The Crystal Necklace

Unexpected information

Lukas' POV
I walked down the long lilac corridor, carrying a large battered box. 'What have they got in here!' I thought as i walked towards the room where we had left the uncouncious girl,'It's so heavy, even for me! There must be more than clothes in here.' Gentley turning the handle of the oak door in front of me, i wondered once more why they had not waited until she was 18 before sending for her, like they had the others. Quietly i edged into the room, so's not to wake her, however i need not have bothered.
Her small frame walked reluctantly out of the closet in a lilac night dress. I froze and looked down, my light getting brighter due to embarresment. Seeming to wonder why i had looked down she froze self-conciously, before realising the state of her attire. I heard her quick light footsteps echo on the oak floorboards, as she ran back to the bed. She coughed, letting me know i could turn.And iwalked over to the bottom of the ancient bed and placed the box carefully on the floor. When i got up she was looking at me expectantly.

"Hi my name is Lukas, um your clothes, well some of them and some other stuff is in the box" I said the words as quick as i could so i could get back to helping Evelyn pack for her next school term at her boarding school. I walked back to the door.
"Ami" Her voice was bright, despite yesterday's events, and i turned to see her smiling enthusiasticly at me. She thanked me joyfully, and i walked back to the door. Great, Princess Evelyn will be so cross if i'm late- I stopped and looked over at Ami, and realised. That's why she was sent for so early, how could i have not seen the resembilance.
"What?" Oooopps, i must have been staring.
"Is that your real name?" I blurted out wondering if they would have even let her keep her real name.
"No, my real names Armina, but i prefer Ami." I was surpised they'ed let her keep it, maybe thats how the Hunters found her. Having a name that means warrior kinda attracts attention. Damn, i'm gonna be so late! I turned out of the room and ran as fast as i could down the long corridor, so i could tell Lucette, my sister, who Ami really is. I'd have to be quick so i could get back to helping the Princess pack.
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