumstances would his cocky little sister mention a guy in the form of ‘Mr. something’.

‘Yes Frankie, Mr. Way is my class teacher. Now I’m not sure if I could get an A on my report card if you talk to Mr. Way like that… but anyway, you did, so don’t expect me to get an A or something this year because…” Angela started rambling on and on and on again about how hard had she been behaving in school and how Frank had just totally and ultimately ruined it.

Frank stared blankly at the stranger who had just been mentioned as Mr. Way by his sister. Oh My God, Frank thought. He didn’t just totally and ultimately ruin Angela’s school grades, more importantly, he also totally and ultimately embarrassed himself in front of so many people and in front of Angela’s gorgeous black haired teacher, wait a second, that’s not the point, he meant just, Angela’s teacher. He quickly scanned around and was relieved to see not much people were actually paying attention to them. After exhaling a large amount of air that he didn’t even realized he had inhaled, Frank’s brain started to work on the next issue. The guy he had just yelled at in front of so many people. Frank guess the guy was maybe more embarrassed than he is.

“I. Am. So. So. So. Sorry. Mr. Way. I really didn’t mean to…of course…oh god. I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t have yelled at you before knowing the whole situation, I was just… maybe I was over protective but… please don’t blame anything on Angela, she’s a really great girl, she shouldn’t…” Frank also started rambling on how sorry he was and shit.

Mr. Way simply nodded knowingly and smiled at Frank. “Hey, it’s absolutely fine. You don’t have to worry. I’m a big brother myself and I know exactly how it feels to see a stranger seems to be so close to your younger siblings. Maybe I shouldn’t have sat that close to your sister…If I were you, I would do the same thing too. And don’t you worry about Angela’s grades, this has nothing to do with her school works.” By the time Mr. Way had finished talking, he was already standing in front of Frank and patting his shoulder comfortingly.

“Really?” Frank asked cocking his head to a side.

“Yeah, I mean, of course dude! Really, nothing to worry about.” Mr. Way smiled and frowned at Frank at the same time.

“Thank god.” Frank slammed his hand on his forehead and sighed in relief. He must have looked stupid.
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what do you think about Frank and Gerard's meeting? Cilche?
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