Never Say Never


Brian lay on his bed, the sky still dark at five in the morning. He glanced to next to him where Tiffany was sleeping peacefully, naked.

Yes, he had sex with her. No, it wasn't like he thought. It was probably due to the fact that during the time all he was thinking about was how different Tiffany is to Stephanie.

But being different from Stephanie wasn't necessarily a bad thing, he tried to convince himself.

All of a sudden, Brian felt a warm hand lay on his stomach. It started going lower and lower. Brian's breath hitched and he could feel himself become hard. Brian turned to his left to Tiffany, to see her smiling seductively.

"Hello," she said, her voice husky and utterly sexy. Her hands were by on his thigh, slowly creeping--

And there it goes again, sex.

Stephanie woke up at eight in the morning to an empty bed. She twisted her face, a bit annoyed that her tears once again stained against her cheeks. Not a great feeling when you get up.

She groggily made her way downstairs, to where she saw her mom reading the newspapers.

"Morning honey, have you seen Tiffany?" her mom asked. Did no one tell her that they were fucking?

"Nope," Stephanie said. She did not want to go down the Brian-Tiffany road with her mother; too much drama to utter in the morning.

"Where's the little one?" Stephanie asked. Her mother raised one eyebrow in question. Stephanie shook her head.

"Ugh damn, too early to be thinking. Where's Alex?" Stephanie asked. Darcy shrugged.

"She left earlier saying she was going to find Kevin," she said. Stephanie raised her eyebrows. Kevin would never wake up this early. Hell, Alexa hates to see the sun, but it was truly too early for Stephanie to dwell on that fact so she just shrugged and went to the kitchen for some juice.

Alexa couldn't believe she was doing this. She woke up six in the God damned morning just to knock some sense into that dumb ass Brian when she would normally prefer to wake up at at least eleven. Clearly, she loved Stephanie too much.

Alex didn't know where Brian lived, but she sure as hell was smart. Alexa stole Val's cell number from Stephanie's cell and called her as soon as she woke up. Alexa told al what she wanted to do, well the gist of it, and Val immediately agreed.

Now, Alexa was standing in front of Synyster Gates house, not knowing what to do.

It's not the time to be a Syn fan, she scolded herself, and this is the mofo who hurt Steph.

With that, Alexa regained some bitchiness and marched up to the door. She pressed the bell twice and knocked hard on his door.

After a few seconds, Brian showed his face and he seemed rather annoyed.

"Ditch the slut, I have to talk to your fucked up ass," Alexa said. Brian blinked.

"Good morning Alexa. Why yes, I'm fine and no, I'm not glad that you hate Tiffany," Brian said. Alex looked at him blankly.

"Dude, are you going to kick her out for us to talk, or should we just take a walk or something?" Alex asked. Brian thought about it.

"Hold on, let me get dressed," Brian said.

Standing outside of Brian's house, Alexa shuffled her feet, "At least he wasn't naked," she mumbled.

Within minutes Brian soon came out, fully dressed, "Alright, where do you want to go?" he asked.

"Hold on, I have to do something first," she said.

"Wha--" he got cut off by Alexa fist colliding with his jaw.


"Did you have to punch me?" Brian asked, rubbing his jaw once they both reached an ice-cream parlour. Alexa rolled her eyes.

"Yes," she said, "but if I knew you were going to bitch about it I would've kicked you where the sun don't shine and actually give you a reason to complain,"

"Why did we come to this ice cream shop?" Brian asked.

"Duh, I wanted ice-cream," Alex said and began ordering.

"This early in the morning?"

"Dude, you fucked my ho of a sister, don't judge me," Alex said. The cashier looked at her but Alex just faked a smile, "My change, please?"

They both sat down, Alex eating her chocolate ice-cream and Brian just waiting for her to finish.

"Now, why exactly did you made me leave the very hot and very naked, horny girl in my house?" Brian asked. Alex made a disgusted face.

"Well, since you're on the topic, let me tell you a little about Tiffany,"
♠ ♠ ♠
This chapter is dedicated to Bcook, simply because she wanted this update since yesterday...or more =)

Um, I would just love to thank my commenters '_' :
Sassified Vada
Mad As Rabbits.