My Last Tour With My Brother Brian Schechter

Chapter 7: “Processing Time.”

“Gerard, I’m so sorry, you scared me, what are you doing here?” I said with my hand in my chest.

“I’m sorry, but I always pass out on bar invites since I got sober, I thought you heard me saying this, I guess not now,” he said looking at me a bit amused.

“Oh ok, I was just going to head to bed, but if you want we could do something to kill some time or whatever,” I said as I walked towards the bed and sat down on my side.

“No don’t worry, I’m just going to take a quick shower and hit the sack too,” he said walking towards the bathroom.

“Ok,” I said whispering, he was already in the bathroom.

Shit, we’re alone now, he’s going to bed with me tonight, oh shit, and I’m wearing this short dress, oh man, leave it, if I change it would look like I felt uncomfortable with him...which I don’t, but if I leave it, I would almost be throwing myself at him, nah leave it, who cares?

I was lying on my side facing Gerard’s side of the bed and had my eyes closed, with the light off but I was still waiting for him to go to bed. About five minutes later I felt the bed shift.

“Aw shit, she’s sleeping, great,” he said whispering to himself in an upset tone.

I pretended to be asleep to see what else he would do, I was trying to keep my breathing even but it became the hardest task I had to do when he suddenly started caressing my cheek, it felt heavenly, but I was surprised that even in the dark he knew exactly how to touch so lightly. I tried to pretend to be asleep when I reacted to his hand, I scooted to his side, when I felt his body I pressed myself to him my chest was against his bare chest then and I tucked my arms into his chest, for a second I tough this plan wouldn’t work because he was very tense, but then I felt him sigh and lock his arms around my frame, when he did this I sighed.

I wasn’t able to make myself sleep when I knew Gerard was embracing my body, so I just listen to him breathe and sigh. But after one hour I dozed off, then suddenly I woke up with a small gasp, I was still in his arms, but this time there was a bit of light coming from the window curtains and also he noticed I was awake, I lifted my head and looked at him he also looked at me.

“Good morning,” he said smiling as if this was completely normal.

“Gerard, what...” I managed to say, I knew why we were embracing but I didn’t know why he was reacting like he did.

“You came to me, and I simply could say not to you,” he said quietly.

“I don’t understand,” I said.

“When you said my name while you were sleeping in the plane the first night I kind of figured you liked me, then when you smiled at me it was different, like meant to be with love, then last night when you hugged me when you really got into deep sleep you started saying my name all over, but you also said don’t let me go, like you sort of knew I was hugging you, then you said my name again and right after that you said I love you,” he said, his voice only a soft murmur.

He let me process all of this and I was glad because oh my God! This was shocking, so that’s why he was concealing a smile in the plane I was saying his name in my sleep the first day I met him! Okay he knew I love him, but now there’s only one thing to ask.

I started off with a whisper then a hint of hysteria entered my voice. He couldn’t possibly love me he must have done this to be nice, just to give me comfort.

“So why couldn’t you say no to me? Why didn’t you just push me back to my side? I wouldn’t have noticed the difference, why are you still holding me now? I mean you...” was all I could say before I felt him raise my chin up and he kissed me.
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