Status: ACTIVE :)



I slowly opened my eyes. It didn't make much of a difference from before; I was dizzy, my sight blurred, and the room I was in was nearly pitch black. Where was I? Wait, I'm sitting in a chair. I tried to get up, but hands and feet were tied to to chair. I became aware of the intense, pulsing pain in my head.

A light flickered above me. It gave off a dim light, but I could now see my surroundings. A dark-colored door was on the wall in front of me. A small cot was on my left. It had dirty, white sheets strewn over it. The chair I was in was in the center of the room. The light did not reach the far right side of the room, so I could not see what was over there. I was guessing nothing was there. The floors were made out of a black stone tile, and the walls seemed to be a dark mosaic style. The ceiling had many cracks in it, sprouting out from the small light bulb swaying above my head. It flickered off again.

I began to cry. This isn't real...How can this happen to me? I turned my head towards the back wall; a small, rectangular window let in a barely visible amount of light. Small dust particles danced around in the window's light streaming in the dark room. I turned my head straight again.

Still sobbing, I tried to twist my wrists free of the binding rope, but the result was the rope cutting deeper into my wrist, cutting off most of my circulation. I couldn't even reach to rope with my fingers to pull at it. My legs were bound just as tight. I tried to wobble the chair, maybe make it tip over to see if I could get free that way. I moved the chair left to right, left to right until...

Crash! The left side of the chair flew to the ground first, making a loud crash that sounded like gunfire. Also, when the chair fell on it's side, it fell on my left hand, too, making a sickening cracking noise. I tried to stifle my cry of agony. I managed to wriggle my left hand from under the fallen chair. I tried moving my fingers. I could not move my left hand at all; it was broken.

I cried even harder, unable to hold it in anymore. Then I heard a faint click! I stopped my crying immediately, shocked and panic-stricken. The click came from the door ahead of me. I let out a small whimpered as I sniffled and tried to squeeze the tears out of my eyes for better vision. The door swung open as the blond-haired blue-eyed guy walked into the room. I let in a deep breath. It's him.

He came up to me and my fallen chair and crouched down so I was looking straight into his piercing blue eyes. He looked at me with a fake concerned-looking face, and spoke as if he was talking to a 5-year-old."So, you're trying to escape from me? Again?" My tear slid down onto the cold, hard floor. He put his arms out toward me.

"Don't hurt me!" I said in a loud whisper. But instead, he picked up my chair and set it right side up again. I whimpered again. He merely smiled at me. But it wasn't a kind and warm smile, but a malicious and knowing smile.

He stepped a foot away from me and began to slowly circle around my chair. "You know, Leslie, I've been watching you for a while. Yes, I have. You're even prettier in person." He gave a small laugh; I shuddered.

"That was you? On my video? And my YouTube page?" I asked, trying to sound confident. But I was unsuccessful.

"Hmm. I thought you would've figured that out by now. Of course it was me...idiot. You aren't as bright as I thought you were. Anyways," he stopped in front of my chair and faced me again. He leaned over with crossed arms until our faces were the same level. "all I want is your money. Nothing more. I already decided. That's all I want. If your parents can't oblige... well, let's just saw you'll never see your parents again. Or anyone ever again, for that matter." He grinned and stood up to his regular height again. "And if you are obedient to me, you might get that lovely bed over there. If you sass back, well, we'll get to that when the time comes. If you're real lucky, I'll give you some food, but that's not a promise."

Then what sounded like walkie-talkie static filled the room. He answered it, "I'll be down in a minute boss, just dealing with the brat." He put it back in his pocket and walked out of the room without another word. After he closed the door, I heard more locks click than before. I think I counted 5 clicks.

There's no way I can get out of here

And with that, I started crying again. Helpless and hopeless.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hope you liked this chapter! CREEPY!!! lol.
Thanks for reading! TWO comments for an update!
