A New Chance at Life

Why Are You Laughing

Rivers really is straight. It sucks I always find a straight guy to find attractive and now I have a crush on a straight guy. Can my luck get any worse? I just wanted to be with him or maybe just get to know him. I shouldn’t be feeling this way I’ll be moving within a few months anyway. I guess I won’t ever have a chance with him I don’t know why I let myself think that I could. I’m so stupid. I sighed as I left my locker and began walking to class.

“Hey Jayden right?”

“Y-yeah, why?”

“I was just wanting to know why you stare at Rivers all the time?”

“I d-don’t stare at h-him”

“Yes you do, and you know I really don’t like fags”

“I-I’m not a fag”


I felt his fist collide with my right cheek. I had learnt his name was chase and he loved to fight. Thus why he was picking on me. He hit me again in the stomach. I tried to pull myself into a standing position as he kept hitting me in the stomach and chest. It hurt a lot, but I was not going to let him think I’m an easy target. So I laughed through my pain.

“What the fuck? Why are you laughing?”

“B-because you actually think you’re hurting me”

“I’m not”


Chase then drew back and punched me hard in the face causing me to bow over. He then grabbed a fistful of my hair and slammed my face against the wall. I bite my lip to keep from whimpering in pain and just let it happen. He finally got bored and left me alone.
I decided to just go home. I was sore and tired and needed to clean up considering my face is covered in blood. I drove home whimpering lightly every time I had to move a certain way. No one was home thank god. I walked inside and clean up my face and put a couple of bandages over the worse damage. I was going to have a few bruises tomorrow. I sigh and walk to my room.

I pick up my iPod and put the head phones in my ears as Smoother Me by The Used starts playing. I start thinking about Rivers. Why couldn’t he be gay? I mean I know I’m not that great looking, but couldn’t I at least have a chance with him?

I felt tears slowly fall down my face. I fall for him and he ends up with a chick. I fall for him and his friends find out I’m gay and beat the shit out of me. All because I find him attractive and want a chance to be with him. I wish Rivers would like me back.

What really hurts though was this morning. I was sitting in homeroom when Rivers goes over to some preppy bitch and ask her to the movies Friday. Why would he want that when he could have me? At least I know a few works besides, like and OMG. I would be willing to love him and try to make him happy not just date him because he’s the caption on the football team. Why does everyone else always get what I want?

I wiped away my tears and walked over to my dresser and rummaged through the drawers
until I found my cigarettes. I needed something to make me feel better. I pulled one out and lit it up and inhaled the sweet taste of addiction. It made me feel a little bit better. I wish I could actually fall in love with someone who would love me back. I just want to be loved. My parents aren’t ever around enough to show me that they care and I have no friends, and now I’m in love with a straight football star, oh and lets not forget his friend thinks I’m a punching bag.

Yeah how much better can my life get, please note the sarcasm.
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