My Last Tour With My Brother Brian Schechter

Chapter 9: “Indecisiveness.”

“Riley,” I called out he came to me quickly with a big grin, still smug.

“What’s up?” He said as he sat down in the counter next to Gerard.

“You’re paying for my tattoo and Frank’s,” I said with a specific tone, Frank heard this and joined the conversation with a big grin.

“Fine, but I get to choose where you do your tattoo,” he said trying to negotiate.

“Maybe, but you still pay, you owe me,” I said winking at Frank.

“Are we going now?” Frank asked me.

“Sure, but I have to change first,” I said as I went into my room, Gerard followed and when we got in he closed the door. I took of some skinny jeans with a dark grey plaid pattern and a white t-shirt with a light grey vest, then some vans to finish off. I did my hair and make-up and looked in the mirror and saw that Gerard had been looking at me since we came in.

“You’re gorgeous,” he said with his eyes lit up.

“Thanks,” I said bushing a faint pink.

He smiled and came to were I was standing and put his arms around my waist.

“Do you want me to come with you?” He asked while kissing my neck, damn him this is way too distracting.

“I always want you with me, so yes, now...” I gasped, “please stop distracting me and go change,” I said with difficulty.

“I know I’m being a bit mean by doing this,” he said while kissing my neck yet again, “but I can’t seem to control myself, but we’ll have all night, be right back,” he said while he went to change.

I laid on the bed making my body temperature to go back to normal instead of boiling, then when he finished we joined the rest of the guys in the living room.
Then Frank, Riley, Gerard, Mikey and I went in the SUV to the tattoo shop. We gave the design to the guy and while he sketched it we though on where we should have it made.

“Where are you going to get it?” Frank asked me.

“I have no idea” I said.

“The design itself is small, so don’t put in on a big place because that would look like lost,” Mikey considered.

“Yeah I agree,” Gerard said.

“Fine I’ll do it here,” he said to the guy while pointing on the inside of his left arm close to his wrist. The guy started, Gerard seemed nervous but I knew he wanted to see mine getting done so he would tough it out, I sat down on his lap his arms were immediately on my waist, Mikey sat down on the other chair next to Frank’s other side.

“I’m getting it done here,” I said softly to Gerard while I took his hand and placed it on the inside corner of my left hip.

“I like it,” he said grinning.

“Of course you do, you perv,” I said softly and laughing at the same time.

20 minutes later Frank’s tattoo was finished and looking awesome, now came my turn I hopped on the chair and told the guy where I wasted it done, I made the space bigger by moving my clothes out of the way after this the guy began rapidly after taking a long look at the space, Gerard wasn’t pleased I laughed at him, as if I were to leave him!

Another 20 minutes later, he was finished, I stood up and looked in the long mirror and I fell in love with it, it was the perfect place for it. After that Riley paid the bill after insisting to the tattoo guy to let him pay for it, the guy was obviously a generous fan.

“Excuse me, could I have all of you guys autograph?” The guy who tattooed Frank and me asked us.

“Sure,” I said while I signed a banner of the ‘My Deceitful Romance’ tour.

Frank, Mikey and Gerard signed also.

“So are you going to the concert tonight?” I asked Cole, our tattoo guy.

“Well I went to the one last night, you guys played awesome, but I couldn’t get tickets for the one tonight because apparently others are faster than me when it comes to buying them,” he said laughing.

I looked at the guys, and apparently they thought the same thing as I was.

“We could get you tickets, for you and your friends,” Frank said confidently.

“Holy shit, really?” Cole asked flabbergasted.

“Really, how many do you need?” Mikey assured.

“Um just one,” Cole answered, but it was obvious he was trying not to ask for more.

“Bullshit, how many really?” I pressed. He looked at me and then smiled.

“Five would be mad awesome,” he said laughing.

“Done, now was that so hard?” I asked laughing too.

“We’ll have someone bring them to you in about one hour,” Gerard said while finishing texting someone, apparently the one who was going to bring them.

As we got to the SUV we went to eat, but we chose the Wendy’s drive-thru, we ate on the way to the hotel. When we got to the hotel room it was full with people, of course this was normal. When I saw this I gave out an involuntary cheerless sigh as I walked alone to my room who was respectfully left empty by the guys, I love both bands, but I love Gerard more and I wanted to have as much time as I could with him. When I got to the room I sprawled on the bed then Frank came in the room.

“I need to talk to you alone,” said Frank as he closed the room door.

“What about?” I asked hesitantly.

“How close are you with Gerard?” He asked as he sat next to me on the bed.

“I don’t get the question,” I confessed.

“Well, what I mean is how serious is your relationship with Gee,” he cleared but I kept quiet, I didn’t know where he was getting at.

“I’m sorry I know it’s none of my business it’s jut that I wanted to know well before offering up something and putting you guys in an uncomfortable spot,” he added.

“Don’t worry about it, I understand better now I guess. I mean we’re serious and steady, at least from my perspective. I can’t speak for Gerard though,” I said not doubting Gerard’s love, but not wanting to speak for him, Frank should talk to him too.

“I already know Gerard’s feelings, but I still wanted to know how comfortable you are with Gerard so that I can offer you guys something I spoke to Ray about,” he said.

“What offer are we talking about?” I pressed.

“Ray and I talked and well we agreed if both of you were really serious, we would love to give you some more privacy, so we thought you guys could switch rooms with us,” he said as he gave me his and Ray’s room key.

“Oh my God, I was just talking to Gerard about this just this morning, thank you Frank,” I said as I hugged him.

“Don’t mention it, I’ve never seen Gerard this happy and I want he and you to have the complete privacy you guys deserve from the start, you’re family now, so get packing,” he said as he stood up and left the room.

I squealed out of happiness for a brief second, and then Gerard came in with a smile.

“It seems you always get what you want,” he said walking closer to the edge of the bed with his arms across hi chest.

I just laughed and stood on my knees on the edge of the bed and hugged him, minutes later I kissed him.

“You need help to move?” Said Ray coming thru the door with a smile.

“Nope, not so many suitcases,” I answered.

“I wasn’t talking about that, I just though we might need to move you guys away from each other and from the bed, so we could move in,” he said laughing hard now, me and Gerard joined them in this.

“Sorry, be right out,” I said laughing while getting my stuff in my suitcase and the stuff in the bathroom.

When we finished Frank came in with his stuff.

“Shit Ray, you always take the best side of the bed,” he complained.

“Early bird gets the worm,” Ray quoted.

“Yep that may be true, but the last rat gets the cheese,” Frank said muttering angrily.

Gerard and me got to Frank and Ray’s room and got settled; all of the guys in the suite just grinned at us and/or hooted.

“This is more like it,” I said as I hugged Gerard in the bed.

“This is better; can I see that tattoo better now?” He asked.

“Babe, you don’t even have to ask,” I said.

He smiled and got on top of me, both of his knees on my sides. He raised my shirt a little, and then he opened the button of my jeans then the zipper and lowered my jeans very little.

“Nice,” he purred as he kissed my stomach and traced my skin with his fingers, very softly I must add making me shiver with goose bumps, his kisses were making their way down, and settled on top of my tattoo. Then he came up to my face and kissed me, my skin was burning with fresh excitement, I could see he was enjoying this as much as I was. Obviously he didn’t forget my, oh so sensitive neck and he kissed me there making me start panting.

Then, someone was knocking at the door.

“Aw shit,” Gerard muttered against my skin.

“I’ll get it,” I said, when I got up I fixed my pants and my shirt, took a look through the peephole on the door and gasped a bit.

“It’s Brian,” I told Gerard softly, and then I opened the door.

“Hey,” I said.

“Hi, I need to talk to you,” he said as he motioned for me to move to the hallway, obviously knowing Gerard was in the room.

“Let me see the tattoo,” he asked looking for it, I showed it to him and he admired it for a while.

“It’s really nice, Gerard is a genius,” he added, “you know I know everything right?” he said as he looked at me again.

“Yeah, the guys told me,” I said.

“Are you sure about all of this? I mean, is it serious?” He asked.

“Definitely to both,” I affirmed.

“What about your original plan, how is this going to end up?” He asked puzzled.

That’s when it hit me, during these days I had completely forgotten my original decision, but now that I met Gerard, would it change? Could I have both or would I have to decide? Or was I going to keep my original plan intact, knowing that now I had more to leave behind. Gerard had made me forget about all of this, but now it hit me like I’ve been with a brick, right now the pain struck hard.

“I have no idea; I completely forgot about that, what am I going to do?” I said in between chocked sobs, Brian hugged me when he saw my meltdown getting closer.

“I’m sure you’ll figure it out, I’m sorry for bringing it up, one day at a time,” he said to my ear.

“I hope so, I got to go,” I said as I recollected myself I wanted my pain killer, my joy, Gerard.

“Sure, see you in a couple of hours,” he said as he let me go.

“Did you listen to it?” I asked Gerard, hoping I didn’t have to talk about it.

“A bit, I mostly saw it. Come here,” he said as he opened up his arms to cradle me to his chest, “do you want to tell me?” He asked, I could talk about this with him it didn’t hurt when I was with him.

“What are you leaving for?” He asked stroking my hair.

“Harvard law,” I sighed.

“Wow, impressive I’m proud of you. But why,” he said tranquil.

“I don’t exactly know, but I just don’t see myself growing old with music, you know?” I said softly.

“I get it, you want something more solid, but it hurts you to leave music behind, because obviously you love it,” he completely understood everything.

“Doesn’t it bother you if I decide to leave that we may not be together as much as we’d like, or at all if it dissolves with distance?” I yelled looking at him angrily.

“You shouldn’t worry about that, take it one day at a time, we’ll figure it out it’s going to work out fine, I’m not letting you go anyway it might end up,” he said and it warmed my heart to see he’s not willing to let me go, even if I wanted to.

“I’m sorry for yelling at you, I know it’s not fair to you having me not decided on what I want. For not choosing you first,” I said ashamed.

“Nonsense, as long as you love me and let me be a part of your life it’s all I can ever ask. Everyone goes through what you’re experiencing now, I had it, I only wish I was lucky enough to have found someone I love madly who was willing to go with me every step of the way. I don’t feel mad or offended at all, so stop worrying, that everything is going to be fine,” he said as he touched my face with his hand, I closed my eyes and just felt him.

“You are so good to me baby, can you make me forget?” I asked him desperately, he smiled and laid me on the bed.

“My pleasure, I love you, you know?” He said.

“I sure do, and you know something, I love you too,” I said looking at his gorgeous hazel eyes, he smiled and then he kissed me as he caressed my body with his soft touches. And yes, it did make me forget.
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oxox D.B.

Love to all my lovely subscribers and thanks for the comments *hugs*