‹ Prequel: Burdens

On St Marks

[Disclaimer: This story stems out of completely true events. Also, the first ten or so chapters are terribly written, but that's because they were more in diary form than actual writing. This was the first story I ever wrote, it was what got me into writing in the first place. I have all of it written but I will put it up in pieces since I need to change some of the names. Please disregard the TERRIBLE writing of the first few chapters, but I'm sorry I'm not gonna change them because of personal significance.]

Em is a fifteen year old, oblivious-to-the-world girl when she first goes down to St. Marks and meets Jakey. Jakey is a 17 year old, drunk-for-life squatter punk. When Em gets half "kicked out", and half leaves of her own accord the next weekend, she goes to the most obvious place, and ends up living out the next four years of her life there-- On St. Marks.

This is a prequel of Burdens.

Immature, oblivious to the world and sees everything in the most positive light possible. Occasionally she tries to be realistic, but is stopped by the fear of having to see how fucked up things get. Tries her best to be social and outgoing, but can get into random mood swings. As she gets older, her outlook on life becomes less and less positive... But that can change, can't it?

Jakey's basic outlook on life is "fuck-it-all". He'll start drinking at 9am, and won't stop til he passes out at 1am. He's wreckless, but secretly cares about a lot of things. He often makes bad decisions, but is always guilty afterwards. Just a lost kid with a good conscious.

Your typical crazy-in-your-face teenage boy, plus a good dose of anarchist views and a love of punk music. He gets himself into trouble easily, but luckily manages to wiggle his way out, too.

Argumentative, political, and will explain his ways to anyone who asks. He's not living this lifestyle solely for fun-- This is what he BELIEVES in. He won't stop at anything to do what he thinks is right.

Solitary, but if you get to know him he's a fun guy, always with loads of stories to tell. The advice giver of the group. He'll always see the other side's view on things, too.

Gets angry easily, but is also made happy easily. Won't stop at anything to defend herself, and will throw a punch in a second. She talks to pretty much anyone, about almost anything, but is only truly comfortable with her real friends.

As oblivious and un-jaded to the world as Em is, but maybe a little more down-to-earth than her. She's paranoid but she still knows how to have fun. After living with her abusive aunt, she doesn't put up with any shit from anyone.
  1. Spanging For Jackets
    Em meets Jakey, and boy is she feeling badass.
  2. So This Is What It Feels Like?
    Em knows she's just met him, but she thinks she's starting to like this boy.
  3. Subways And Kisses
    Em is sure experiencing a lot of "First"s today.
  4. Unbelievable
    Our protagonist is pretty much in shock.
  5. Leaving Home
    Sometimes an on-impulse decision can define the whole rest of your life.
  6. Up to Union and Back to St Marks
    Em and Josh discuss, well, everything.
  7. Too Innocent For Her Own Good
    Em is pretty oblivious to a lot of the world around her.
  8. I'm Not Pretty
    That moment when you realize the power you have in your hands is a very weird one...
  9. *** Cops
    The first run in with the pigs is almost always one of the worst.
  10. So Excited
    Em is ***ing hyped to not have to go home.
  11. Off To The Squat
    Jakey's still hot for Em.
  12. Milestones in the Moonlight
    And Em still likes Jakey.
  13. Guilt, Parks, and Stolen Food
    Talking to Jakey will make Em feel better, right?
  14. "***ing Punk Kids!"
    Only the first of many times Em and Jakey get kicked out of somewhere...
  15. Life Goes On...
    Even something as "crazy" as this begins to develop a routine.
  16. Unexpected Visitors
    Em gets a surprise house guest, but she's not there for her.
  17. Truth or Dare
    Liam and Em are really ***ing bored.
  18. An Old Friend
    Someone pops up who's pretty worried about our protagonist.
  19. Whirlpool
    This life sucks you in.
  20. It Ain't Beer, It's Blood
    Sure, bruises from moshpits are common. But knife wounds? Not so much.
  21. Hospitals Smell Like Death
    Hopefully that isn't an omen for anything...
  22. Thank ***ing God
    Of course Greg manages to pull through.
  23. Coney Island, Once Again
    But this time it's under much different circumstances.
  24. Summertime's Coming...
    And Em kinda feels like there's something missing in her life.
  25. Spontaneity is Good
    Especially when it earns you a new friend.
  26. One More Song
    And sometimes you meet new people who are not quite what they seem.
  27. To Jas-Mart!
    The best post-show hangout ever!
  28. Don't Lose Your Temper
    But Danny's making it ***ing hard for Em not to!
  29. The Swimming Pool Kid
    Turns out, Danny was always crazy!
  30. Best Friends?
    Em and Cloe are near-soulmates, it seems.
  31. Don't Hit Girls
    But it's not like Danny cares.
  32. Back In The Hospital
    But this time it's not Greg who's in the hospital bed.
  33. Delirious
    Em doesn't wanna stay here.
  34. *** Cops, Part Two
    And sometimes the pigs don't let you go.
  35. Another Milestone Passed
    Em's losing more innocence every single day.
  36. Betrayal
    Nothing ever stays perfect.
  37. The Morning After
    No matter what life you're living, things are bound to get crappy sometimes.
  38. A Break From NYC
    The gang is off to Philly!
  39. The Bus Ride
    Cloe and Em let their immature sides shine.
  40. Wake Up
    We're here!
  41. Let's Go Stealing!
    Uh, I meant shopping!
  42. Getting Ready
    Vice Squad, hell yeah!
  43. Back To The Squat
    But Jakey and Em aren't sleeping tonight.
  44. Wandering
    Steelies, overpasses, and your boyfriend... It's all good.
  45. Staying In Philly
    This gang couldn't stay together forever.
  46. And The Years Fly By
    Your perception of time gets twisted when you're living on the streets.
  47. Avenue A Alleyways
    What do you wish for when you only want one thing, and you have it?
  48. Nineteen
    How did four weeks turn into four years?
  49. "Sure, You Could Hop To Philly!"
    Ya think?
  50. Is This The End?
    Because Em can't picture going on after it.
  51. It's Been Years
    Maybe leaving wasn't the best decision after all?
  52. Remnants
    Em wants to get rid of every shred of her old life.
  53. Riding The Rails
    Em just wants to escape.
  54. Molly
    Trying to throw away your personality is a hard thing to do.
  55. Kira
    Leaving people behind is hard, too.
  56. Anna
    Maybe things can get better?
  57. Em
    But trying to rid yourself of everything is the hardest.
  58. Maybe I'm In Heaven?
    A girl can hope, right?
  59. All Alone
    Em always looked down on those lonely hospital patients. She never thought she'd turn into one.
  60. But Life Has Turned On Me
    As least Em has writing as a vice... Well, that and alcohol.
  61. Is That The Life For Me?
    Em's doubting it...
  62. Finally Found
    This is surreal.
  63. Home At Last
    And it feels just perfect.
  64. New Boots
    The tables are turning, and this time it looks like they're in Em's favor.