Road To Acceptance

Road to Acceptance - Part Five

“Okay you have to be really quiet,” Billie said whispering. “These people will let there dogs out, and I really do not need another fucking hole in these pants.” I smiled and looked to his pants. Torn at the knee, thigh, and shin. We hopped a broken fence, landing in a puddle of mud. I looked down and saw splatters of mud and grass on my leg. He ran across the muddy dirt field to hide behind a rusty old tow truck. He looked over and then sat down to catch his breath.
“I could really go for a massage right now.” He said panting, squeezing his shoulder. I kneeled next to him and wiped the mud off my leg.
“Later” I said.
He looked at me and let go of his shoulder. One of his eyebrows lifted up and he looked me over still unsure of what came out of my mouth.
“Really?” His voice different then I’ve ever heard it before. “I didn’t mean it, but if you’re really offering me one then - “
We heard a man whistle and shut a door. I felt my heart racing. Billie stood a little to look over the truck. He motioned me to stand up to. He pointed to another area of the deserted dump looking place and I noticed some furniture. It looked like it was made by a fine tailor in France. I admired the victorian vintage style of old Paris and that’s exactly what it reminded me of.
“Up for stealing a car too?” He broke into my thoughts and I looked over at him.
“That wasn’t in the gig before.”
“Well it is now.” He sped across the yard towards a blue truck. I quickly ran with him, messenger bag and all, quickly leaving me leaning against him. I scooted over and turned around to see the fine leather couch and matching recliner. I loaded the two pieces into the back while Billie got a steel black table and chairs. Once we had more then enough furniture Billie slowly opened the creaky blue door and turned the keys that were mistakably left in there. I hopped into the passenger seat and shut it softly.
“Damn I can’t believe we’re actually get away with this.” I said throwing my bag on the floor. This was as easy as shoplifting from a girly cosmetic store.
“It’s not over babe.” He turned the steering wheel to the left and reversed into the broken gate. It crashed easily leaving Billie to accelerate his ass hard out of there. A burly man ran out with two rottweilers chasing after us. But Billie was too fast. We sped down the alley and made it easily onto the main street.
Billie laughed as we stopped at a stop light. He put his hands at his sides and let out a big sigh. I looked over at him with his hand out the window now, and he scratched his head. Sweat falling down his cheeks, down his neck to his white shirt. He watched the cars drive by as I secretly watched him. Something about this boy made me want to know more. I admired him. I was sadly falling for him.
“What are you looking at?” He said smiling at me, then turning back to the road.
“You have mud on your shirt.” I said nervously looking out the window.
I remained quiet the rest of the way home....

“You always said you were going to steal from that dump some day, I can’t believe you actually pulled it off!” Mike said dropping the recliner in the living room.
“Well I did it, and that’s all that matters.” He winked at me and then shut the door. I sat across from him. I took off my shoes and crossed my legs.
“So where’s Tre?” Billie continued, leaning back.
“On his way over actually.”
“We have band practice tonight y’know? And then that show at Smokies tomorrow. They’re gonna pay us 50 dollars each! I’m so excited man.”
Mike smirked. “Yeah I’m excited too. We’ll have enough to finally replace our strings. I’m tired of using the same ones.”
“I know, mine are all about to bust and - “
“What band do you guys play in?” I interrupted, ever so curiously.
“A punk rock band I guess.” Mike said looking over to Billie.
“Ever heard of Green Day?” Billie asked.
Green Day. My god. My best friend back in Phoenix was madly in love with them and Sweet Children. She knew all about the underground Oakland bands. Especially since her older brothers were in a few. She would rant on and on about them for hours. I began to like them about a month or two before my parents died. I had no idea that this was the Billie Joe from Green Day. I never did get familiar with the faces of guys in bands...
“Of course. I had no idea. That’s amazing, you guys are so fucking good!” I smiled and stood up straight, now hugging my knee’s. Resembling a 5 year old child, Billie and Mike laughed.
“God Tre would love her.” Mike announced.
Billie was quiet and looked at me smirking.
“So Sidnee, how about that massage you were offering me earlier?”
“Oh god.....” I sighed.
Their was a knock at the door.
Mike stood up and answered the door to a plump, bouncy fellow. His blonde hair bouncing with him, as his eyes fell all over the room from furniture to furniture. He stood infront of me and bowed.
“I’m Tre.”
“Nice to meet you Tre, I’m Sidnee.”
Mike scoffed. “Shit, that’s about the nicest introduction I’ve seen from you all day.”
“Ha funny. Well Mike I was kinda wondering if I could talk to you. Also, Billie can I ask you to do something for me? “
Billie’s head jolted up towards me.
“Go in my room and wait for me - I'll give you that massage, but I wanna talk to Mike about earlier.”
His mouth dropped with surprise. “Okay!” He skipped to the room without hesitation.
I sat there with Mike and Tre. I pushed my blue hair behind my ear and sighed.
“So I feel bad about earlier. I never meant to be so rude and rough on you or Bill. I really hope we can start over. I really like you though, you’re a friendly guy. You’ve done more then enough for me since I’ve gotten here, and all I’ve done was be a bitch. I’m sorry.”
“Wow, well thanks for apoligizing. But all I really wanna know now is...”
He lifted up his arm and pointed lazily to the bedroom.
“What’s up with Bill?”
“I promised him a massage. I mean, I do have to make up for when I socked him in the jaw.”
“You do hit pretty hard for a girl.”
“For a girl, pshh.” I smirked and stood. “I’ll give you guys all a good massage before you’re band practice. You are my favorite band anyways.”
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Super sorry that I haven't updated lately. It's been a rough past weeks. Fights with immature people, an amazing time at my birthday, and a really tough decision. I'll try and keep on top of this story. But comments are always appreciated. Shankk you.