Define ***ed-Up



Gerard was standing in the dim hallway, sighing as he stared at the pale white ceiling. Make the right decision. How the hell is he going to make the right decision when he didn’t even know what to decide? Apologize? Ingratiate? Please him with whatever comes up his mind whenever he sees him again? Beg him? He somehow believed that Frank wasn’t the easy kind of person. Gerard walked towards the window and saw Angela running out of the school main building. Frank knelt down to hug his sister who, was running towards him enthusiastically. He can see clearly that Frank was smiling at Angela all the time. The pair of hopeless, anger filled eyes appeared in his mind.

Why pretending when you just got hurt so deeply? Just because of your sister? Gerard thought of those questions and frowned. Frank should be what he is more often. Gerard felt his cell phone vibrating in his jeans pocket when he stepped closer to the window.

“Hello?” Gerard wasn’t paying attention to the caller’s ID, his eyes were locked on Frank and Angela’s body. He can also remember those sparkling eyes staring at him hopefully when he clutched back Frank’s shaking hand firmly.

“Hey Gee Gee, did you miss me?” A female voice squealed over the phone, making Gerard’s brow furrow.

“Hey Jul, what’s up?” Gerard’s hand touched the glass window as he leaned forward to get a better view of Frank.

“Nothing, just want to make sure you remember we have a movie date on Sunday night.” Julian smiled into the phone. For his girlfriend’s sake today is a Tuesday okay?

“I didn’t forget honey, but,” Gerard paused to rub his temple. “How many times I’ve told you not to call me in working hours, maybe I’m in class teaching a bunch of kids.” He can almost hear Julian sulk on the other side of the phone.

“Can’t a girl even miss her boyfriend? You’re mean to me.” Julian pouted.

“C’mon baby, you know…”

“Ops, don’t have much time to talk. See you tonight, Gee Gee.” Gerard sighed into the dead line.

He suddenly missed Frank’s voice so much. It wasn’t too low, it wasn’t high-pitch either. Frank’s voice is genial and soothing. Not like his girlfriend. It gives him a headache every time he heard her voice lately. Gerard watched Frank’s figure moved further from his sight with each step, until he disappeared at the corner of the street. He remembered what had happened in the library again. He didn’t really mean to say “That was definitely better than my girlfriend.” That wasn’t what he was trying to say, ironically, it was what he was thinking. He was saying that to himself. But who the hell knows why did he think out loud at that very moment.


“Gee!” Julian squealed excitedly and ran into Gerard’s arms, jumping a little too enthusiastically when she was hugging her boyfriend.

“Hi baby,” Gerard planted a kiss on Julian’s cheek. “You look great.”

“You look great too Gee Gee. Let’s get in before the previews starts, I like watching previews.” She grabbed Gerard’s hand and pulled him inside the theatre.

Gerard stared at their laced hands and remembered Frank again. He was sure that he didn’t like Frank the way the kid liked him. He really liked him, but he liked him as a friend. They could be those friends, who would share their concerns and feelings together openly, hang out every once a week, just talking and laughing. Gerard had seriously imagined them being really close friends before the library incident. He regretted it. He wasn’t sure if he was regretting it for making Frank misunderstood him or admitting to him that he had a girlfriend, maybe both. He missed Frank, really, but what concerned him most was how was Frank coping with his own feelings. He didn’t know Frank well, but he sure hoped that kid was doing fine.

“Which do you think I should buy?” Julian squeezed Gerard’s hand to force his attention back onto her. She frowned and asked the question again when she didn’t get the attention she wanted from her boyfriend.

“Anything you like baby.” Julian smiled and nodded satisfied. Gerard tried to smile back at Julian sweetly, at the same time, apologetically. He stared at the brown and yellow popcorn while his girlfriend made her order.

Gerard always couldn’t keep his attention on the screen when it comes to some stupid chick flick. He thought it was a huge flaw for a boyfriend but this time, it provided him time to think. As his mind started to wander, he thought about Frank, again. Frank’s figures weren’t slender, his skin weren’t smooth – compared to girls who put tones of cream and moisturisers on them every day – his skin was even a bit callused as Gerard guessed Frank must had played guitar for a long time, but he liked it. He wouldn’t rub his thumb against Gerard’s hand all the time like he is playing Morse code with him, and he liked it. The more he thought about him, the more he found Frank would make such a wonderful boyfriend, Gerard smiled at the thoguht. And then, Gerard was having too many thoughts crossing his mind to realize that he was thinking about another guy way too much, which was not quite normal for him and absolutely wouldn’t match what he claimed his feelings for Frank was.


Frank was sitting under the dim yellow-ish kitchen light, holding a cup with a teddy bear printed on it. He took a sip of his coffee and stared at the dark liquid. The bitter taste of dark coffee made his mouth tense, burning it’s way down his throat. He knew he shouldn’t get himself too involved into these things. He had his own life to bear, and his sister’s too. He needed to get good grades, finish college and get a proper job with high income because that was the only way that could make his dream come true, to make his and his sister’s life better.

He was doing great but that guy smashed everything he was holding on. His grades in school are still steady, but he knew it wouldn’t last for long if he kept on thinking about Gerard every time he stared at his assignments. It has been almost more than half a month since he last saw Gerard and he still couldn’t take this guy off his mind. He couldn’t take it anymore. That fact that the man he started to believe he loved actually had a girlfriend and still acted intimate around him, purposely making him misunderstood him, fall for him. He thought he might need a cry to release all his anger and frustration towards Gerard trapped inside him.

“Frankie? Are you alright?” Angela’s soft voice came from the kitchen door.

Frank looked up. He sniffed a bit and rubbed his nose to make the crying sensation go away. He forced a smiled and walked over to Angela to pick her up. “I’m doing fine. Have you finished your homework yet?” Frank attempted to take the subject off Angela’s mind.

“Yes, I’ve finished everything but are you really ok? Your face is all red.” She asked worriedly in Frank’s arms.

“Maybe it’s too hot in the kitchen. Why don’t you go watch some TV while I make something for you to eat, ok?”

“Ok.” Angela muttered unsurely before walking into the living room.

Frank sighed with both hands resting on the sink. He doubt when would this whole thing end. And when would he finally get Gerard completely out of his mind.

"COMMENT!!!" Said the author accusingly.
I hate silent readers *sly grin*
And i'm sure you wouldn't want to know how is it if i'm angry *even sly grin*
I may turn into a werewolf *chases readers who don't comment* LOL