Status: Active

Keep Whispering Your Seductive Lies

I'll Make No Mistake

There is a day where you realize that a crush always stays a crush until you take action. Do I agree with this? There is not a doubt in my mind that this theory is in every possible way, wrong. When I finally get the guts to tell him I have been dreaming of the day we realize we're in love he confesses to my older sister. Fate is cruel, is it not?

"Do you always have to be around when the guys come over?" Val nagged fixing her hair.

I shook my head in disbelief that we actually once got along.. "Well maybe if you wouldn't invite them here and go to one of their houses you won't see my face." I shrugged nonchalantly.

"You are such a loner." She said rolling her eyes.

"Sorry I don't need a mechanical pleasuring tool to take the thriving between my legs away. I'm not that desperate." I retorted sitting on the couch across from her.

Val's face scrunched in anger. "Excuse me, I have a boyfriend and that just makes you quiver with anger and jealousy that it happens to be Matt." She smirked knowing she won this battle.

The doorbell rang saving me from losing every inch of my dignity. "You better go open it before I need to remove that stick that's up your butt." She rolled her eyes and just sat there.

The door bell continued to ring. " Well, aren't you going to go get it? They're here for you remember?" She continued to sit there.

I sighed heavily and mumbled some inappropriate things. I took a deep breath a straightened my clothes. I grabbed the door knob and opened it seeing jimmy and johnny push their way through screaming,"Beers here!" Zacky came through smiling lightly pushing my shoulder.

"Sup Raini." He smiled. I gave him a small smile. Brian smiled ruffling my hair causing me to scowl and fix by flattening it.

Last but not least Matt came wrapping his arms around me. "Hey Raini." I sighed knowing he thought of it only as a sisterly and brotherly gesture and it was starting to piss me off.

After they walked in I slammed the door making a face. "Do you hate me that much?" I said looking up. I sighed walking towards the stairs passing every one in the living roomy.

"Hey Raini, are you going to join us?" Matt said tipping his bottle towards my way.

I shook my head knowing he was only being nice because I was Val's little sister. I walked to my empty room and waited. For who exactly? That was an easy one. Zacky. He always walks-well more like stumbles- in after getting drunk with everybody then rants on about how cool I am which makes me laugh. I rolled over and drifted off to sleep knowing he'll come later.

The door creaked open which was starting to annoy me. It really needed to be fixed. I rubbed the sleep from my eyes and tried to take a better look.

"Let's not talk but sleep this time." I mumbled not bothering to try to look again but laid my head back down.

Before I fully drifted to sleep I felt the space beside me sink in and a hand on my waist.

Morning dawned and I woke up to the sun's harsh rays beaming in my eyes. I groaned annoyed. I was never a morning person. I remembered Zacky coming in, in the middle of the night. I turned-well tried to turn. His arm all of the sudden weighed a ton!

"Zacky, get your heavy ass arm off of me." I grunted trying to lift it. He shifted snuggling his head into the crook of my neck and his lips grazed over my shoulder.

I froze at that moment. Zacky had his snakebites in and the only other person I was aware that had a lip piercing was Matt. I panicked and tried to wake him before anyone walked in and assumed other things.

"Matt! Will you wake up!" I whispered loudly. Nothing was working so I grabbed some of his skin and pinched as hard as I could.

"Ouch! Damn woman. Raini?" he said with shocked eyes.

"Who did you think it was, Popper? If you say that I will personally kill you for comparing me to a dog." I said giving him a small smile.

"Sorry, I thought I walked in Val's room". My smile dropped. This was expected. He is her boyfriend after all. I got a little angry and rolled my eyes getting up from my bed.

"Are you going to sit there all day or go kiss her ass like always?" I started to move towards the door when a big hand wrapped around my arm.

"What's wrong with you? Lately you've been such a bitch." He said furrowing his eye brows.

It hurt really horribly to be called a bitch by the guy you have liked for almost two years now. Anger and sadness shot through me.

"Well if I've been so evil then why are you still here?Go whine to someone else because I don't want to hear your shit." I opened the door looking at him with unspilled tears in my eyes.

Who am I kidding? The sooner I get over him the better. I sighed and gathered my clothes for the day.

I walked down the stairs after I took a long hot shower and changed slapping some eyeliner and chapstick on. The guys were all scattered on the floor passed out. I smirked running and sitting on Zacky's stomach.

"Fuck!" he grunted in pain.

"Wake up, loser!" I cheerfully yelled running my hands through his hair.

"Is it even noon yet?" he asked sitting up yawning.

"Whatever, I'm going to Bell's house. Stay here like the fat hobo you are." I grabbed a pillow and hit his head.

I walked out the house walking across the street and two houses down.

I knocked on the door and waited for a moment. The door swung open while a voice said, "You came earlier than I expected."

I smirked saying,"You know if I had a dick and I was Brian I would so do you." I laughed looking at her small, silk robe.

"I wonder what your brother would say." I giggled. Anabell Sanders was her name. She is my best friend and Matt's little sister.

She wasn't an overly annoying girl that was too controlling. Okay I lied. She always had to have it her way but I never cared. She always pushed me to do the things I never wanted to but
it turns out she always was right. I never regretted anything she made me do..

"Who cares what Matt says. I'll do whatever I want." Ana said rolling her eyes.

"So your sister still all over him?" she asked closing the door as we headed to her room.

"What do you think? I swear she's only with him to get to me." I complained laying on her bed.

"She always was an attention whore and Matt stupidly gave her that attention." Ana said walking into her bathroom.

"Are you about to take a shower?" I asked raising an eyebrow.

"Isn't that obvious?" She said walking into the bathroom shutting the door.

I rolled my eyes and walked down stairs to the kitchen to see Matt making himself something to eat. I tried to silently turn and walk away and it would have been successful if it wasn't for that wall.

I turned and my toe ran into the edge of the wall.

"Fuck me!" I yelled biting my lip.

Matt turned and hurried to me. "Whoa Raini, I don't think Val would like-oh fuck what the hell happened?"

"I ran my toe into the wall you moron." I groaned holding my toe. Matt bent down,"let me see."

My toe? There's nothing wrong with my feet but that doesn't mean I want to flash them to him. "No. There's no need for you to check them out Dr. Sanders." I joked trying to get him away from my foot.

"Come on Raini stop being stubborn." Matt said getting on his knees.

"Fine." I grumbled folding my arms.

He chuckled looking at my feet. "Well there's nothing wrong down there except a very bad odor problem."

I gasped and lightly slapped him on the shoulder. "My feet does not stink! You freakin' jerk." I pouted.

Matt started laughing hysterically while I sat there with my arms crossed. I saw nothing funny with what he said. Okay, maybe I did but sitting here joking with him is not going to make me forget. I have to remember he wants and has Val not me.

"Whatever." I mumbled trying to walk away.

Then a hand wrapped around my upper arm lightly pulling me back and against the wall. I was stuck between Matt and the wall. I couldn't think about anything but the warmth coming off of him and his hard body against my own. Then I looked in his eyes, which was a mistake, and saw nothing but confusion.

"Raini, there's seriously something wrong with you. What is it?" He asked letting his hand drop from my upper arm to my hand.

I shrugged, "I'm just sick of being treated like a fucking baby. I'm twenty-three for christ's sake! Stop treating me like a fucking fragile doll." I argued. I could already feel the tears in my eyes.

His face scrunched up in confusion, "Do you really think that? What do you want me to treat you like then? Like a fucking slut off the corner? You really confuse me Raini." He yelled.

Did he not fucking get it? I wanted him to treat me like a woman- like Val instead of a little girl. I wanted him to be rough with me not gentle. I bit down on my lip and balled my fist.

Matt looked down and furrowed his eyebrows, "What are you going to do Raini? Hit me? Then fucking do it."

I looked at his face that showed nothing but anger. I couldn't control my next actions all I could think about is how much I wanted him. Even through the tears, anger, and hurt I still wanted him. I grabbed him by the neck and crashed my lips to his. He obviously wasn't thinking either because his lips moved with mine.

His hands moved down my body grabbing my legs lifting me up. I quickly latched them around his waist running my tongue along his bottom lip. He opened his mouth letting us meet as each of us fought for dominance.

He moved us to the counter running his hand through my hair. I could feel his hand slide up my outer thighs and up my dress. I moaned dragging my lips to the side of his neck leaving kissing along the way to his earlobe. I nibbled at hearing Matt's rough moan and he pulled me closer. I could feel his boner as I rubbed against it.

Then in the midst of our pleasure I heard Ana yelling, "Raini I need your help! Hurry the fuck up!"

I jumped away from Matt to the other side of the counter getting off. I was shocked and didn't even realize my movements in the last few minutes. How stupid was I? Matt looked equally shocked. His eyes full of regret.

"I'm so sorry, Matt." I cried whispering. "I'm sorry." I whispered again walking away.

All the time he stood there with a hard face. It was my fault and now it'll be way more awkward between us. I need to put a wall up when I'm around him. Next time:

I'll Make No Mistake.
♠ ♠ ♠
Raini's Outfit
This is a try out chapter. I wrote everything on my i-touch
Title Credit: Heights : Eyes Set To Kill

So if you want more I suggest you to show me if you