Wrong Window

Car troubles and crazy best friends.

The next morning, awoke with a start. My chest heaved as I forced air into my lungs. I closed my eyes, gulping.
Nightmares. The weren’t something I took lightly. Especially when it involved the most horrible of things. Fire. If you hadn’t have guessed already. I’m a pyrophobic. I didn’t go around telling people. I wasn’t an attention seeker. Only Ella and my parents knew. No one else. Ella found out when she decided it would be fun to light candles at a sleepover. I tried not to thin about it, but then I had imagined the flames engulfing me, the heat grazing my skin and I started panicking. That’s how Ella knows.

After I was showered and dressed I walked downstairs to grab my binder. I kissed my mother on the cheek and waved goodbye to my father. I left before Mom could ask what was wrong. I let out a shaky voice before climbing into my car. I threw my binder on he passenger seat before noticing my neighbor kicking his cars tire and cursing under his breath. Car troubles. I was about to start the car before I thought of Ella. I owe her, I thought. I rolled down the window and cleared my throat.
“Need a ride?” I asked. The boy smiled up at me and ran toward the car. He jumped in.
“Thanks. My engine decided to blow.” He huffed, rolling his eyes. I started the engine and drove down the street.
“I’m Rowan.” I stated with a smile.
“Zach.” The boy said. He was dressed in a plaid shirt and black jeans. He had black hair with blonde laying on top. He had the right side of his lip pierced and his septum. He was attractive and nice. Ella would love him.
“Do you have a girlfriend, Zach.” He looked at me with wide eyes.
“No, no. Not for me!” I laughed. He let out a laugh.
“No, I don’t.” He said.
“I have this friend,” I started. “Ella James.” He nodded and let out an ‘ah.’ “You, know her?” I asked.
“I’ve seen her around. She’s pretty. Kay, promise not to say anything?” He asked, playing with his lip ring. It felt like we were best friends. “She smiled at me once and it was a sincere smile. And, I honestly stopped breathing for a few minutes.” He chuckled.
“Ah, she has that affect on boys” I smiled. “Her and I are going tomorrow night, since we don’t have school Friday- Would you like to come?”
“Sure. Where are we going?”
“Ethan Randal’s party.”
“Ah, sounds fun.”
I parked the car near the front of the school and got out. I was greeted by Ella jumping on me. She let go and saw Zach.
“Hey.” She smiled. “Did she rape you?”
“Ella!” I screamed.
“No.” He laughed. “I’m Zach. Rowan’s neighbor.”
“Since when did you have a cute neighbor?” Ella giggled. Oh, here we go. I saw Zach laugh and wave a goodbye as he turned to wake away.
“God.” I groaned as I walked into the school. Six more hours. Awesome.
♠ ♠ ♠
Just a filler.
More very soon.

So, I have like no readers and 3 comments and 7 subscribers >.<
Help me ? xD

Rowan Greene
Gavin Williams *minus the glasses* ^-^
Ella James
Zach MacKinnon