Never Say Never

Brian Haner, Stop being a Douche

"First of all, before I go into the whole story, I have to let this out of my chest. Tiffany is one fucked up, pathetic, man hungry, father fucker," Alexa said. Brian blinked.

"Father fucker?"

"Well, I can't say motherfucker because she don't like women like that," Alexa said.

"Alright, so you hate her, get on with it; but let me guess, Stephanie was crushing on some douche in high school but he liked Tiffany more?" Brian asked. Alexa shook her head in disgust and slapped Brian. His head snapped to the side, "I really wish you'd stop that!"

"And I really wish you'd stop being a fucking little cunt who's wrapped around Tiffany's manicured finger; but it seems that's not happening, so tough," Alexa spat, "I mean seriously, you were head over heels for Stephanie and just because she rejected your fucking ass you decide to talk behind her back and just disgrace her on a whole?

"Anyway, I came to tell you something, I think I'll relish you feeling like a big asshole," she breathed, trying to calm herself down, "Right so last year, Stephanie was really happy. She was going out with this guy, Jeffery, for some years now and he proposed. Of course, Steph believed she loved him so she agreed.

"Now, back home mom and I, we were really happy and mom invited both of them back here so mom could've gotten to know Jeffery. Mom was so excited for the two of them so she called Tiffany to come down as well; you know, to celebrate and shit.

"So we're all there, laughing and shit when I noticed some serious eye fucking going on between Jeffery and Tiffany. It wasn't only me, Steph saw it too. I remembered her asking Jeffery alone what was going on. He reassured her that the looks Tiff and him were giving each other were nothing.

"Two days later, Steph and I witnessed to two of them fucking on the couch. Normally, you would think that he said it was all a mistake; that he didn't mean to have sex with her and crap but no, he didn't. Jeffery held out his hand and said that he wanted back Steph's engagement ring; that it was over, that Tiffany was a better fuck," Alexa finished, watching a silent Brian.

"Well, wasn't it obvious that this Jeffery guy went for the hot ones? I mean, Tiffany is drop dead sexy, and she is really great in bed, so I don't--"

"It crushed Stephanie so much! She gave a lot into their relationship and shit. She took off days from her work, she passed on missions! She did that and what did she gain in the end? A shattered heart. Why do you think she rejected you? She didn't want to go down that road again and clearly, she was correct because look at you! Fucking disgusting.

"Don't bother coming around Stephanie, do you hear me?" Alexa warned. Brian rolled his eyes.

"Whatever," he said. Alexa was pissed. She stood up.

"You wanna know what Tiffany did to Jeffery? She dumped him and know this, when she dumps your loser ass, I’ll be there laughing; enjoying the whole God damned scene," Alexa walked away, becoming frustrated and very furious by the second.

So much for fixing things.
♠ ♠ ♠
Alright, I know this isn't a lot and I normally postmore but 1.) I was feeling too damn lazy to type more
2.) I figured the chapter should've ended right there, so oh welll, at least it is an update.

Now thanks to my commenters, you guys are awesome:

Sassified Vada
video kid
Reaper's Mistress
Memento Mori