Status: Active

Keep Whispering Your Seductive Lies

But The Jerk Is Mine

I sighed for the fifth time as I laid on Ana's bed. I kept rethinking about the events that happened yesterday. How Matt's lips felt upon mine and the taste on his mouth. Life isn't fair. I was the good child compared to Val at least so why couldn't I get the one thing or person I yearned the most for?

Ana glanced worriedly at me. "Are you going to sulk all day?" she asked crossing her arms.

She never did like when I was hurt because of Matt. She told me to get over him because he's a blind jerk and most of all her brother. It was awkward for her to try to comfort me knowing I had a big thing for her sibling.

"I just don't get it. He kissed back which means he has some sort of feelings for me, right?" I asked sitting up from the bed.

"Raini sweetheart, you need to learn that no guy is pass up an opportunity for a piece of hot ass. Matt probably wasn't thinking with his head but his dick," she grimaced at the thought,"Not that I want to think about his dick. Ugh, this is why you seriously need to get over him."

"I tried that remember. Every guy that I went on a date with either had anger management issues or had five different babies with five different mothers." I cringed just thinking about it.

When I tried to date it was a hot mess. Andy, the one with anger issues, couldn't even sit through the meal without practically beating the shit out of the old man who was trying to get me to help him read his menu.

"Yeah but Andy was pretty-" Her phone cut her off. She looked at it before answering.

"Hey Zacky."

I ran a hand through my hair closing my eyes. Matt's hands running up my thighs, his lips moving with mine, his hard on against my- Damn, I couldn't get that scene out of my head. I wish I never did that then I could be much more composed around him.

"Raini." Ana called.

I looked at her with a raised eyebrow, "What?"

"Let's go to the beach." she said getting her bathing suit out.

"What? Why?" I asked standing.

"Brian is going to be there. Plus, I know you want to see Matt." She said trying to persuade me to go. I have to say the Matt part was a bit impressive but after yesterday I don't want to see his face or more like him to see my face.

Ana could tell I was on the verge of saying no. "Please Raini! I don't want to be around Val all day. You know what happened last time it was the two of us."

My mind started to drift off to when Val insulted Ana and Ana went crazy on Val. The guys had to pull her off and still Ana was cursing them all off and trying to get at Val still. I was so pissed that I wasn't there to see everything.

"In that case I really should go. She almost got a restraining order on you last time." I said standing. "Let me go get ready and come over in eight minutes."

I walked out her and Matt's house to mine. I went through my drawers trying to find something that would hopefully get Matt to see me as a woman. Well maybe I shouldn't after all he might want to avoid me.

I changed into my Victoria Secret's bathing suit and threw on a button up shirt and shorts. I could hear the doorbell so I grabbed my purse and the shades I stole from Matt the last time we were at the beach when he wasn't fucking with my sister.

Ana came by in her beach outfit which was in so many colors her.

When we got there all the guys were scattered around playing whatever the fuck they were playing. But of course Matt was sitting out pleasing Val. She was currently getting a back massage.

"Zacky!" I yelled jumping on his back. One would think this guy was strong but he fell trying to turn which caused me to straddle him.

"Damn Raini, save it for the bedroom or possibly my bedroom." Jimmy said smirking. I chuckled getting off of Zacky.

"Who wants a beer?" Johnny yelled. We all followed him to where Val and Matt was.

I dropped my purse and took Matt's shades off. I stripped down to my bathing suit not aware that all eyes were on me. I looked up to see everybody looking at me.

"What?" I asked crossing my arms.

"Fuck Raini when did you grow boobs?" Jimmy asked staring down.

"Why hide a body like that?" Johnny said with his mouth open.

I could hear Val smack her lips, "It's nothing special. There are lots of girls with a better body."

Ana rolled her eyes, "Stop being a jealous bitch."

"Ana, not today."Matt said coming to Val's rescue.

Val's phone started ringing and she picked it up saying a few words. Lately, she's been on the phone all night and all day. Sometimes I just assume it's Matt.

She sighed hanging up, "I have to go."

I think everybody almost jumped in the air with happiness. I know I smiled the whole time while Ana gave a little fake frown and a face that said that's-so-sad.

Everybody yelled a good-bye but me. She stopped and looked at me. I gave her a hard stare. "When are you going to say bye or something to me?"

I rolled my eyes. She always hated to be ignored. "When are you going to choke on a cock?" I asked. I could hear some of the guys coke on their beers trying to hold in their laughs. Ana did not hold it in. She burst out into laughter almost falling over.

Val huffed and walked away mumbling insults pointed towards me.

"I didn't think you had in you." Syn said patting my back. I shrugged glancing at Matt who looked pissed off.

"Who cares let's go have some fun!" I yelled. I felt an arm pick me up and throw me over their shoulder.

I squealed and noticed it was Zacky since I could see everyone else.

"Zachary, if you don't let me go I'll-" I tried to threaten him.

"You'll what?" He asked already in the water.

I bit my lip and reached to his ass pinching it.

"Fuck!" he yelled and I went straight into the water laughing. It so was worth it.

All the guys and Ana joined us but I started to get pissed off. Matt was joking and talking to me as if nothing happened. As if we didn't kiss at all and everything that happened yesterday.

I got out the water walking to where my towel was.

"Having fun?"

I turned to see Matt behind me. I shrugged putting my shorts back on.

"Are you giving me the cold shoulder now?" He asked his hand running down my back.

I turned and looked back to where everybody was. "Can we talk?" then I looked back at him, "in private."

He nodded and guided me to his truck. I sent a text to Ana saying Matt was taking me home.

"So what did you want to talk about?" He asked as I leaned against the car.

Was he serious? I know Matt is a smart man but why the fuck is he acting so stupid? He can't make me believe that he honestly felt nothing yesterday.

"Matt, I know you haven't forgot what happened yesterday."

He went from okay to anxious,"Raini, you know I love you but I'm in love with Val."

I furrowed my eyebrows and gnawed a my bottom lip, "Why didn't you push me away? You didn't even hesitate to kiss back."

"I...I can't. Raini , you know how much I dreamed about being with Val. I don't want to ruin that." He said walking closer to me.

Then you have to stay away from me." I didn't want to say it but I couldn't take it back. The truth is I couldn't stay away from Matt.

"I can't do that."

"Why not?"

He leaned into me lightly placing his lips on mine. I moved closer wrapping my arms around his shoulder as he lifted me in his arms. Matt became more rough this time and his firm tongue pressed hard against me, prying my lips to open and receive him.

He circled his tongue around my tongue teasingly and aggressively as he was licking every taste and drop of me. His strong hands held me tighter and the space between me and the car wasn't there anymore.

One of Matt's hands began tracing my stomach yet not losing his hard grasp and squeezing me hard against him while deepening kiss. His hands traveled up untying my bikini top covering my breasts with his hands. "Matt." I moaned out as my hands ran through his hair.

His mouth ran down my neck sucking, kissing, and nipping his way down. My hands ran under his shirt and up his chest. "I want you so much." He breathed out.

His mouth covered one of my breast his tongue pressing down my nipple and circling around it. His teeth nipped at it and then he bit down causing me to let the moan that was suppressed come out.

"Shh." Matt said putting his finger to my lips. I opened my mouth bringing his finger into my mouth. My hips started grinding into his. Matt's hands started to slide down my shorts.

"Hey! This is a public beach!"

I looked straight to see a man with his wife and four kids. "Matt." I said slapping his shoulder.

"Fuck them." he said biting my ear.

I unwrapped my legs and pushed his away covering my naked breasts with my button up shirt. I ran to the other side of Matt's car laughing. It was pretty funny when you think about it.

"That was so embarrassing." I laughed once Matt got into the car.

"Embarrassing? The guy probably got a hard on by looking." Matt joked placing a quick kiss on my lips.

I smiled looking at him. He might want both Val and I but at the moment I didn't car. He was also an arrogant, selfish, jerk

But The Jerk Is Mine
♠ ♠ ♠
Raini; Ana
Matt Shadows is the reason why I updated so quickly.
Just so you know Val and Raini used to get along that's why the live together but Raini is 23 and Val and the guys [ex. Johnny] is 27.
Title Credit: You're A Jerk : New Boyz

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