Skylines and Turnstiles


The hotel rooms were mediocre. Just large enough to be comfortable in but definitely not the most classy of places. The sheets were stiff, the pillows smelt like bleach, and the blankets were scratchy. The wallpaper that covered the room itself was ugly-pea green and tacky as shit. That along with the wood trim and stained carpet made it acceptable for prostitutes and drug dealers but not for an upper-class lady such as myself. Right, upper-class lady my ass.

Jack, however, had no problem with the scratchy blankets or the smell of Clorox; he promptly flung himself upon a bed and wrapped the blankets around himself to form sort of a half-assed cocoon before burrowing his head into one pillow while he hugged the other to his chest. My upper lip curled up and I sat on the edge of the bed disgusted but stroked Jack’s hair soothingly as he tried to fall into the realms of deep sleep. “He asleep?” I glanced up at Lisa who had appeared in the room carrying her pillow and a backpack, hair wild and her make-up just a little bit smudged. I nodded and watched her smile and throw her bag to the ground with a groan and flop onto the bed.

Alex stepped into the room quietly, sitting his backpack and duffel bag next to the dresser that a nicely sized television sat upon. He removed the grey beanie that concealed his sandy brown locks and flung it next to the television, running a hand through his unruly hair and stretching his arms and legs as he rose on tiptoe with a yawn. He scratched his stomach and rubbed his eyes before removing his jeans revealing his red boxer briefs and stripping his shirt off leaving a ton of skin for my eyes to wander gleefully without him even noticing my eyes on his body. He stepped over to the other bed and pushed Lisa’s shoulder mumbling something to her under his breath. She sat up and pulled back the covers so they could both slip under them as she kicked her flip flops to the ground.

I glanced over at Jack and sighed, the boy still had on his flannel shirt and jeans along with a pair of Nike’s. I got up and pulled the covers from his body, reaching down to untie his bright shoes and pull them slowly off, sitting them next to the bed feeling eyes on me. I shrugged the feeling off and continued to undue Jack’s belt; I unbuttoned and unzipped the black skinnies before sliding them down his long legs, grinning at his hairy, gorilla legs in the process. I pulled the flannel shirt and yellow v-neck from his torso before tucking him back into bed amazed he didn’t wake up while I undressed him, “He’s a deep sleeper.” I ignored Alex’s comment and found the remote for the TV in the nightstand drawer and turned the TV on flicking through the channels. I lingered on Disney and threw the remote to the side and glued my eyes to a re run of Even Stevens. It wasn’t long before I was tired of the show and cuddled up to Jack’s back, snuggling my face against his warm skin before falling asleep.

I woke up to Jack’s lips on mine. Not that I didn’t enjoy it, I was just startled with resulted in use banging heads. “Oh my god, I think you broke my nose!” I bolted up and reached for Jack’s face turning it to face me and examined his nose. It was a bit swollen and red but not broken from what I could see. I planted a kiss to the bridge of his nose mumbling, “I’m so sorry, baby.”

He smashed his lips to mine sloppily and broke away with a grin. I pushed his face away from mine with a giggle before laying back on my side facing the wall. Jack leaned back alongside me and leaned over to press a kiss to my bare shoulder. I elbowed his in the stomach and he grunted, slinging an arm over my waist to slide under my tank top and stroke my bare skin. I snuggled into his body and let out a happy sigh, “Can we stay like this all day?”

He groaned and sat upright, “Dammit, I knew I had a reason to wake you up. We have to go do an interview.” He made a face after the word interview and got to his feet walking over to his bag in his boxer briefs. I sat up with my elbow resting on my knee and my chin in my open palm watching him sing a random tune to himself and shake his flat ass while he dug around his duffel. He pulled out a pair of khaki shorts and a black Blink-182 shirt and pulled them on before sitting down on the edge of the bed and pulling socks on his huge feet before slipping on his Nike’s.

He glanced over and grinned crookedly, puckering his lips for a kiss. I gladly leaned over and pressed mine to his before getting to my feet and walking over his gangly legs to my own bag. I changed into a pair of grey skinny jeans and a white v-neck with a charcoal vest over. I pulled on my plain black converse and slid a few beaded bracelets on my wrist before turning to Jack and raising an eyebrow, “You ready, Mr. Barakat?” He patted his pockets for a moment before nodding and getting to his feet. We laced our fingers together and walked out the motel room hand in hand.
♠ ♠ ♠
boring, I know.
drama rama approaching.
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