Wish You Were Here

Chapter Eleven

for photographs of the items, such as the dress, hair, hair comb, earrings, engagement ring, necklace, rob machado and other things. like what luna finally looks like. refer to the authors note.

Luna twirled her new black gown in front of the handsome man known to many as Rob Machado, the pro surfer from Cardiff, California and now as Luna’s fiancé. He smiled blissfully as he watched her laugh at the fabric swirling at her feet.

“It’s gorgeous,” Luna said running her hands down the dress, “ I love it.”

“ I am glad you love it. I was hoping you’d wear it to the benefit tonight.”

Luna turned away from him and faced the mirror, the black gown was gorgeous, it was so simple yet so sophisticated at the same time. The sweetheart neckline elongated her neck and made her bust appear fuller, it hugged her waist, slimmed down her hips, and made her legs look longer. It was perfect, but Luna couldn’t help but feel a tad foolish in it. She was a simple girl not this glammed up woman who stared back at her.

“Babe?” he asked softly.


“Will you wear it?”

She turned to face his tan visage, “of course.”

“Wonderful! Well my beautiful fiancée, how ‘bout I let you get ready then,” he said giving her an Eskimo kiss.

“Sounds good,” she said holding his face, she looked into his sea green eyes and for a second could’ve sworn they had been brown, “I love you.”

“I love you more,” he said giving her a kiss. She smiled into his lips and broke away, “check your jewelry box.”


“Just do it.”

“Okay,” Luna walked to the jewelry box on her dresser and revealed 3 black velvet boxes. She shook her head in disbelief at the sight before her eyes. The smallest box had a pair of cluster earrings which formed a flower shape. The largest box held a diamond necklace that had 18 diamond flowers on it. The third and final box held within it’s satin hands a silver hair comb with white diamond blossoms.

“Rob!” she yelled astonished at the amount of diamonds before her.

“Do you like them?”

“How much of your money am I holding just on my neck?” she asked bewildered.

“That’s for me to know and you to never find out.”


“What?” he asked laughing, “I am not allowed to spoil you?”

“No, it’s just that , you’ve already bought me the dress, which god knows how much cost you and now these?”

He walked over to Luna and cupped her face in his big rough hands , “Luna, I love you so much.”

“I know…”

“And I want you to have everything. If I could I’d give you all the stars to wear around your neck. But I can’t darling, so I gave you diamonds.”

“I don’t need diamonds babe,” she whispered.

“I know you don’t, but I love seeing you in them. And well, I must admit, I did want to show you off in all your splendor tonight.”

“You’re insane!” she said laughing.

“Just for you.”

She smiled, and gave him a kiss, “ I am going to go get ready, any more surprises up your sleeve?”


“All right. Go get dressed.”

“Okay, don’t take to long.”

“I’ll try.”

Brandon checked his reflection in the mirror one last time and ran a slender hand through his loose hair. He combed his mane backwards away from his face and sighed.

“You look fine Brandon,” a voice said behind him.

He turned around to see his girlfriend in a long light brown dress. Her waist was accentuated by a mahogany colored belt and wore a long black scarf.

“Baylyn, you look amazing.”

She laughed at his reaction and pushed her thick glasses up her nose, “ thank you.”

He twirled a strand of her hair within his fingers and gave her a smile, “ready?”


“Let’s go then! We’re off to the ball!” he exclaimed grasping her hand in his and walking towards the front door.

Brandon looked around him in awe. The gala and its insane decorations had exceeded his expectations, he followed the waiter to his assigned seats and scanned across the ballroom for familiar faces. He recognized many actors and actresses and socialites among the guests, and finally spotted his friend making his way towards him.

“Rob!” Brandon exclaimed as he met him half way.

The man grinned at him, “Brandon how are you?”

“I am great, this place is amazing!”

“Isn’t it? I couldn’t believe my eyes. It’s like the academy awards.”


“So what’s been happening with you? I haven’t seen you since 05!”

“I know! I am sorry man, touring’s you know, so hectic! But I did manage to meet this lovely lady over there,” Brandon explained motioning to Baylyn who sat at their table.

Rob waved at Baylyn, who smiled at him, “very nice.”


Brandon looked around the room and stopped. His eyes had looked on to a too familiar pair of green eyes. Green eyes that had gazed softly back at him in his dreams and had caused his heart to leap with each blink they took. It was Luna. His heart lurched in his chest, though at last he had managed to love someone else and stop thinking about her, this unexpected meeting caused his heart to twist and beat rapidly and all those feelings he had thought lost, rushed back into his head. He couldn’t believe it was her, even as she made her way towards him. Her long sweetheart cut gown covering but at the same time showing off her body made Brandon’s blood turn to wine. Her hair was thrown up in an elegant up do and had a diamond side comb with ornate white blossoms. She wore diamond earrings and a long diamond necklace that was out shown by her engagement ring. An engagement ring Brandon noticed when she pushed her stray bangs behind her ears. She came closer and never adverted her eyes from his. For a moment he thought she might hug him or kiss him but in fact stood right in front of him and looked to his left, where Rob stood. He wrapped his free hand around her waist and took a sip of his wine, “ Brandon I’d like you to meet my fiancée, Luna.”

Brandon was heart broken and outraged. He wanted to turn around and grab Baylyn and leave the gala and try to fuck Luna out of his head as he had done before. But he did no such thing. He quickly slipped on his pleasant façade that he had mastered over the years and smiled, “hey Luna, how are you? It’s been awhile hasn’t it?”

“You guys know each other?” Rob asked.

“We grew up together,” Luna mumbled, her cheeks a deeper shade of red. She didn’t know what to say or do, Brandon was smiling at her, Brandon was talking to her but something wasn’t quite right.

“Oh cool! Well I’ll let you two catch up. I need to go get ready to give my speech.”

“Okay,” Luna replied getting a soft kiss from him on her cheek. She couldn’t keep her eyes off of Brandon as hard as she tried.

“Engaged huh?” Brandon asked slowly, his façade loosing off his face. His eyes saddened softly behind his graceful lashes. He grasped her hand to see the ring closer.

Luna froze at the sensation of his hand intertwined with hers, “yeah.”

“He’s a great guy. Looks like he really loves you,” he said letting her hand go.

“He really is, and what about you?” she asked stiffly. Her heart was trembling beneath her dress, it wanted him to touch her again, it wanted him to kiss her; it wanted him.
Luna was terrified, she had finally found someone that loved her and she loved him, and then Brandon waltz in and it all goes out the window.

“I am not engaged, but I’ve found someone. Her names Baylyn,” he said gesturing towards Baylyn with a wave of his hand. Luna turned and found her starring at them with curiosity. Luna forced a smile and wave, which Baylyn returned politely.

“She looks young,” Luna said mumbled accidentally. She looked at her hands hoping her slip would go unnoticed.

“She’s 26.”

“Ah…three years younger than me.”

“Ha-ha yeah. But isn’t Rob 3 years older than me?”



The conversation died but both did not want to leave each other’s presence. They wanted to keep talking but knew this small talk wouldn’t suffice and satisfy their need. The only way they could talk again was to dig up old wounds. Were they ready to resurrect old wounds and past loves?

“I want to see you tonight,” Brandon murmured, a nervous hand running through his straight hair.

“But you already are,” Luna replied looking around. She wondered who were already aware of the betrayal she had begun to commit the moment Brandon’s eyes had found hers.

“No I mean alone, just you.”

“Brandon, I…don’t know.”

“Luna,, I…please Luna.”


“Venice beach. Four AM by the Venice sign.”


“And bring your surf board,” Brandon said smiling. The first real smile her had given her in years. He had begun to walk away before she could protest. His smile caused butterflies to erupt inside her stomach, she closed her mouth quickly afraid one might fly out and land on his shoulder.
♠ ♠ ♠










Hair comb

And finally our hunk of a man at the gala.

hey ladies, and gentlemen(perhaps?) i miss you guys, and i miss the time i had to write this peacefully instead of every little chance i get inbetween classes and in between lessons.

i must admit, i've become soo insecure of my writing lately. Ms. Felcher has tore me down and made me question my writing abilities, thinking abilities, and if i really want this writing career bad enough. i swear. i went from thinking i am pretty decent and craftful to complete shit and and thinking i am actually quite stupid. :|

i hope i get over this soon. and if i do, i come out stronger and better if not, i am looking to being miserable for a long timeeeeee.

anyway. as always this chapter is for my two loves ; URAfever and locust.

and sadly i must report...there's about two more chapters after this...i am sorry. but on the bright side, theres another story of the lovely brandon coming. [not a sequel though.]