Red Grove Academy

Mortal Affairs.


Julia nodded, her light blonde hair floating around her ghostly face. Mr. Roman had encountered some strange things in his lifetimes, but ghosts were not one of them, and especially not ghosts of his past students.

“Mr. Roman, before we speak, I would like to see my sisters here. They need to know this as well.” She said softly, and he nodded, standing up.

“Come, Julia. We’ll go get them.” He silently moved from his dark office to outside of the building, and Julia floated behind him, her feet not touching the floor.

Mr. Roman walked up the hallways, and knocked lightly on the twin’s door. Kallie opened it, her hair slightly disheveled from sleep.

“Mr. Roman?” She asked in confusion.

“Miss Regalia, I need to speak with you and your sister. Please come with me.” He instructed, and although Kallie was a little confused, she woke up her twin and they quietly followed Mr. Roman back into his office. Julia stayed in the shadows, careful not to reveal herself until the time was right.

When the girls were seated across from Mr. Roman, he nodded, letting Julia move forward. She stood behind him, her face a eerie orange, a reflection of the lamplight.

Kallie and Lucie gasped at the same time, rising to their feet.

“Julia,” They breathed in disbelief, and a smile spread over Julia’s ghostly face.

“Yes, my sisters, it’s me. I’ve come to warn you. Please, relax. You know we have nothing to hide in front of Mr. Roman.” Julia said, moving through the desk to sit in between her two sisters. Kallie and Lucie nodded, closing their eyes to obey their sister’s wish.

Slowly, a faint glow came over them, and from their backs unfurled a pair of white wings, feathery in shape. Mr. Roman found no shock in this, as he was used to it already. Julia’s ghostly, translucent wings were nothing compared to the beauty of her twins, but she sat as confident as if she was the prettiest.

“Girls, now that you are here, in your purest forms, let us begin. Julia, what is it that you have come to tell us?” Julia took an unneeded breath, merely a familiar move from when she was still alive.

“It’s Lucifer, sir. He’s risen again, now. And he has his fallen angels with him. He is powerful, sir, more powerful than when we were all together.” Worried lines crossed Gabriel Roman’s face, he had not expected that Lucifer would become this strong this fast.

“We’ll just have to fight him.” He concluded. Kallie’s eyes widened.

“Mr. Roman, we can’t just send in those humans! They’ve barely learned anything! They’ll get killed!” She said, frantic. She wouldn’t stand for having another death on their hands because their leader was too much in a hurry.
Mr. Roman shook his head. “We’ll have no other choice, Kallie.” Lucie shook her head.

“Shouldn’t we have the others here to discuss this? They are just as involved in this as we are, and they should be informed.” She said quietly. Julia thought for a moment, and nodded.

“Mr. Roman, it would be better if the fighters knew what they were getting into.” She pointed out. Mr. Roman sighed, and after a few moments of thought, nodded.

“You are right. They should know. We shall explain to them tomorrow.” Mr. Roman said, placing his hands on the desk.

“May we sleep now, Mr. Roman? I know that I shall need all of my energy if I’m going to be explaining everything tomorrow.” Lucie asked, beginning to return to her mortal-looking form. Mr. Roman sighed again, but nodded.

“Yes, girls, you may go back to sleep. We’ve got a long day ahead of us.” He said, dismissing them. Kallie and Lucie stood up, folding their wings for another day. They silently left Mr. Roman’s office, and Julia stayed behind.

“Gabriel. You know that you couldn’t have kept this a secret from your students.” She said, and he nodded.

“I know, Julie. I know. I just wish we had more time.” Julia sighed.

“Don’t we all.”


When Mr. Roman walked into his classroom the next morning, it was dead silent, the air filled with anticipation. Every student sat forward, watching him closely. Mr. Roman put his bag down, the normally not loud motion causing a boom through the room. He looked over the classroom. Violette took a breath, standing up, deciding to speak for the rest of the class.

“Mr. Roman, last night I had a vision. You aren’t telling us the truth, and we think we deserve to know it.” She said, her voice unwavering. Mr. Roman sighed, and nodded.

“Yes, Miss Arrowood. You do deserve to know the truth. That’s what I am going to tell you today.” He said, and she sat down, not expecting him to give in so easy.

“There is something that I haven’t been honest with you about, that is true, and I would like to clear things up with you. Kallie, Lucie? Would you come here please?”

Everyone’s eyes turned to the back of the classroom, staring with wide eyes. No one had expected this turn of events, no one but 3 girls sitting near the front.

Kallie and Lucie rose gracefully from the back, Kallie more confident than Lucie. They stood on either side of Mr. Roman, their faces serene.

“Yes, it is true, I have brought you here to fight. That was not a lie. But the fight is not just any little fight, my students. This war has been going on for centuries, and you cannot back out of this. The fight you have been brought in to enter is not one of mortal affairs.”