Never Say Never


Stephanie was contemplating on whether she should just make a noose and hang Brian or if a simple knife would work. She sighed. The knife might be too messy for what I would do to him, she thought.

"Oh ma'am your pancakes taste amazing!" Brian said.

"Aw. You sure know how to make a lady special! How 'bout when you're finished I show you some pictures of my Steffy here?"

Brian grinned mischievously at Stephanie, "That would be amazing,"

Stephanie groaned, "Mom, I'm going to bathe," She got up leaving her little sister, mother and pest.

After a few minutes, Stephanie wrapped a towel around her wet body and quickly made her way to her room. Opening her door, she went to her chest of drawers that held her underwear. She pulled out a dark blue bra when she heard him.

"Wow, you're already giving me a show?" Brian said. Stephanie's eyes widened and she whipped around to see him lying on her bed.

"Ah! Cover your eyes!" she yelled. Brian rolled his eyes but complied.

"You know, if you wanted me, all you had to do was just ask," Brian said. Stephanie fought the urge to slap him.

"Then it's a good thing I don't want you," she retorted.

"But you will,"

She blinked, not knowing how to reply to that.

Keeping her eyes on Brian, Stephanie quickly put on her underwear and frantically searched for clothes. Pulling over a simple dark green tank and black Capri, she said, "You can look now,"

He looked up and down, and gave Stephanie and appreciative glance. Somehow his gaze ended up wandering where her chest was. Stephanie glared.

"Could you stop staring at my chest?" she snapped.

"Could you lighten up? Besides, you told me to look," he said.

"But I didn't mean it--"

"You have great taste in music," he cut her off, changing the subject. Stephanie blinked and turned her gaze to her Pantera posters. She smiled.

"Yeah, I guess I do," she said and sat down next to Brian, on her bed.

"You should smile more often," Brian said.

"I do but--"

"Yeah it would probably clear those wrinkles," he said. Stephanie laughed and threw a pillow at him.

"I have no wrinkles. You're just blind," she protested.

"Yeah, you're right. You're beautiful,"

Stephanie stopped and looked at Brian. Before he could do anything, she got up from the bed.

"Bullshit," she said and walked away.


Brian lay there, staring at the empty space Stephanie just occupied. What just happened?

"Did she really not believe she's beautiful?" he whispered to himself.

"Oh Brian dear, I just found those photo albums, let's go to the living room so everyone could see it," Stephanie's mom said from the doorway.

Brian nodded and got up, following her to the living room once again.

“Oh yay! Mom brought out the albums!” Alex yelled as soon as they both came in. Brian nodded and grinned. He really loved Stephanie’s little sister. One, she was an Avenged fan and two, she’s fucking awesome. She reminded him of Stephanie and looking at Stephanie's arm tightly around her sister, he could tell Alex really looked up to Steph.

"Oh great," Stephanioe said rolling her eyes, "This is what I tried to avoid when I went to bathe. I just hope she show your baby pics first," She nudged Alexa who in turn glared playfully.

"Please, everyone knows your baby pictures were funnier," she said. Stephanie smiled.

"That just proves it, I'm awesomer,"

"No way, I am way awesomer than you,"

"Hello? I was first born. You're just a product of my awesomeness," Stephanie said and smiled triumphantly knowing Alexa couldn't form anything to say.

"Well, whatever," Alexa said and stuck out her tongue. Stephanie laughed and mussed her baby sister's hair.

"Come on, let's see who she's showing our guest,"

"Oh and look! There's Stephanie on her 2nd birthday! That girl was so excited to show everyone her new necklace that when I put her down to dress her, she ran outside butt naked infront of all the guests, pointing to the gold chain!"

"It's you," Alexa said, stating the obvious.

Brian looked at Stephanie, "It seems she has a habit of going about naked infront of guests,"

Stephanie's jaw dropped and Alexa looked at her sister with a questioning look.

"I'll tell you later Lex," she whispered.

"So, who's the brunette that's always next to Stephanie in most of the pictures?" Brian asked.

Out of the corner of his eyes, Brian saw Steohanie tense. Now her really wanted to know.

"Oh, that's Steph's twin, Tiffany. She's a real beauty," Darcy said.

Stephanie's eyes saddened. Alexa however, put a hand on her older sister's shoulder, her eyes hard and angry. She was furious how their mother, no matter how great she is, always subconciously puts Tiff infront of Steph.

"She also a bitch," Alexa said.

"Language Alexa," their mother scolded. Alexa shrugged and smiled at Stephanie.

Stephanie gave a grateful smile and hugged her sister.

Brian had watched that between the two sisters. He saw their bond and was curious as to why Stephanie reacted as she did when her mother talked about Tiffany. As if sensing his thoughts, Stephanie masked her expression and turned to her mother.

"So, where is Tiff? I haven't heard from her in a while,"

"Oh now that you mention it, she said she was coming to spend a few weeks here at home,"
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Thanks guys :)