My Last Tour With My Brother Brian Schechter

Chapter 1: "3, 2, 1, Breakdown Blastoff."

“Are you sure you wanna do this?” My mother asked me with a worried edge to her calmly delivered words. The answer to that question was as uncertain as knowing what could happen in the future; I mean leaving music for good to go to Harvard wasn’t an easy decision for me to make, but I just couldn’t see me growing old with music, I don’t know why.

“I’m not sure,” I said looking back at her worried stare with my own desperate stare.

“You still have these months to decide,” she said as she caressed my check with her hand and smiling hopefully.

I didn’t smile back.

“I know,” I said with a big sigh, hell I hated leaving music, I mean I’ve grown up with it, it sort of took the empty space left in me when my dad left us. I was home-schooled sometimes by my mom, but mostly by the different members of the bands that were touring with us and also the ones my brother, Brian Schechter, has managed; now tell me how cool is that?

My own band grew thanks to the help my brother gave us and to the many various bands that let us open they’re shows. But we still remained away from the mainstream just how we loved being. I’ve been to so many concerts it’s ridiculous and also fucking amazing. Music is a part of me, but it seems I don’t want it anymore? I don’t know what I’m looking for but it seems I’m going to find it at Harvard law school.

I tapped my foot impatiently as I waited for Brian to pick me up with the rest of my band to meet up with the band we’re touring with. I already packed, 3 suitcases overall, but I still think I’m forgetting something, but maybe I’m just making it up.

“Here,” my mom said as she handed me a plate of nuggets, fries and ketchup.

“No mom, I’m not hungry besides Brian is probably close.”

“Well then he’ll have to wait, eat,” she firmly said, fight lost here. Mom=1, me=0.

Once I took the first bite I discovered that I was truly hungry, so I ravaged the whole plate, mom looked quite pleased. Mom=2, me=0.

“Must be the nerves,” I muttered hopelessly while I took my plate to the kitchen.

I was always nervous/excited for the tours but this was a new kind, one between pain of leaving something I loved and scared shitless for making the wrong decision in leaving music for law.

I went to Brian’s room and locked the door, well it was my room now but it still had most of his things. I sat down on the edge of the bed and put my face in my hands and broke down to pieces while crying. I admit it, I’m miserable and pathetic, I’m at a crossroads and suddenly I find my life without a main purpose or course. Yes, music means this much to why can’t I find any happiness with it anymore? I really don’t know.

I heard in between my choked sobs, someone knocking at the door, but I wasn’t going to come out until I can pick myself up again. Someone=0, me=1. But then I noticed the door open the door even tough it was locked, only one person could know that trick with that door...Brian. Someone (Brian)=1, me=1-1=0.

“Paige...,” was all I needed to hear to understand everything he hasn’t even said, I attacked him with a hug, it came out more like an assault but he knew that wasn’t my intention, meanwhile he caressed my hair still hugging me strongly, me still crying, less now, but still.

We remained like that for about 5 minutes or so, until he spoke.

“Paige look at me,” he said firmly, I did even tough I must look like a hot mess, “don’t beat yourself over this now, you still have time and later on, it might turn out even easier for you. So no need to break down now,” he finished while removing some of the tears with makeup in them from my face.

“I know, believe me I know, but it just feels like it’s tearing me apart from the core. I’m sorry for ruining the beginning of the tour for you with my ridiculous shit,” I mumbled while looking down at my hands.

“Shut up, you’re my sister, my baby sister at that, so nothing that hurts you is unimportant to my eyes, hell it’s top priority, you know what I always say: family over business. But I know what will cheer you up, a great show,” he said so sure of himself.

I grinned for the first time in a long while, because it was true, nothing better than a good show with my band mates.
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