
Chapter Ten

March second, two-thousand and six;

Alex has been treating me different. He says he likes me, and now that I think about it; I like him, too. More than I've ever liked someone. When I first came here I was depressed and didn't know how to handle myself. He's cheered me up and he's showed me that I can finally be happy again. My mother's in a better place, but I wish she wouldn't have left me by myself in Ohio.

But I'm not alone anymore. I've got Alex, his parents, Zack, Jack, Rian, Kara and Melissa. Slowly, they're all helping me find my voice again.

I want to go back to Ohio for a little bit. I want to see my old friends, my mother's grave. I want to visit my old school again. I just want a break from Maryland for a while. I want to show Alex where I've lived my whole life, and how much better I've got it now.

I want to do a lot of things lately. It's been about a week since Alex told me he likes me. And already I'm finding little things about him that I love. The way he can piss himself off easily and get frustrated. It's cute. How he can be depressed one minute about Peter, then be happy whenever I'm around. He tells me I light up his world. He does the same for me. Maybe he's right. We do need each other. If all of this suddenly ended tomorrow, we'd probably go back to the way we were before we met.

Today's Friday. I bet Alex would drive us to Ohio tonight if we snuck out. I just really need to see home again. I'll ask him. Thankfully, we don't have school today. I think he's coming. I should go.


Camilla slowly set her pen down and closed her diary, then set it under her bed, where she usually put it. Then she quietly wiped her tears away until she felt Alex beside her on her bed. He immediately grabbed her hand and looked at her sadly.

"What's wrong?" He asked quietly, intertwining his fingers with hers. Camilla stared straight ahead, her legs crossed with each other as she sat up. She let a few more tears fall, then she looked down at him and sighed. Then she only shook her head slowly and let out a low sob, causing Alex to immediately embrace her. She moved herself onto his lap, curled up in a ball into his chest. "I'm begging you, Camilla. It's killing me that I don't know what you sound like. What's going on?" Camilla shook her head again and sniffed, "Are you scared?"

There was a long moment of silence as Alex comforted her. Camilla shook her head 'yes' and looked up at Alex. He knew why she was scared. She'd never been in a relationship before. Alex didn't know if he could handle a relationship with a silent treatment from Camilla.

"Camilla, just so you know," Alex sighed in defeat and kissed her cheek, then her forehead, "I may be falling in love with you."
♠ ♠ ♠
Short? Yes.
Emotional? Yes.
Filler? NO.
I didn't want to give you guys a filler, at least. But I don't have much time. My friend's coming over, I'm packing for New York, and my baby cousin is coming over. We gonna have fun!

Please be safe on this fourth of July. :)

Love always,
manda :)