Never Say Never

A Good Thump To The Head

Stephanie looked at herself in the mirror. She wondered if she looked good. Her curly hair was tied high into one with a black ribbon to match her black cocktail dress. The dress was strapless, all black with a satin ribbon tied around her small waist. The dress fell just above her knees and she thought of a doll whenever she saw the piece of clothing. She just placed some powder on her face and dark red lipstick. Long black earrings dangled from her ears, leaving it the only piece of jewellery Stephanie had on. In the mirror, she saw Alexa standing at the door.

"You have to wear your black pumps with that outfit," she said. Stephanie twisted her face.

"Black pumps? Ew. Can't I wear nice flats?" Stephanie suggested. The two girls heard the doorbell ring.

"No, get the pumps and I'll get the door," Alexa said. Stephanie scrunched up her nose but complied.


Alexa smiled and took a look at Stephanie. She looked great. She turned from the room and walked down the stairs. Bare feet, Alexa stepped on the cool tiled floor and went to the front door. She opened the door and there stood Johnny and Lacey.

"Hey guys! Come in, Steph's almost finished," Alexa said.

"Hey girly," Lacey said as she walked in the house. Johnny smiled at Stephanie's adorable little sister.

"So, I looked at her and made sure she looked sexy for tonight," Alexa said, lowering her voice a bit, "and I called Tiffany over...."

"How are you going to keep her away from Brian though?" Johnny said. Alexa smirked.

"Hm, I was thinking about that. What I wanna do is hit her over the head with a wine bottle, but if Steph finds out, she'll kill me so...." Alex's voice trailed off as she sat there thinking, "Oh, I'll give her some pills to fall asleep, less trouble for me. But, she won't be in pain!" Alex faked a sob. Johnny and Lacey laughed. Lacey patted Alex’s back.

"There, there, don't worry," Lacey said.

"What the hell are you doing to my little sister?" Stephanie asked. She smiled, amused at the scene before her. Alexa was fake crying, Lacey was comforting Alex and Johnny was laughing his ass off. Stephanie rose up her palms, "You know what? I don't even want to know,"

Lacey chuckled, "Fine then, we won't tell you. You ready to go?"


"Alright then, goodbye Alex," Lacey said. Johnny smiled.

"Yeah, bye. Oh and give it extra doses. Don't want it to wake up," Johnny said. Lacey wanted to slap Johnny but she only rolled her eyes. Alexa laughed.

"Alright Johnny. Bye guys! Enjoy the dinner," Alexa said. Stephanie looked at Johnny weirdly but made no comment. This night was getting weirder by the second.

Brian waited inside the restaurant with Matt, Val, Zacky, Gena, Leana, Jimmy, Michelle and her fiancé, who happened to be a 'Kevin' as well. It was weird and he felt out of place just like before-- just like before Stephanie came into his life. He shook his head, he was not going to go down that road anymore; he had Tiffany.

No, you did Tiffany, big difference, a voice inside his mind said. Brian blinked. What the hell? He was not going to have a conversation with himself.

That's what you think, Princess. Anyways, the guys and I wanted to know what the fuck you're doing with Tiffany. We all know she's hot but dude, the guys and I all agree that Stephanie is hotter and besides, she's the one you love,the voice said.

Wait, Brian thought, what guys? And I don't love Stephanie.

Uh, newsflash Princess, you kinda do. The guys and I are you, we know everything and anything about yourself, the voice said.

Okay, leave me alone, Brian said.

But I am you.

Oh God, I'm becoming schizophrenic, Brian thought.

He sighed. He didn't love Stephanie, did he? No, he can't love her, he just can't. He has to move on, she didn't want him, and Tiffany is a great way to move.

That's when he saw her again.

Brian turned to Matt and hit him, "Dude! I thought Johnny told me Stephanie wouldn't be here!"
♠ ♠ ♠
You know, because I love you guys and your Tiffany Hating comments, I decided, I HAD to post again =)

Thanks to the few who commented:

Vampyr DarkMoon
Sassified Vada
But Mom Jeez (I'm a shitty scumbag? Well, there's another cliff for you! Bitch XD )
Bcook (x2)