The Crystal Necklace


Ami's POV

I opened my sleepy eyes to find myself in the biggest bedroom i've ever seen in my entire life. I mean it was bigger than my lounge! And seriously my lounge is massive, wellwas massive.But god it was too dam light in here, it was giving me a headache, actually no scrap that i mean migrane. I flopped lazily out of the massive bed and sleepily walked over to the giant window, pulled back the heavy lilac curtains as best i could to block out the sharp light, and slumped into the nearest chair, hoping to get a few more moments of rest. However because of the light i was now wide awake and my brain was on turbo drive.
Omg, this room is amazing, although definatly to purple for my liking, even the walls were purple! Come on why would someone do that? Like when i was 13 yeah i had purple walls, but come on this room is toatally dressed too mature for a kids room. I mean it has landscapes all over the walls, and so many cushions, each one decorated ornately in white and different shades of purple. I surveyed the room once more and noticed 3 beautifully carved oak doors, each with a shining gold handle.
I eased myself out of the chair in the hope of finding the bathroom, so i could see what state i was in. Last night's memories were still clear and i knew this was not a dream, so this must be where the stranger took me after i fainted. The first door i came too opened into a walk in closet, with shoe racks, clothes rails and even a beautiful oak framed mirror. Yet again this room was purple. Each rack and draw i looked in was empty, i guess they had not moved in yet. I wonder if this will be my room, i hope not, i need something less, i dunno, light i suppose. No i'm not a goth, i just like darker spaces they've always made me feel more at peace.
A sharp click broke into my thoughts, and i turned reluctantly, taking one last look at the amazing carvings on the mirror frame, before walking back into the now, thanks to the curtains,darkend bedroom.
In the doorway stood the stranger from last night, andeven in this light he seemed to glow, heseemed startled when i walked out of the closet, andimmediatly frozebefore looking down. What is my hair that bad? I looked down and realised ,my face burning bright red with embarresment and pure anger at my attire.I was stood in a small silk nightie, which was-yep you guessed it-purple. 'Great first impressions i've given this guy,huh.'i thought sarcasticly.I walked, well ran over to the bed and dived under the purple covers before coughing lightly, so that he knew he could look.
He walked over carrying a large box, looking slightly embarresed, and placed it on the floor by the end of the grand bed. I watched him with curious eyes as he stood up again, and could not help thinking how cute he was.
"Hi my name is Lukas, um, your clothes, well some of them and some other stuff is in the box." he said hurridly.
"Ami" I said smiling brightly before adding a brief thanks. He nooded and walked towards the door, but before he left he turned and shot me a questioning glance.
"What?" I wondered out loud, god i hate it when people look at me like that. It makes me feel like a 5 year old with chocolate all over her face, but swears she did not eat it.
"Is that your real name?" LUkas spoke slowly as if he was unsure wheather he could ask.
"No, my real name is Armina, but i prefer Ami." I spoke happily, and was glad that the question was not that personal, although he seemed to think my answer was important. He nodded, and brisklywalked out of the door.
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