Never Say Never


A day passed since Tiffany came back to the house and Stephanie was utterly miserable. Brian avoided her, saying that he was hanging out with Matt and the guys. She decided to let him stay with the guys; she saw no point in tagging along since it seemed a little bit safe.

It was about two in the afternoon when Stephanie got hit by a pillow. She awoke with a jolt, only to glare at Alexa who threw it.

"What do you want?" Stephanie asked Alexa. Her younger sister rolled her eyes.

"Apparantly, mother has arranged a party thing for princess and since she has no friends, mom said to invite ours. So, I figured you'd want to call val and them up since they're your only friends in Huntington," Alexa said. Stephanie groaned.

"Ugh, no parties! Need. More. Sleep!" she yelled, plopping back down on her bed.

Alexa sighed at her sister. She pulled Stephanie's hand, "Get up you lazy ass!" she yelled, trying to pull Stephanie off the bed. Fortunately, Stephanie didn't anticipate this and immediately got off of the bed. Stephanie's feet landed on the floor before she could fall and damage her ass, so she eneded up in a crouching position.

"Fine," Stephanie said, her eyes still looking tired.

As Alexa left the room, Stephanie took out her cell phone and searched for Val's cell number.

"Hello good afternoon?" Val answered.

"Val, it's me, Stephanie," she said.

"Oh, hey. I'm so sorry about you and Brian,"

"He told you?" Stephanie asked, surprised.

"Well, no. He told Matt and the guys and I forced Matt to tell me,:

"Ah, I see,"

"You still like him don't you?" Val asked suddenly.

"Um, anyways, my mother is having a party this afternoon for my sister who came like a day ago. I just wanted to invite you and everyone else to come. I'm sorry if this is a short notice but I just found out about it,so..." Stephanie explained, her voice trailing off at the end.

"Don't worry about that hun. We'll come," Val said.

"Okay then, good bye and I'll see you this afternoon,"

"Bye," Val replied and then hung up the phone.

Stephanie rested her cell on her bed and sighed.

"Great, nowI have to bathe and get ready," she said to herself.


"Brian! Get your ass up you lazy, piece of depressed shit!" Val yelled, her Matt now in Brian's house.

"No," Brian said stubbornly, still lying down on the couch.

"Here's what, right. Stephanie invited for all of us to go. Everyone is ready and their meeting us by Stephanie's house. You better go or else," Val threatened.

"Or else what, Val?" he asked.

"Or else, I will lift your stupid ass up and make sure you get fucking dressed," Matt intervened, "I know you're all sad and shit about Stephanie rejecting you but God man, grow a pair!"

Brian glared Matt and Val. He then got up from the couch, "Fine, whatever," he mumbled, making his to his room.


"Stephanie," Alexa said from Stephanie's door, "Jimmy, Johnny, Leana and Lacey just pulled up,"

"Okay, thanks honey," Stephanie said, placing small, gold hooped earrings in her ear. Stephanie wore on something comfortable. She had on a dark blue pair of bootleg jeans, a thin strapped, light brown tunic and simple flat shoes. There was no way she going to be uncomfortable in her own house. She rolled her eyes, thinking about what Tiffanly was wearing at the moment. Her sister decided on wearing gold dress that was about mid thigh and it clung to her body like second skin. Tiffany caked her face with make up and wore heels higher than the stilettos that Stephanie wore for the awards.

Stephanie walked to the backyard to greet her friends. With a smile on her face, she jumped on Jimmy's back. He staggered a bit but retained his balance; Lacey, Leana and Johnny all laughing at the both of us.

"Hello lovely," Jimmy said. Stephanie smiled.

"Hi Jim. Well hell, you can see the whole backyard from this view.," she joked.

"Har har, not funny," Jimmy said drily.

"I thought it was," Johnny said.

"Ah! Johnny! And Lacey!" Stephanie yelled and dropped from Jimmy's back, only to hug Johnny and Lacey.

"What about me?" Leana pouted.

"I don't know. What about you?" Stephanie asked. Leana feigned hurt, putting a hand on her chest.

"Ouch. You bitch," Leana said. Stephanie laughed and hugged Leana.

"Where's the rest of peoples?" Stephanie asked. Leana shrugged.

"Um, well Zacky and Gena should be here soon, as well as Michelle and her boyfriend. Val ad Matt went by Brian's to see if he would come. I don't know if he's coming though," she said. Everyone gave Stephanie sympatethic looks.

"Do all of you know?" she asked, exasperated. They nodded and Stephanie sighed.

"Whatever," she said. Then Tiffany came into view. She glaned at Jimmy's tattoos and twisted her face in disgust.

"These are your friends?" Tiffany asked.

"Yes, do you have a problem with them?" Stephanie asked.

"Well..." Tiffany said, looking at the tattoos again, "I've never been a fan of tattoos and piercings,"

Stephanie glanced at Leana and Lacey who looked just pissed enough to rip out Tiffany's head.

"Uh, I think you should go," Stephanie said, talking to Tiffany. Just then, Stephaine saw him. Brian was walking behind Matt and Val. Stephanie's breath stopped as she looked at him. She looked down, not wanting to have those feelings for Brian; not wanting to have this reaction to him.

"Wow, who is that?" Tiffany asked.

"You mean the guy with the tattoos and piercing, all alone?" Leana asked.

Tiffany ignored Leana and Stephanie watched as she walked off to Brian; her hips swaying to the music that their mother put on.

That bitch.
♠ ♠ ♠
Thanks to Mad as Rabbits., bloodravyn and A7XLover.
I would appreciate more comments please :)