Never Say Never

Get out of my head

“Stephanie, you can’t let that happen again!” Mike yelled at his injured partner. “That was irresponsible and not at all like you. Never have I known you to be so unfocused and distracted!”

Stephanie winced; her arm throbbing in pain as she sat leaned against her car parked a small distance from the warehouse they were previously in. “Lay off Mike, it’s just a fracture. It’s nothing major. I have no idea why you’re so angry—.”

“No idea? Just a fracture? Dear God Steph, you were so close to being critically hurt! That stupid thug could’ve done worse if I hadn’t gotten in there in time!”

“But you were there! Fuck Mike, just stop please. Your yelling isn’t helping,” she said, her voice growing weary. “Listen, can you drive me back to the office?”

Sighing, he replied, “Fine, but we’re going to a hospital first. Your arm is swelling and looks like shit.”

Stephanie looked at her cast as she walked into her office. She kicked off her black pumps and sat on her chair, ready to do paperwork. She looked up after hearing someone clearing their throat. At the doorway was a lanky man, about a few years younger than her. He pushed his sandy coloured hair away from his face as he said, “Mr. Dee wants to see you in his office.”

Stephanie cursed under her breath and thanked the new employee. Stepping out of her office, Stephanie knew what was going to happen before she even entered Boss’ office. Well, she new the part of it.

As Stephanie sat down on the leather chair, Kyle Dee wasted no time. “This is the third time Stephanie! The third time you’ve gotten injured and quite frankly I’m worried.”

“Why? I mean agents get injured all the time and mines are petty.”

“I’m worried ‘cause you’re the best and for you to be getting hurt continuously is something major. You’re slipping and whatever that has got you like this, you better find a way to fix it.” Mr. Dee looked at Stephanie sternly and sighed. “There’s something wrong and until you buck up, I may be forced to suspend you.”

“What!” Stephanie exclaimed, standing up. “You can’t do that!”

“I said, I may be forced to suspend you; I’m still deciding.”

Stephanie closed her eyes and breathed out, her mood turned sour. “Fine, whatever. Are you finished? Can I leave now?”

“You can. But just to let you know, I’ve called your mother.”

Stephanie stared at him. Then, she just laughed. Kind of like a lunatic really. “You—you told my mother on me?” she asked, clutching her stomach, unable to stop laughing. God, was she going crazy?

“Yes.” He looked at her sternly. “And quite frankly, she’s worried about you and we both think that maybe you should go back—.”

“No.” Stephanie instantly sobered up. “I can’t go back home. Not as yet.”

“Just to relieve her or maybe fix whatever’s wrong…”

Stephanie’s eyes narrowed and she looked up to Boss’ eyes. “To fix whatever’s wrong? Why do you--? Oh Hell! What do you know?”

“Your mother and I did have a conversation while you were back home--.”

“You know everything.”

“Well not everything but I know most…like that guitarist—.”

“Let’s not talk about this Boss. Really, just drop it,” Stephanie said coldly and walked away.

The bartender was cute. With tanned skin, playful blue eyes, light brown hair just a little shaggy and an adorable smirk that played on his lips as fixed drinks. He wore loose fitting jeans and a dark blue v-neck shirt.

“Hey what can I get you?” he asked, smiling, as Steph sat down on one of the stools.

Smiling back, Stephanie looked into his eyes, ready to reply. But instead of replying, she kept on staring at his eyes, the blue turning into a familiar chocolate brown colour.


Stephanie snapped her head and blinked. “Sorry, um, can I just get some water for now? Thanks.”

Stephanie nodded her head in thanks as she got her glass of water. Then in a flash, the bartender’s arm turned into a tattoo covered one. Shaking her head, Stephanie got up.

“What the fuck?” she asked out loud.

“Are you okay lady?” a gruff voice asked. Stephanie looked up.

“Brian?” she asked wearily.

“Names not Brian.”

Stephanie blinked. The façade of brown hair, high cheekbones and a pierced nose faded showing a man around fifty with soft green eyes.

“I’m sorry.” Stephanie mumbled and rushed out of the bar. “Did I drink something?”

Stephanie stood, hands on her hips glaring accusingly at him. She was wearing a man’s shirt that fell just above her knees and her hair was tied up into one. She walked up to him and poked his chest.

“You’re late again!” she accused.

“I know, I know.”

“We’re only in a week of marriage and you’re already coming home late. You like so ruined dinner. I ate without your stupid ass and now I’m going to sleep.” She sighed melodramatically. “Who’s the chick you’re always seeing huh? It has to be some hot girl ‘cause why else would you be home at 10 in the night?”

Immediately he kissed her and held her there in his arms. Looking at her with intense brown eyes he said, “Listen here woman, I love you and you’re the only hot chick I wanna see. Ever. And the reason why I was so late…” As his voice trailed off as he pulled something from his back pocket. Opening the box held a gold chain with a beautiful and semi large, deep green, gem teardrop shaped pendant.

“Oh Brian!”

“Well, it’s a bitch to find a gem to match your eyes until I ealised, there’s nothing that could come close to its beauty. So I just ordered something and demanded this stupid rock to be perfect. Who would’ve thought that—.”

“Oh can you just shut up?” she asked and pulled him down for a kiss. Smiling as she broke the kiss. Stephanie looked at Brian. “I love you so much...”

Stephanie opened her eyes and sucked her teeth. “Why the fuck can’t he just leave me alone?” Getting up from her bed she slid on jeans. “I’ve had it. I’m getting rid of him once and for all.”

She grabbed her car keys and cell phone. Where was the nearest airport?
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Ok, so when I got a comment asking where the hell I am...I figured I should stop being a lazy ass and type out a chapter. Sorry for the long ass waiting...I swear I'll try an dupsate my stories more.