The Crystal Necklace


Ami's POV
As soon as he shut the door i jumped eagerly out ofthe bed, running straight for my box. I teared open the top, eager to find something more 'me' to wear, so i could change before someone else walked into the room. "WOW" I screeched out load, having noticed that they had got me some ipod speakers, instead of lugging my stereo here. I pulled them out and started looking for a plug. I was about to give up when i spotted one under the bed. What a stupid place to stick a plug socket, you'd think with the amount of money the must have splashed out on this room, they'd have more than one plug, and at least put that in a sensible place. 'Jeeez, calm down Ami, it's only a plug' i hissed at myself, god i need to sort this anger out, but hey maybe it's my way of grieving.
I flicked through the songs, trying to find one of my favorites, finally settling on listening to some rock. Yeah, i know it's not the most recent stuff, but i've listened to it all my life! I hit play on my black nano and turned up the volume full pelt when 'The Real Me' by my favorite band of all time 'The Who' started playing. Singing along i danced back to my box and started to get changed.
"I went back to the doctor
To get another shrink.
I sit and tell him about my weekend,
But he never betrays what he thinks.
Can you see the real me, doctor?
I went back to my mother
I said, "I'm crazy ma, help me."
She said, "I know how it feels son,
'Cause it runs in the family."
Can you see the real me, mother?
The cracks between the paving stones
Look like rivers of flowing veins.
Strange people who know me
Peeping from behind every window pane.
The girl I used to love
Lives in this yellow house.
Yesterday she passed me by,
She doesn't want to know me now.
Can you see the real me, can you?
I ended up with the preacher,
Full of lies and hate,
I seemed to scare him a little
So he showed me to the golden gate.
Can you see the real me preacher?
Can you see the real me doctor?
Can you see the real me mother?
Can you see the real me?"
I sang the words with enthusiasim, and by the time the song had finished i was changed into my favorite black jeans, and black and pink Pinapple top. LDN started playing while i was in the bathroom, it was quiet ironic acctually. 'The Real Me' sorta explains how i feel at the moment, because i feel angry at the hunters, sad about my mum, lost among this new place and i feel as if i don't know which is the real me. And 'LDN' is like about how everything appears different when you look twice, and now i figured thats true, 'cause at first i never noticed people like Lukas, but now i think back, they were everywhere, i just never noticed.
Once i was done in the bathroom i walked back to the bed and sat down wondering what to do next. Just then 'Boulevard of Broken Dreams' by 'Green Day' came on and i realised what i would do, i didn't want to be stuck in here all day, i wanted to get out and look around. I turned the music off and walked throught the main door, and into the long corridor, before turning left in the hope of finding some stairs, so i could go outside.
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