True Crescent Star

I'm Addie Driver, and I've hidden a secret ever since I was born in the early 1400's.

Life had been easy, so I thought...
Throughout my years I had thought life had thrown everything at me, I’ve seen death, and life being born. Seeing this has shaped me into the person I am today. I thought I was respected according to my morals and lifestyle, but now that I have seen the other side of the picture I have come to realize I was wrong all these years...
And now I’ve decided to change it, and make things right.

I am who I am, and that is a girl werewolf fighting off the agency who runs all of the supernaturals, I plan to expose them for the true vermin they are, and now after all of these centuries, the chance has finally opened up.
  1. Chapter One: Nightmare
    I've hidden a secret through all of these years, I used to be able to trust people, but now the only ones I can trust seem to be my family, I used to play by the rules, but not anymore. I now find myself fighting off evil, and standing by good.