Never Say Never

The Reason

Stephanie wanted to deny everything; that she truly didn’t know why she did what she did. But she wanted more than ever to make things right. And she couldn’t do that by avoiding the heavy conversations. Sighing, she looked into his warm, questioning eyes.

“I was afraid,” she admitted, “Hell, I still am. But…I don’t know, I guess right now…right now I’m willing to be all ‘to Hell with my fears’ and get things back good—wait that didn’t make sense…well maybe it did but not grammatically...” She knew she was rambling, but she couldn’t help it. Heavy topics weren’t her thing. Jokes and stuff not so serious were great but this.

This was torture, especially since Brian was just looking at her, his solemn expression turned to an amused one as he listened. By God, she knew he was having fun at her expense and she really wanted to stop but she kind of couldn’t. Rambling sucked.

“…and so yeah, maybe…umm…” her rambling turned to anxious words since well, she didn’t know what else to say.

Brian’s index finger pressed against her soft lips, silencing her. Laughter danced in his eyes but he wouldn’t think of laughing out loud. With a sort of half smile, he said, “I get it.”

Stephanie pouted and folded her arms. “You could’ve stopped me earlier,” she grumbled. Brian laughed.

“So, what do we do now?” he asked softly.

She didn't answer. He didn't push anything. They both wanted to stay together forever but neither wanted to say anything. All in all, they both were screwed.

"So what happened after?" Alex asked. She, Val, Michelle, Lacey, Leana and Gena huddled around Stephanie in her living room, each with a spoon of ice-cream in their mouth. Stephanie was telling the girls about Syn and her.

Steph shrugged. "Then Val showed up, no doubt thanks to Matt or something."

Alex blew at the strand of hair that fell in her face, frustrated. " You are so stupid. I swear. Brian's all like..." Then she lowered her voice an octave, trying to mimic a man's voice. "'Oh Stephanie, I'm this sexy man beast that wants to ravish you all day long!" She then spoke in her normal voice, "But you're all.." Alex's voice went high. "Oh Brian! I love you too and I want to marry you and have your babies but I'm so scared of someone loving me and thinking I'm extremely beautiful!" Her voice went back its original tone, just a little more sarcastic. "By golly gee Steph, that's sounds just horrible!"

Alex had all the girls laughing. Gena was laughing so hard to the point where tears were trailing down her cheeks. Well, all the girls were laughing except Stephanie whose mouth formed a thin line, clearly not as amused as everyone else.

"That was a pretty good impression of Syn!" Michelle said, her eyes twinkling.

Alex grinned, proud. "I know! It's kind of surprising but Hell, I'm awesome, let's not question it."

Stephanie's green gaze bore holes at Alex's back, considering that her baby sister was avoiding looking at her. Stepanie sighed and dipped her spoon into the large tub of Chocolate ice-cream. She wasn't bothering anymore.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay, so one, I may have stole Hoobastank's song title for my chapter title but screw it.

Um, so sorry bout the long time you had to wait for this chapter. I'm too lazy most of the times. Not to mention it was fucking short, but bear with me.

Thank you all who commented. I appreciate it so much.