Define ***ed-Up


“Um, by the way, I’m Gerard, Angela’s class teacher as you’ve known already.” Gerard held out his hand and pulled his chick muscles to form a teeth shinning smile (as if you know which kind of smile I’m referring to). It’s a childish behavior for a teacher but it suited perfectly fine on Gerard, Frank though to himself.

“I’m Frank, Angela’s elder brother.” Gerard’s smile made Frank smiled back.

“So you’re the Frankie Angela’s always talking about. I can see you’re really good big brother.” Frank blushed as he shook Gerard’s hand. Gerard’s hand is slightly larger than his and is warm like a kitten’s belly. Good to hold, Frank thought. Smiling to himself, Frank sighed to fill the awkward silence.

“So, ” Frank shrugged and slumped both of his hands to his sides. “Care to join us for lunch or anything? Maybe I’ll buy you something…y’ know.” Frank cracked out a small laugh and looked at Gerard expectantly.

“No, no, you don’t have to, man, I’ll get my own, but having lunch with you guys sounds great.” Gerard gave Frank a polite and extremely charming smile that made Frank’s heart melt into warm dropping chocolate.

When they finally settled themselves at the table and started their lunch, Frank also, finally got the chance to study Angela’s class teacher, Mr. Gerard Way carefully. Gerard has jet black short hair, kind of messy but shinny and fluffy, seems like begging to be touched. He has pale skin, pale in such a way that Frank guess Gerard must be a quarter or a half Italian. Smooth and soft…god…Frank felt his mouth was started dripping with saliva. Shaking the thought out of his mind, Frank’s eyes settled on Gerard’s bright orbs. They are slightly hazel yet slightly green, changing it’s colour as every second pasted by, just like those magic stones you only find in fairytales. Frank stared at them in total awe, he just couldn’t tear his gaze off Gerard’s beautiful eyes, uh well, until he had been caught staring. Gerard returned Frank’s gaze and giggled girlishly. This made Frank blush and look away immediately, staring at the napkin on his tray, hoping that his blush wasn’t obvious.

So yes, Frank is into guys. That’s not a big news. He’s not gay, but bisexual. Although he is bisexual, it’s still rare for him to have feelings for anyone. Mostly because he was too busy dealing with his life to notice anyone’s presence. He accepted himself as a bisexual as easy as drinking a cup of soda, because he objectively thought that it was just an attraction, in a sense that he had never practically thought of really dating a guy or spending the rest of his life with a guy. He assumed he would be dating or marrying girls when he grew up, so never a big deal, but now…no, no, it’s just the same, one word - attraction. Yep, problem solved, attraction, Frank thought happily to himself.

“So, what are you planning to do this afternoon?” Frank asked in a casual way when they finished their lunch.

“Uh…I think I still got loads of work to do, thanks to these adorable kids.” Gerard patted Angela’s head before returning his gaze to Frank.

“I think I have to go now as there is still a pile of work waiting for me to finish. But it’s been a pleasure to meet you.” Gerard shook Frank’s hand firmly and waved them good bye.


The next forty five minutes was blurry. All Frank could remember was him smiling hideously (according to Angela) and “Mmhmm…” whenever Angela said something. That pissed Angela off so badly that she tugged Frank out of the mall and into his car, groaning under her breath. She said it is so pointless to shop with a solid ‘Mmhmming’ cloud beside her. When they got back to the house, Frank immediately slumped onto the floor, back leaning against the door. Plain attraction, plain attraction, plain attraction…was what Frank kept telling himself for the last half an hour. But he just couldn’t stop thinking of that Gerard guy! God, this is so lame. Frank buried his head in his hands and shook it furiously. The next thing Frank noticed was the sly smirk on Angela’s face.

“What?” Frank’s voice filled with annoyance.

“Nothing.” Angela widened her smirk.

“C’ mon brat, you know I’m gonna shove it out of you anyways. Now, as I’m asking you nicely, you want it the hard way or the soft way?” Frank cocked his brow and gave Angela a mean smile.

“You have a thing for Mr. Way.” Angela stated plainly. Frank cocked his brow again at that. “Excuse me? What did you say?” Frank questioned in a threatening tone.

“Frankie loves Mr. Way, Frankie loves Mr. Way~” Angela sang in a sing song voice.

“Shut up!” Frank chase after Angela all the way back into her room. They both collapsed onto Angela’s bed, panting and giggling.

“Frankie loves…”

“Don’t even think about it.” Frank cut off Angela as soon as she started singing.

“Aww, Frankie. What? Do you think your idiotic smile when you’re looking at Mr. Way and those pointless giggles that you two share AND the complete daze after meeting my young and gorgeous class teacher Mr. Way aren’t enough to show your love for Mr. Way? Uh! Think again my brother.” Angela pointed out for Frank expertly. Frank simply sighed and ruffled Angela’s hair.

“It’s not like that honey. You’ll understand when you get older, it’s complicated.” Frank said oh so I’m-your-elder-brotherly.

“But I think I’m old enough to understand.” Angela pouted.

“You THINK.” Frank stated.

“Then tell me what I can do to understand.” Angela threw Frank the poor puppy dog look and pouted more. Frank sighs.

“Honey, even if I wanted to, I still don’t know how to explain it to you. It’s too complicated even for me to understand.” Frank rubbed his sister’s back and smiled at her lovingly. With that, Angela nodded knowingly and stared at the ceiling.


“That’s cause you’re too stupid, I’m positive that even you tried to explain it to me, I won’t understand.”


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