Never Say Never


This can't happen, can it?

That one sentence run through Stephanie's mind since she woke. All night she though about Brian. She was in a conflict. She had duty, a job, and she couldn't be having feelings for him. She couldn't have a relationship with Brian, could she?

"Steph, you okay?" Alexa's voice broke her out from her thoughts. Stephanie blinked and then sighed.

"I don't think so. I mean, I-- I kissed him Alex," she said. Alex seemed confused.


"Brian," she whispered. Stephanie watched as her younger sister's eyes widened.


"Shush! Not so loud!"

"You kissed him?" Alexa asked, her voice softer. Stephanie nodded, "Shit. Well look at my sister getting on. But why aren't you happy? Don't you like him?"

"I do like him. A lot. I have feelings for this guy I've never had before," Stephanie confessed, "But, that's why,"

"I don't get it,"

"I-- I shouldn't be involved with him. He's my assignment and this is the most un-professional thing I've ever done,"

"I still don't get it. You want to forfeit your happiness just for you stupid job? That doesn't make sense," Alex said. Stephanie shook her head.

"You won't understand--"

"No, I perfectly understand! You ruining your life for a God damned job. It's you who don't get it. You have your mind clouded with so much bullshit that that's all coming out of your mouth," Alex said. Stephanie heard enough.

"Whatever Alexa. I need to sort this out with Brian," Stephanie said getting up. Suddenly, the door bell rang.

"Oh God, I bet that's Brian. You tell him you're not interested and that's the end of whatever you guys had,"

"I didn't even know him well enough! We had nothing to begin with," she said. Alexa shook her head.

"You don't even know," she said and left Stephanie.

Stephanie sighed and opened the door.

"Hi Brian," she said, smiling. He frowned.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

"Am I that transparent?"

"Um, no. It's just that I can tell. Don't ask how 'cause that never happened before with any one else," he said.

"I-- I just got in an agrument with Alex. She's pissed at me and well..."she said. Brian nodded.

"Alright then. May I come in?" he asked. Stephanie nodded.

"Of course,"

As they both sat down, Brian made his way to kiss Stephanie. She backed away.

"Um, Brian, I need to talk to you about something," she said. Brian nodded, "Well, you know how we kissed and stuff?"

Brian smiled, "Yeah. I can't actually forget that,"

"Well, I can't-- we can't be anything,"

"What do you mean?"

Stephanie sighed, "I mean. We can't kiss anymore. We can't-- we shouldn't have feelings for eachother,"

"But I do!"

"Well, I don't," she said, her face masked so that Brian couldn't read anything. Her eyes were cold; her voice firm, "and you should get over your petty school boy crush now. I've didn't mean to kiss you, anything you thought I felt was a lie and you don't matter to me; you're only a job,"

Brian didn't think her words would hurt so badly. He didn't think his heart wuold break. But it did. He was injured and he felt angry. He didn't need Stephanie and he should just move on. So he swallowed and stood up.

"Okay then. I'll just leave,"

As soon as he left, Stephanie burst out in tears. Why was she feeling like this was a mistake. Where were all the reasons that Brian and her shouldn't be together? Why was it hurting so bad? Stephanie knew all the things she just said were lies but it was the better thing to do, right?

Darcy Daniels' heart twisted. She heard everything. From her daughters' agrument to what Stephanie told Brian. It was obvious that her daughter was in love and that the young man felt the same way. As Stephanie's mother, Darcy knew she made mistakes. And now, she has to talk to a specific person because her daughter should never be hurt like this. Ever.
♠ ♠ ♠
Well kiddies, Stephanie is a bum... oh well :) Lots more drama to come.

Thanks to the following for commenting:

Dark Passion Play
Catastrophe In A Box