Foster Child.

Chapter 3.

The first day of school was a blur to Bob, his first period with Ray made him realise that he would be treated like trash among the rest of his peers, and that the only people who were willing to give him a go, were the five he had spent the time before school with. As depressing at that fact was, he reluctantly accepted it. His second period was Mathematics with Gerard who spent the whole time drawing in the back of his notebook, drawings of a teenager who looked remarkably like Michael.

Recess and Lunch breaks were very much like each other. With all of them squashed in the storeroom, Frank spent the entire time glaring at everyone while Ray and Gerard were in a very heated conversation, Michael adding a few nods and comments now and again.

The last few periods of the day went the quickest though, Bob found out that he had at least one of the five teenagers in each of his classes and strangely enough, a fact that strangely enough made Bob feel safe. Bob even managed to crack a smile a few times during the day, mostly thanks to Ray, who felt the need to do Physical Education in high heels and complained loudly when he tripped and tore a ladder in his stockings.

When Bob reached his locker at the end of the day he was met by Gerard and Michael.

“Want to come to the shops with us?” Gerard asked, uncharacteristically kind.

“No thanks, I think I’m just going to go home, I’ve got a lot of homework and I don’t want to fall behind so early in the year.” Bob left out the fact that he’d rather not be seen in public with the Way brothers.

“What a pathetic lie.” Michael said, smirking. “I was kind of hoping you could come up with something more extravagant then that.”

Bob sighed, he had been caught out, “fine, I’ll go.”

Michael smiled triumphantly as he lead the way out of the school.


“Gerard, I really don’t need a new toothbrush.” Bob sighed, Gerard obviously wasn’t listening to him, as he picked out a hot pink, electric toothbrush, placing it in the basket next to the five purple sharpies, that he assured the other two that he would need one day.

Gerard then pulled his brother and foster brother over to the makeup section, where he brought pale blue, grey and black eye shadow, promising Bob that whenever he wanted to look sexy, he would be there waiting.

After walking out of the large retail store, Bob inched his way over to the small bookstore next to it. Michael followed, while Gerard walked the opposite direction, into Jay Jays.

Bob smiled at the bookshelves that were overflowing with books, he felt like he was embracing an old friend as he browsed through the shelves, Michael observing him as he did so.

He picked up Misery by Stephen King and after deciding that he really wanted it, searched through his pockets, desperately trying to find more then the four dollars he had found.

"I’ll pay.”

Bob turned around to find his face inches away from Michaels.

“But-” Bob stuttered, not wanting someone else to waste their money on him.

“I insist.” Bob stared, lost in Michaels hypnotising gaze, as he nodded slowly, mumbling his appreciation.

As soon as they walked out of the book shop a bag was thrust under Michaels nose.

“What’s this?” He asked Gerard who was proudly holding up the plastic bag from Jay Jays.

Michael opened the bag to find a pair of dark grey skinny leg jeans.

“Gerard, you twat, they’re two sizes too small!”

Gerard smirked at his younger brother, a knowing look in his eyes.

“I know.” He winked at Michael before declaring that they only had one more stop until he would allow them to depart from the shopping centre.

Gerard ordered Bob to stand outside a pet shop before dragging Michael inside with him. Emerging a little less then fifteen minutes later carrying a kitten.

“From us to you. Welcome to the family!”


Bob found himself outside the Way Brothers’ bedroom that night, peering in their room from the crack in the door.

Michael was jumping up and down as he attempted to pull on the too-tight skinny leg jeans. Gerard was sitting on his bed watching his younger brother struggle with lust in his eyes.

“Come here, babe.” Gerard mumbled affectionately, pulling his younger brother closer.

After three more failed attempts, they managed to fit the jeans onto Michaels thin hips. Michael swirled around so Gerard could view the jeans from all angles.

“They look amazing, Michael. No wait, scratch that, you look amazing.”

Michael blushed and Gerard pulled him onto his lap, delicately wrapping his arms around his brother. Michael snuggled into his older brothers embrace, loving the warmth and the feeling of being protected.

“I love you, Michael. I love you so fucking much.”

“I love you too Gerard.” Michael tilted his head to meet Gerards.

Gerard placed a small peck on Michaels nose and Michael placed one on Gerards cheek.

“Let’s go to bed, sugar. Want some help getting out of those jeans?” He winked suggestively.

Michael giggled and raised himself off Gerards lap. Bob took this as his cue to leave.

The warmth of the spring night failed to keep Bob warm that night, as he shivered underneath his blankets. He was stuck with the cold, hard, truth. He let a tear slip down his cheek and crash on to his pillow as he realised how alone he really was.
♠ ♠ ♠
To the seventeen subscribers that have patiently waited for me to find Mibba again, thank you. Thank you so much.
It's been a while, but hopefully I'm going to be back for good.
If you guys still actually like this story, I may write an update soon.

934 words.

Thanks again.

-Leish x