The Crystal Necklace


Ami's POV
I don't like the way they're looking at me, i mean you'd think i was a ghost or something. I heard frantic footsteps echo on the steps behind me, and turned to see Lukas and a golden haired girl, who looked like a female version of him, bound down the steps towards me, calling for me to stop.
"Why are you out here?" Lukas said breathlessly while the girl sternly told everyone to go back to there own buisness, an order that each onlooker obeyed without question.
"Why can't i just stay out here, it's a dead nice day, although i could do with some sunglasses, my eyes are killing me!" I whined before adding curiously "Are you two related?" 'Cause i'd be worried if you weren't!' i added silently in my head.
"NO, you can't stay outside, yes you can have some sunglasses and yes we are twins." The girl answered while pulling me impatiently into the house. Okay, it's not really a house, sort of a palace/stately home i suppose.I let her pull me to the house, pleased to be away from the attention i had recieved outside. She did not say much and i followed her graceful figure down the corridors mainly in silence. I turned around, expecting to see Lukas, but he was gone.
"Um...Where's Lukas, and what did you say your name was again?" I blurted out in the hope of starting a conversation to lighten the mood.
"Lucette is my name, my parents thought they were being origanal by calling us Lucette and Lukas, but i personlay think otherwise, but hey i can't do much about that. Oh and you'll see Lukas again ina minuite, he's gone to get...someone." She laughed nervouly at the end, and her pace quickened. Okay, talking is obviuosly not advised then. We walked on in silence, me constantly wondering where we were going, and Lucette constantly telling me to hurry up. Eventually we stopped outside an old oak door. Yeah i know they were all oak doors, but seriously this one looked by far the oldest. Lucette hissed at me to neaten my clothes, before she knocked loudly on the door. Immediatly the door was opened, we were obviously expected. Lucette stepped inside, motioning for me to follow, doing as i was told, i stepped into the glowing room.
I surveyed the room nervously, it was elaboratly decorated in a deep violet, and the three other people in the room all seemed to be glowing.
"Sit down Armina." The voice was smooth and flowing and belonged to a figure who was stood, in a beautiful dress that was deep violet, facing the grand fireplace that was in the centre of the room. Her straight blonde hair seemed to glow, as did the rest of her skin, on top of her head sat a beautiful silver crown, however this was only from the back, i wondered what it would look like at the front. I sat down in the nearest chair, still entranced by the warm light that seemed to emit from her, and waited patiently for her to turn. This was one of those times i would love to have my sketch book with me, her figure basking in light like it is would make a great portriat.
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