Status: ACTIVE :)



I must have fallen asleep in the chair that night, despite me starving half to death. I had a great dream. I was back with my friends and family at my house... I missed them. When I woke up later, I realized that I may never be able to see my family or friends again. Then I thought, don't they love me? Have they forgotten about me? Why don't they come and help me get out of here? If only my friends had actuallylistened to me back at the pool. Maybe then I wouldn't be here.

The room was quiet and dimly-lit when I woke up. I tried to free my hands again. I nearly passed out when I realized I couldn't move my left hand. Then I remembered how I fell on it and broke it the other day. I cringed at the flashback of it all. I then tried to free my legs. I didn't have any luck, but the ropes did seem looser than they were the other day.

I sat there, looking around. What do I do now? Wait to live, get out of here... or to die. I've heard of these kinds of kidnapping on television. But I never would have thought it would happen to me.

I heard all five locks click open on the door in front of me, followed by the blond man. I wondered what his name was. He carried in with him a small plate with two pieces of bread on it, along with a small glass of water. He walked up to me, and dropped the plate down on my lap. I stared down at the plate, and then looked at him.

I asked in a fierce voice, "How do you expect me to eat it?" The hunger and lack of sleep must've gotten to me; I didn't intend to ask him so harshly.

He looked taken aback. Then he walked up to me without saying a word, and picked the plate up from my lap. He turned his back to me and headed toward the door.

"Wait! Don't, I'm sorry." He stopped in his tracks. "Can I please have it back?" I said in a small voice.

"Sure," he said in a playful voice. He turned back to face me. I surprised by his generosity. But it was short-lived.

He took the two pieces of bread off the plate and dropped them on the grimy floor 5 feet away from me. Then he spilled the small cup of water over the bread, which it instantly absorbed. He smiled at me and said, "Bon appetit."

I scoffed as he slammed the door behind him. I blew it. Just then, as if to mock me, my stomach grumbled loudly.
Later that day, he came back in my room. He forced my home phone number out of me. I only supposed it was to set up his grand plan. I'm only to guess that he called my house to tip my parents off that he has me, and how much money he wants.

Not very well-thought-out, I thought. Why would someone kidnap a person, call their house, eventually, and hopefully, have their relatives come rescue them, and probably get the person a cell in jail? I hoped that's how it would be for me. I hoped that this guy was stupid, and I hoped that I would get out of here quickly. Unless there was more to his plan?

For the rest of the day, I got no visits, and I didn't get any more food. I fell asleep to another uncomfortable and miserable sleep in my chair.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry this chapter is really slow-going, but it's just that I realized I really needed to update it. Any criticism for me? About my writing style, or how the story's going so far? Any ideas? Be free to share with me!!!! :D Hope you like this update though!

Oh em freaking geeeeee!!! I'm seeing Half-Blood Prince at midnight on the 14th! *goes into spastic, jittery fit* YAY!!! Anyone else planning on seeing it?