My Last Tour With My Brother Brian Schechter

Chapter 4: “A Century Old.”

***You can try to resist...there’s no escape from love, once a gentle breeze weaves its spell upon your heart*** “Can’t Fight The Moonlight” – Leann Rimes.

I woke up to the unpleasant feeling of being slapped (not hard but not soft). I already knew it was Riley, doing our old game. So I opened my eyes and saw him laughing, so I slapped him back. We both laughed and he hugged me.

“The pilot announced the landing,” he said.

“Yeah I imagined, you sleep good?” I asked him fixing myself up.

“Yeah, back to the routine,” he said with old feelings.

“Hell yeah,” I said then I looked to my other side and saw Gerard was awake and looking for songs in his I-Pod. He saw me and smiled at me, he took of one of his earphones to listen to anything I had to say.

“Did you sleep good?” I asked him.

“Sure, I’ve had better, but then I imagine we’ve all had,” he said smiling warmly and it sort of looked like he was trying to conceal something funny, but I wasn’t going to ask now I won’t forget to ask.

“You got that right,” I said with my heart at high-speed, how strange.

As we landed we got our bags and headed to the familiar black SUV’s. In them we headed for a hotel. We were assigned rooms almost like on the plane:
204- Bob & Mikey
205 (Suite) - Paige, Riley & Gerard
206- Justin & Ryan
207- Jayson & Brian
208- Ray & Frank
It was a hassle trying to get in the elevator, but eventually we decided that we had to go in it by room partners instead of the two bands and the entire luggage.

“Hey Paige,” Brian called out for me in the hallway.

“Yes?” I said as I walked towards him.

“Is it ok the people you have in your room?” He asked all protective.

“Definitely, Riley is my best mate and Gerard is cool I talked to him on the plane,” I said confidently.

“Ok then, remember the show is at 7:35 p.m. but we have to be there at 4:00 p.m. for sound check. So get your rest during the whole day and remind your roommates of this.” He said as he entered in his room.

I walked into my room and found Riley and Gerard standing in front of the bedroom with their arms folded over they’re chest and a preoccupied look on they’re faces.

“What’s up?” I said while I snuck in between them and saw what they were looking at, “Oh shit,” I said noisily.

“Exactly,” they both said at the same time.

Only one king sized bed.

“Ok how are we going to solve this one?” I asked as I ran and threw myself on the bed.

“I don’t know but there’s a couch that’s a futon bed also,” said Gerard mumbling hesitantly.

“Um Paige honey, could you sit up?” Riley asked me a bit awkwardly and with a bit of laughter, this was strange but I did what he asked, then realized that with the jump I did raised my skirt exposing my thighs and part of my bottom, as I noticed this I blushed a cherry tone.

“So it’s settled, I take the futon, you guys share the bed,” I said standing up, this joke, that was also the truth, relieved the tension, the embarrassment left and thankfully they laughed.

“No way,” they both said at the same time for the second time today.

“Well then what are we going to do?” I asked annoyed that I still wasn’t sleeping.

“Look we’re staying here for two days, what we’ll do is Paige you sleep on the bed, and then one of us shares it with you for the first night and the other the last night. That way we all beneficiate from the bed,” Riley said pleased with his solution.

“That’s fine by me, besides everyone knows that the futons are never comfortable,” I said, with my heart faltering a bit.

“Sure, ok, that good,” Gerard said.

“Who gets the first night?” I asked ready to know who I was going to sleep with first; that sounded very creepy.

“Rock, paper, scissors?” Riley asked looking at Gerard.

“Sure,” Gerard agreed laughing.

*Rock, paper, scissors*

Riley won so he got the first night.

I ran to the bathroom and changed to my pajamas, brushed my teeth and washed my face.

“Goodnight Gerard,” I said to him as I walked from where he was going to be sleeping towards my room.

“Night’ Paige,” he said with warm hazel eyes.

After this I got into the very comfortable bed. It was around 1:27 a.m. Five minutes later Riley got into bed and we both cuddled each other, we have always been close and never felt awkward or shy about affection, and we were always just friends. I immediately realized that tomorrow it wouldn’t be this easy with Gerard. Could I control my normal impulse to cuddle anyone who shares my bed? But more importantly, would I want to control that with him? Was I feeling something for this warm eyed man that I barely knew?

“What are you thinking now?” Riley said whispering.

“Honestly about this...this bed arrangement,” I said not wanting to stop me being 100% honest with my best friend.

“Oh, so I take it you don’t want to sleep with me?” He said joking.

I laughed a little bit loud.

“No you goof” I said while holding him closer.

“You feel uncomfortable with Gerard in the same bed?” He whispered seriously now.

“It’s not exactly that, it just that, well long story short, aw man it’s just that I kind of want to hold him like I hold you,” I said with a sigh and I held Riley tighter to highlight the point, “but I feel so stupid because I just met him, it’s completely irrational.” I said still whispering and shaking my head.

“So, you really like him, that’s nothing of the other world. Have you considered that he just might be into you?” He asked.

“What do you mean?” I asked suspiciously.

“You know it’s a shame you don’t notice this kind of stuff for yourself,” he said disappointed with a sigh then he added, “but you’re lucky you have me,” he said relieved.

“He could hardly keep him eyes off of you Paige, everyone noticed we were all waiting to see if you noticed but you never did, the MCR guys betted you would notice but we knew you better and betted against them, and we won. Now we’re betting on how long it’s going to take for him to make a move. He looks at you as if...he found something he’d been looking for the longest time, something exceptional and precious,” he finished off.

“You guys are idiots, how could you do that?!” I yelled he muffled my yell with his hand. Exceptional & precious? A little bit of exaggeration I wasn’t anywhere being a precious jewel or something.

“Be quiet,” he hushed at me.

“Ugh fine, I guess you guys would appreciate anything you can extract fun out of, I don’t blame you. But this is too fast for it to be real,” I said as I finished of with a small sigh.

“I agree it is too fast, but that doesn’t give it a seal of condemned failure, I think that every once in a while love does start the second you meet a certain person, without asking for permission. There is such a thing as “The One”,” he said.

“I never knew you thought of things this way, I guess you might be right. But what if he doesn’t feel that way?” I asked emphasizing the he part, admitting that I as already loving him, I was 100% sure Riley noticed this. By this point I was in rejection would hurt, yes... it would be like an incessant painful stabs.

“I highly doubt he doesn’t feel that way, try something to answer that question maybetomorrow better yet tonight, seeing it’s already early morning, and all day too, but it’s up to you,” he said.

“I don’t know maybe I will it all depends on a very important question, who will win the bet if something happens between us this fast?” I said smiling.

“I will,” he said as he laughed softly.

“Of course how didn’t I see this one coming,” I said as I rolled my eyes.

“But that doesn’t mean I’m giving you advice to win, I’m your friend first, and I’m seeing a true thing here, don’t waste your time honey, you don’t have that luxury, goodnight sleep well,” he said as he kissed my cheek.

“Night’,” I answered quietly.

That’s when I finally admitted it to myselfmaybe no not maybe I knew...I loved Gerard. Even tough I hardly knew him, I love him madly.

Now that I admitted it I felt like that love was multiplying by the seconds and flowing all over inside me, newborn love that felt like a century old. It simply just exploded, and then it overwhelmed me to think that Riley might be wrong, that Gerard really doesn’t love me like I love him. He couldn’t, I mean I’m not such a great thing and even if he did feel some sort of interest he would be thinking the same thought I would have been thinking: “It’s too fast, let me take it slow”. But I couldn’t wait this much more to know, I would go insane waiting, I would find out, even if it tore me apart if it’s not the answer I would want. I could not, not know. I needed to see those hazel eyes melt me as I hear the owner of them saying that he loves me, to trace the lines of his skin, let my fingers wander through his hair, feel him caressing me and most importantly get lost while he kisses me.

I needed it as if I were feeling this for the longest of years.
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Much more juicy chapters to come!
xoox Disenchanted-Babe