Wish You Were Here

Chapter One

His fingertips trailed slowly across her cheek as she lay asleep on his arm, curled close to his body. He brushed her hair away from her face and looked up at the setting sun. They had been lying in the hammock for hours talking, until the soft sways and the sound of his voice in her ear had lulled her to sleep. She stirred awake as the cool ocean breeze began to approach them.



"What time is it?"


She opened her eyes slowly and let the pink hues enter her green irises. "Sunset," she mumbled.


He longed to kiss her full lips, but found himself unable to look away.

"What?" She asked softly when she met his gaze.

He brought her closer, her chin directed towards him by his slim fingers. Her lips parted and he inhaled her breath. He let his lips hover over hers and made her ache with anticipation. "Kiss me," he murmured.

She met his lips and let his taste linger in her mouth. His lips were tender and soft and burned hers with every kiss. She let his hands roam up and down the frame of her back creating goosebumps on her skin. He pulled away slowly and smiled at her. She felt her body pulse beside him. He gazed upward and found himself open to the night sky. The moonlight danced upon the waves as he looked on and most importantly, illuminated her face. He brought his lips to hers once more and let them linger there, never growing tired of the sensation her lips created on his. His hands found the curve of her waist and he tasted the inside of her precious mouth; he thought of strawberries. Her hands caressed his loose curls and she lost herself in the moment. Layer after layer, they unraveled themselves to one another. He looked in awe at her pure form, forever remembering her in the soft membrane of his mind. He caressed her longingly, his fingers dancing slowly upon her flesh. He made love to her under the starry night as he had wished in his dreams. Her body seemed to fit his perfectly, his mind exploded with an array of fireworks, as if he had been raised to the heavens and been witness to the big bang explosion, leaving him breathless. She could only see him, only think and feel him. She could feel everything, the heat escaping his body, the beating of his heart, the contractions beneath his skin, the hotness of his breath on her neck, and the soft touches of his lips on her body. They laid in each others arms; they body heat keeping the chilled breeze at bay. At this moment, he was utterly happy and wished morning would never come so he could remain a little bit longer in her warm embrace. She looked up to the sky as he had earlier and gazed at the beauty that was nature's messiness: stars splattered and thrown freely across the deep blue sky. She looked down at her face and found him starring at the sky as well. She closed her eyes once more and let sleep take over.

The sun stung Brandon's eyes as he awoke. He dressed quickly without bothering to completely shake all the sand out of his clothes. He had to go, leaving her sound asleep covered with his black jacket.

"Love you, Luna Daring," he whispered in her ear and left not knowing when he'd see her again.

She woke to the waves crashing against the beige sand. The sun was in full bloom and she found no trace of Brandon but his jacket. Luna curled beneath the thick jacket as the bitter taste of being left high and dry entered her mouth. He had used her, seduced her with his other worldly charm and then left her alone and naked with her shame. She dressed quickly and ripped the hammock from its hanging posts. She walked briskly but stopped a few feet away from the sea. Falling to her knees she began to weep, "This wasn't fair," she thought. All she ever did was care and love him and all he ever wanted was to have his way with her. She stayed there until her crying had ceased and she had calmed down. Slowly she arose from the sand and breathed in the salty breeze. She walked east toward the street, walking towards his house. There she would find him, grab him by the hair and crush his face with the might of her fist and leave him laying there a he had left her. Her head throbbed but her anger dulled the pain. His house was within sight and she pushed herself to walk just a little more. She threw the hammock on his lawn and walked to the front door, Luna could hear the soft hum of voices from behind the oak door. As her knock resonated throughout the house, the string of voices vanished. She prepared herself to come face to face with Brandon and clenched her right fist.

"Luna? What are you doing here so early?"

Luna's tongue was caught within her mouth, as the figure that appeared at the door was not of Brandon but of his mother, Dolly.

"I need to see Brandon. I have to tell him something rather urgent."

"You just missed him Luna," she said softly.

"When will he be back?"

"Darling, he left on tour. He won’t be back for months."


"Didn't he tell you? Incubus is going on tour."

"Oh," She managed to say. Her whole body felt as if it had magically turned to jello. She backed away slowly and smiled meekly, "Right…I must've forgotten."

"That's all right."

"I'll be going then Dolly. Take care."

"You too."

Luna walked quickly out of her sight and on to her street, her eyes refilling with tears. She curled deeper into his jacket and hung her head low, her emotions tightening their hold around her neck. Overnight Brandon had gone from her best friend to a lover and completely out of her life. She drifted into her house and into her room ignoring her mother's questions. She took the jacket off and opened the white drawer below her bed, where she kept her old belongings and threw it in there without another thought.

"Good Riddance Brandon Boyd."
♠ ♠ ♠

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