A New Chance at Life


“Jayden I have something to tell you”

All I could think is oh shit this can’t be good as I heard those words leave my mothers mouth. I sat there silently waiting for her to tell me what she wanted to talk about.

“Jayden we have to move again. I’m so sorry and I know I promised you this would be the
last time and I feel really bad for lying to you”

“Mom we can’t move”

“Sweetie I’m so sorry”

“Mom I will not move again. I belong here. I have a boyfriend and I can’t leave him he needs

“Jayden we have to leave”

“I’m not leaving. For once in my life I want to stay in one place and be a normal teenager.
You’ve drug me around for my entire childhood and this is it mom I’m not leaving.”

“You will not speak to me like that Jayden I’ve spent my whole life trying to make sure you had everything you wanted and I moved so many times to have the right amount of money to care for you and you will do as I say”

“Mom, I can’t move. This is where I belong where I want to be and I need Rivers I think I’m in love with him”

“Jayden, just go upstairs your dad and I need to discuss something’s. Maybe we can find a
way to keep you here just go upstairs for now.”

I walked upstairs. Tears streaming down my face. I cried until my chest hurt and I felt sick. I cried until my throat was sore and I could barely talk. Mom and dad never came upstairs and told me what was going on. It was ten o’clock at night and my cell phone started to ring. I answered it to a very upset Rivers.

“Are you okay, Jayden, You never called me like promised?”

I sniffled and replied” I guess so, I’m sorry I didn’t call I just had a lot going on”

“Are you okay you sound upset”

“I-I might h-have to move a-again”

“Y-you can’t leave I need you”

“I know and I don’t want to leave. I wanted to stay here with you, I- I love you”

“I love you too”

I heard footstep coming up the stairs and someone knock on the door. I told them to come in and mom opened the door.

“Sweetie, can we talk to you downstairs?”


“ I got to go Rivers, I love you so much, baby”

“I love you to more then you’ll ever know”

I smiled through my tears and said goodbye before hanging up. I walked down stairs to see
my parents waiting for me on the couch. Mom smiled at me and dad looked unsure about what he was going to say.

“Son your mom and I have been talking and we are willing to make a deal with you”

“Okay, what is it”

“If you get a job and buy you necessities, food, clothes, bathroom stuff. We will pay for you
stay here, but we will check in on you every so often and we might not tell you just so we know you’re not fixing everything up for our visits, okay?”

“Thank you guys so much! I love you so much!” I screamed while wrapping the both in a hug.

“You’re welcome, just promise me you want be throwing party and doing shit you’re not
supposed to be doing”

“I promise! I’m going to go upstairs and call Rivers!”

“Rivers?” My dad questioned.

“He’s my boyfriend daddy. He’s so sweet and amazing. I’ll let you meet him sometime”

“Why don’t you invite him over for dinner tonight?”


I smiled and ran upstairs and lunged for my cell phone that was still on my bed. After I
tackled the cell phone and I dialed Rivers number.

“Hello” Rivers sounded upset

“Hey! Guess what?”


“I’m not moving!”


“Yeah, my parents are leaving me here so I have the house to myself and they are paying for
almost everything!”

“That’s awesome”

“Yeah, but dad wanted me to invite you over for dinner”

“Okay I’ll come over. I’m sure mom want mind”

“Okay can you be here by six”


“Awesome I love you and I’ll see you then”

“Kay, I love you too”

“Bye, babe”


I was so happy as I ran around the room. I turned the stereo on and started dancing to Demolition Lovers by My Chemical Romance. I love that song it is amazing.
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I thought it would be to cruel to take Jayden away from Rivers hehe comments? Subscribers?