
Release: Here I am

‘I traced the sand with my finger, enjoying the cool breeze that caressed against my skin lightly. I liked the way the sand responded to my fingertips, the way the sand slipped along to the panes of my long fingers. ‘- Quote from 'The girl'

It was a strange sight to normal people; a young girl, sitting alone in a deserted beach at the crack of dawn. She didn’t mind.
In her backpack, she had placed her camera, her folder, and paper with a pen. She didn’t understand why she was here; she didn’t understand the strange sense of relief she had felt when she had placed her feet into the cool waters of the sea. She didn’t understand that this was right.
Then, she placed her backpack aside, unzipping her parka with the same, smooth motion. There she stood, a young girl of 15, her long ebony black hair whipping in the breeze fiercely, the long white dress lay lifelessly on her pale form. Her delicate feet were thrust into a pair of fire red heels, and her lips were painted the same shade.
Normal people who were observing this scene would have two observations; one: this beautiful girl was about to stage a dramatic suicide; that probably involved herself flinging her tiny body into the depths of the dark ocean.
And the second observation would have been: she was looking for a sense of release. She was tired of her ordinary life; and her clothes, the makeup… were probably some sacred ceremonial garb.
This is the point which everyone would agree; that yes; it was the second observation that was indeed correct.
The girl then rifled her backpack with a sense of urgency, quickly withdrawing a folder of thick, bulky papers that poked out of the top of her folder.
Then, the girl undid the latch of the folder, picked up the papers, and released them. To people, this could be considered beautiful and horrific at the same time.
Beautiful was the artistic way the papers fluttered and floated to the breeze, before coming to a rest on the sandy dunes of the ground. Horrific was how –gasp- this irresponsible young lady was littering and polluting the environment.
The young girl smiled a smile that somehow held two different meanings. At first glance, that smile was a true, genuine smile that showed her love for the world. But when you looked carefully, the smile held bitterness yet, an unbelievable amount of sadness in it. An ordinary person; would already been confused by this point of time.
Then, she poked her tiny fingers into the pockets of her parka that was thrown hastily on the ground. She withdrew a lighter.
She flicked it open, and the open, beautiful flames danced against her pale skin, illuminating her face, and you could truly see the desperation and the sadness that was shadowed in her pale green orbs.
Carefully, the girl reached over and lit the papers ablaze.
Not a single sheet of paper was spared, every single one was burned, the fires dancing beautifully in pale contrast to the color of the sand on the ground.
The girl smiled; enjoying the warmth radiating from every single sheet of paper. The audience; by now, would have been too mesmerized to do anything but stare.
Then, as the fires slowly disappeared along with the breeze, and the light of the sun slowly started to appear against the purple sky, the girl picked up her backpack, and walked away.
And on the ground, were the pale, shadowy footsteps of a young, beautiful girl of 15, who had finally found her release in this world.
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It was a really random scene that came to my head when I was asleep yesterday. I understand that it doesn't really make sense; but that's how my brain works. Hope you guys like it. Comments are love.