A New Chance at Life

Parks and Alleys

I’ve been home for over a week now. Everything was so perfect. I’ve been staying at Jaydens house almost every day. I haven’t slept in my own bed since before the accident but that was fine with me. I loved cuddling up to Jayden all night. He made my life perfect.

“Baby, I’m going for a walk want to come”

I smiled and replied yes. I quickly grabbed a jacket and ran to the front door. Jayden smiled
at me as I walked over to him and pecked him lightly on the lips. I put my shoes on and my jacket and we left. WE walked to the park.

“Race you to the swings” He shouted happily and started to run. It was cute how excited he got. I ran after him letting him keep his lead. He grabbed the first swing he came to and flopped down on it smiling widely.

“I beat you” He said in a taunting voice.

“I’d rather lose then I can watch your sexy ass run”

He slapped me playfully causing me to burst into a fit of giggles. He pouted which I swear was the cutest thing ever.

“If I push you will make you stop pouting”

He nodded his head eagerly and I walked behind him and pushed him. The rest of the evening faded by with me pushing him and chasing him around the park. He giggled when I finally caught him and we both collapsed to the ground. I smiled as He cuddled against me and pointed at the sunset. I smiled and held him close. We laid there for a little while until it was almost pitch black and decided to go home. I helped him up and we started our walk home

We decided to cut through an alley way because its shorted. I smiled as he practically dragged us down the alley way until someone grabbed him. They held a gun to his head. The man holding him smirked knowing he had me at his mercy. I was scared to death. He couldn’t hurt Jayden. As I looked at Jaydens terrified expression I did what any man who was in love would do.

“Take my money; take my wallet, here’s the watch that my grandpa gave me. Just please don’t take him from me. If you want a life I’ll gladly takes his place if you’ll let me just please don’t take him away from me”

I was fumbling through my pockets looking for anything valuable to give to him. I’d give him anything as long as he didn’t hurt my Jayden. I pulled off my father’s ring and gave it to him.

“That’s all I have. I have nothing more to give you. Just please don’t kill him if you want a life take mine instead.”

He smirked and slammed the handle of the gun into Jaydens shoulder and shoved him to the ground. He then ran for it. I ran over to Jayden and started trying to inspect the damage.

“I-I’m fine Rivers”

“Are you sure baby? How’s your shoulder?”

“It’s fine. Thank you”

“For what?”

“For being so caring, for giving everything you had on you and offering your life to protect me.
You’re so fuckin amazing Rivers. I love you so much”

“I love you to more than anything else in this world”

He smiled and hugged me tightly. After we broke apart I helped him up.

“How about I carry you?”

He smiled as I kneeled down in front of him and let him climb on my back. I carried him about three blocks back to his house. Our relationship is so cliché sometimes, but I wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world.
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I'm sorry i'm takign so long to update, but I've had major writers block comments would be nice and I'd like to here what you guys would liek to hear next :)