Sequel: Finding Gerard
Status: Complete

Trust Me



I jolted upright, shaking and covered in cold sweat. Everything was white, but I saw Mikey and Gee stood to one side of the room.

"Bob! Lay back down, we're going to get the doc," said Gee.

"I don't wanna," I mumbled, my voice hardly there. I still had that weird metallic taste in my mouth from blood.

"Please, you need to rest you really do, lay down, you'll be fine," said Gee as he left the room. Mikey was silently crying but the expression on his face seemed odd, strangely forced.

"Why are you crying?" I asked hoarsely, he shook his head and looked at the floor.

A wave of realization hit me and I scrambled to get out of the bed.

"What the fuck are you doing?" demanded Mikey as I very nearly pulled the drip out of my arm in the haste, I hadn't noticed it was there. I reached down with my other hand and yanked it out of my hand, feeling no pain at all.

"Tell me he made it Mikey, please, please," I said as I started to walk shakily towards the door.

"I.. I don't know, Lauren got him breathing again but he was really in a bad way, I don't know Bob, you need to lay down, please," He tried to stop me but I walked straight past him out into the corridor, Mikey right behind me.

"Mikey I'm going to find him, you can't stop me," I said stubbornly just as Gerard approached with a male nurse.

"Sir, you need to go back to bed you've done yourself some serious damage and you don't even..."

"Look, I'm not going back to the fucking bed OK?! I have to find... have to find..." I trailed off and started walking aimlessly down the corridor, I turned a corner and up some stairs, no idea where I was going.

I reached a corridor where the lights were dimmed slightly, I recognized it as the ICU, having spent my fair share of time in there myself. I could hear someone crying, sobbing, it was a man and he sounded oddly familiar...

"Frankie?" I said as loud as I could manage. I heard the crying stop abruptly and saw a tear stained Frank come round the corner from where he had been stood.

"Frank why are you cr..."

"He... he... BOB! What are you doing out of bed?" he demanded.

"I had to see Ray, which room is it?"

"Oh my god Bob, I thought... I thought I... come with me," he led me into the room around the corner and to the very end of the row.

"Bob, he's... he's gonna be okay," he said opening the door and leading me inside the room.

I rushed over to the side of the bed. He looked so weak but so peaceful at the same time, a heart rate monitor bathing the room in its greenish glow, pumping to a steady rhythm and I couldn't have been happier. He was alive, that was all that mattered, he was gonna be OK.

"I really think you should go back to bed," said Frank but I shook my head violently and then always fell over.

"Shit, Bob stay with me OK, don't pass out on me," he grabbed me and held me upright.

"I'm fine."

"You're not fucking fine, look did you, did you pull a fucking drip out of your hand?!"

"Yes I did, I had to come down here."

"You really love him don't you?"

"More then anything in the world. More then I ever thought was possible to love somebody."

"Love you too." I spun around to face Ray.

"You're awake?"

"Just, I love you Bob, you saved my life."

"No I didn't, Lauren saved your life."

"I... shit I need to sleep."

"Go to sleep, I love you, so so so much."

"Go back to bed, you need to get better too," I nodded and felt a singled tear roll down my cheek.

"OK," I leaned down and kissed him very gently on the cheek.

"Mr Bryar, get back to your room right this instant! You have to..." I slumped onto the floor and the angry doctor was the last thing I heard.


I woke up feeling warm and sleepy, my head spinning slightly but other then that, just tired.

"You really love him don't you?" I heard Frank say.

"More then anything in the world. More then I thought was even possible to love somebody."

"Love you too," I forced myself to say.

I felt myself falling asleep again, but I had heard Bobs voice, and that was all I needed.

[A/N Sorry its very short, I just couldn't leave you thinking he had died!! comments ROCK!! ]