You Make Me Want to Lose Control


“Gabe, hey, where’s Kori?” I heard Kari ask.

“She’s in the living room, you guys can go on in.” I heard Gabe say.

I sat on the couch, bracing myself for this moment. It had been two days since my mother had first made her appearance Kari and my mother both were here, and we were all supposed to ‘talk’. Though I’m not real sure how much talking we’ll do opposed to fighting.

They both walked in and sat down on the couch parallel from the one I was sitting on. “Kari. Mom.” I said greeting them.

“Kori.” Kari said, my mom remaining silent. “Now, I think the three of us have a few things to say to each other. I’ll go first.” She took a deep breath in and started talking. Saying how she really did forgive mom, and that she loved that she was back in her life. “Now, mom. Your turn.”

“I’m sorry to both of you. I was extremely screwed up then. I was hooked on drugs, and alcohol. I didn’t know I what I was doing half of the time. But I do now, and I know that I love you two. More than anything. I want you to know that I got a divorce from Rick, and I’ve been thinking about moving back here to be closer to you girls. Now I probably will, because of the baby. I’d really like to be close to the three of you. I really would. That is if Kori will allow me to be around.”

“I’m not going to forgive you. I’m sorry, I just can’t. But, I would like to try. I’d love for you to stay in my life. Mine and Skylyn’s life. That’s what we’re naming her, Skylyn.”
My mother smiled. “Well that’s a gorgeous name, Kori.”

“Yeah. It is.” I agreed.

“Thank you so much. Both of you. I regret taking off and leaving you. I regret not allowing you to come along with me. You would have loved Boston.”

“True, but if I would have left New York, I would have never of met Jacob.” Kari said talking about her husband.

“I would have never of met Gabe, and I wouldn’t be pregnant with his baby.”

“No, probably not.” My mother said. We all three looked at each other. We weren’t sure of what we wanted to say, or sure of what we should say.

“Speaking of Gabe, I’ll be right back.” I said, standing up carefully and walking into the kitchen where he should have been, but wasn’t.

“Looking for me?” He asked.

I turned around to find him coming down the stairs, “Why yes. I am.” I said, walking over to him. When I did I felt liquid running down my legs. Liquid that was not urine. I stood in place for a moment, not sure of what just happened.

“Oh my God, your water just broke.” I heard Kari say from behind me.

“M-my water? What? It did? Oh my God! Gabe! I’m actually going into labor this time!” Gabe jumped the banister and ran over to me.

My mother and sister ran to my side. “We’ve got to get you to the hospital, little Skylyn’s coming sooner than we thought.” My mom said.

“I’ll drive!” Kari yelled, grabbing the keys and running out the door.

“I’ll sit in the back with you.” Mom said.

“No offense mom, but I want Gabe!” I said, quickly.

“Oh, yeah. Of course. Sorry. Come on, Gabe. Let’s get her out here.” She said. “Easy, easy.” She coached him. “Not too fast Gabe. You don’t want her to be strained. Easy.”

“Linda! I’ve got it!” He hollered. “…sorry.” He muttered.

“Don’t worry. You’re fine.” She said, holding my hand until I was settled in the back seat with Gabe.

“Okay! I’m having contractions! Real one’s this time, Gabe!” I screamed with pain, then rested myself back against Gabe.

“I’m sorry baby! I don’t know what to do! We’re trying to get you to the hospital.”

“Go faster, damnit!”

“Going.” I heard Kari say.

So enough we were at the hospital, and I was right back in the lobby with the bitchy receptionist who was checking Gabe out. A couple of nurses came back and took me a room. I could only take one person with me right then. It was obviously Gabe.

We waited impatiently for Dr. Graham. She showed up later then hoped. She burst through the doors. “Sorry it took so long, I was with another patient. But I’m happy to see that you’re back. If you don’t mind I need to check you dilation.” We waited only a few seconds before she said. “Oh wow, you’re at 8. 2 more centimeters to go. You’re almost ready to have this baby.”

“Now, I need to know.” I nurse said who was smacking her gum. “Is this going to be a natural procedure or-”

“No! Drugs! Give me the drugs!” I exclaimed.

“Alrighty then. One shot of Epidural, coming up.”
♠ ♠ ♠
4th post of the night.
Am I done for tonight? You better believe it.(;